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  1. nice program! Isn't it similar to the already existing python script in "~/0ad/source/tools/templatesanalyzer" in linux os? I am quite sure you can't apply modification to templates there though. About Civ Bonuses, I'm not sure if roman Ballista should really be better than other civs, nor persian rams. The most confusing thing is that the History page isn't updated and users often misread stuff. Perhaps civ bonuses may be at least highlight bonus related stuff with different color (e.i. green ) for easy comparison.
    2 points
  2. Combined and sorted with @wowgetoffyourcellphone's textures Gonna add this to the mod now.
    2 points
  3. @Sundiata If there are no more issues, I will be uploading this later when I get back home. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Fixed the transparency of the padded cloth to reduce its lightness and level it with the player color, as suggested.
    2 points
  4. The Tutorial actually debutted on Alpha 22, meaning that it's new. So it's expected to be broken at the moment. You have to follow the instructions precisely for you to advance to the next step. Getting ahead of the instructions might actually break the whole tutorial.
    2 points
  5. So those days developpement around atlas is really active, so I decided once again to try help the team. So here is what I plan to do with those meshes. I can make new ones if you want one for a typicall reason I will make water immerged versions for the game that will have an aura, and deal damage to ships. The smoke is a placeholder in Blender it won't be in the final version however the geyser will. I hope at least some of them will get in the game. If they don't I will release them as a mod so people who want to use them will be free to do so.Here is what I've got so far. It's using the game textures. Any feedback is welcome.
    1 point
  6. straps around the chest could be half straps on the body texture (about 70%) and a bit rectangular face overlapping the scabbard with the same texture of the strap.
    1 point
  7. @Sundiata Is this how you wanted the sandals to look like?
    1 point
  8. i was working on the fisherman it took me about 4 hours to test something and still is WIP, i saw this post and decided to make this and rest a bit from the fisherman again i love more doing weapon's or mechanical animations rather than cloth/capes/humans hahaha. For now it has 100 tris, wich isn't too much, so i hope you don't mind having 120 or 140 (152)
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the clarification. The ancient Egyptians used henna to dye their hair (traces are preserved in mummies), the plant is native to that part of the world, but ochre was also widely known and used for painting since prehistoric times, so I figured both were possible, hence my asking.
    1 point
  10. Ok, I think what's best is just 50/50 red/black for all the Nubian units: Kush_infantry_archer and Kush_infantry_spearman, as well as the Nuba mercs, kush_infantry_merc_javelinist and clubman
    1 point
  11. To get real technical, red dyed, blond dyed and black hair are all pictured. Red and blond (I know...) often appear together in ratio's of 50/50, but red is sometimes depicted exclusively, and black is also sometimes depicted exclusively. Red dyed and black appear most common, Blond appears regularly as well, but never exclusively. Red Ochre... Henna is used among Nubians today for painting hands and arms, but I don't think they use it for hair dying (I know other people do). Some tribes in Sudan (and Ethiopia/Kenya) still dye their hair red (with ochre). South Sudan: Omo Valley women, Ethiopia:
    1 point
  12. @Sundiata Aye, I'll add those, the quality is really nice.
    1 point
  13. Actually it can be the other way around. They can be bare-chested with a simple loincloth at rank 1, but receive leopard pelt and Nubian sash from tier 2 or 3. Wearing a Leopard pelt was a sign of bravery and symbol of prestige. [EDIT] lion cloths are just as good, by the way!
    1 point
  14. Some people have mentioned a workaround to continue with tutorial, like build more houses or something
    1 point
  15. They don't look bad here, it's just putting player color all over the armor runs contrary to the rest of the textures.
    1 point
  16. @wackyserious, I forgot, upper tier pikemen could have the Egyptian style cow-hide or hypothetical giraffe hide shields. But I guess that can be done easily enough later?
    1 point
  17. Nah, those were just placeholders.. I think these oval shields should be the standard Nubian shield. It's the most basic, but probably most widely used, and most recognisably Nubian shield. I think they should keep it throughout all 3 tiers. Keep the fancy Egyptian looking ones for the more special units (especially Napatan).
    1 point
  18. The latest list of sources For those who wish read up some more. Or a lot more... A list of sources I've been working with for the past few months. I'll begin with one of the most valuable: 4 volumes, c. 1400 pages of text: Fontes Historiae Nubiorum: dealing with the written history of Kush, translations of countless Kushite stelae as well as discussions of Greek and Latin texts mentioning Kush (usually as aethiopia). Among it's writers, one of the world's most respected authorities on Kush, László Török. The texts were compiled in 1994, so it's a little outdated, which is something to keep in mind (many of the other sources I used are post-2010 research, and a lot of new things have come to light in the 23 years since its publication). https://digitalt.uib.no/handle/1956.2/3083#preview (Fontes Historiae Nubiorum) The rest: http://www.mfa.org/search?search_api_views_fulltext=MEROITIC http://www.archaeology.wiki/blog/2016/02/01/sudan-archaeology-greco-roman-perspective-part-2/ http://www.earlheinrich.com/Ancient Nubia/_Private/FHN Harsiyotef.pdf http://artefacts.mom.fr/Publis/Welsby_2005.pdf http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/2883/1/Lohwasser_Tracks_in_the_Bayuda_desert_2013.pdf https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/search/index?utf8=✓&keywords=lepsius+aethiopen# http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B200300.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B500NapMer.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B500Piankhyreliefs.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B560561.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B600.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B700.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B800.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B1100.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/B1200.pdf http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/VisGuide.pdf https://archive.org/details/merocityofethiop00gars http://www.qsap.org.qa/images/doc/a-short-guide-to-the-ancient-site-of-naga.pdf http://www.qsap.org.qa/images/doc/Hamadab_en_2017.pdf http://www.qsap.org.qa/images/doc/kawa_qsap_english_booklet.pdf http://www.qsap.org.qa/images/doc/wadi-guide-english.pdf https://www.academia.edu/33697681/Mighty_Kingdoms_and_their_Forts._The_Role_of_Fortified_Sites_in_the_Fall_of_Meroe_and_Rise_of_Medieval_Realms_in_Upper_Nubia https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262141539_L'ile_de_Sai_dans_le_Royaume_de_Meroe https://issuu.com/sudarchrs/docs/s_n12_grzymski http://sfdas.com/IMG/pdf/rck_4_-_dunham_d._royal_tombs_at_meroe_and_barkal.pdf http://www.earlheinrich.com/Ancient Nubia/_Private/Welsby ch 9.pdf https://www.academia.edu/16628673/B_100_A_Little_Known_Palace_at_Jebel_Barkal https://www.academia.edu/19835739/Complex_M243-256_at_Meroe http://sfdas.com/IMG/pdf/rck_3_-_chapman_s._e._and_dunham_d._decorated_chapels_of_the_meroitic_pyramids_at_meroe_and_barkal.pdf http://sfdas.com/publications/ouvrages-specialises-en-ligne-ouvrages/article/rck?lang=en http://sfdas.com/IMG/pdf/livretmuse_etenglight.pdf https://www.kerma.ch/documents/Publications_PDF/Cinq_conferences.pdf http://en.wadi-abu-dom.de https://digitalt.uib.no/bitstream/handle/1956.2/3083/FHN I copy.pdf?sequence=1 https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/nubia1.asp https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01482774 http://www.meroiticnewsletter.org/MeroNews25h.pdf (EL HOBAGI) http://www.meroiticnewsletter.org https://issuu.com/sudarchrs/docs/s_n10_wilkins http://i-cias.com/e.o/nubia_rl_gods.htm https://www3.nd.edu/~asimonet/PUBLICATIONS/Buzon_et_al_2016_Amer_Anthro.pdf http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Diodorus_Siculus/3A*.html http://naga-project.com/en/ http://naga-project.com/wp-content/uploads/SMÄK_Naga_Guide_en.pdf http://naga-project.com/wp-content/uploads/Wildung_Naga_in_JPK_37.pdf http://journals.openedition.org/cel/383 SEBIUMEKER STATUE 3D https://sketchfab.com/models/be716b3f76044cdc8fb6c0fb1fc30a13 SPHINX OF SENKAMANISKEN 3D https://sketchfab.com/models/76766c7a1a9c4182b569a1b81340ca2b GRANITE STATUE OF AMUN PROTECTING TAHARQA 3D https://sketchfab.com/models/1d414e4b273d47d6a0cb4e5ce2bc8b29
    1 point
  19. I would prefer not an entire set like a garden per se, but more variety of fences and flora. It's possible to achieve a beautiful garden with all of those separately, indeed it would be better as imagination can flow without the restriction of an already builded garden. Somehow like fences per faction. As i said once, it's wierd somehow to place stone fences on for example, a Mauryan city. But i think the most important, it's, does this land on a mod? Or in main game? If it land in a separate mod... IMHO, No. It tends to be more difficult to find or to keep track, maintainability and of course, sharing the map becomes more... difficult too
    1 point
  20. Finalizing the Meroitic pike infantry textures. Each of the three groups is a possible texture for each rank.
    1 point
  21. Had the chance to take a look. 1. The major issue with the animations are that the legs and feet are splayed too far apart. Most animals, and I assume camels are the same, position their feet close to their centerline when walking, so that their legs come down at a slight angle [imagine a line drawn from the hip or shoulder of the leg down to where the feet meet the ground, it should be a slight angle inward toward the centerline, not completely 90 degrees]. The elephant animations are wrong in this way too. lol. 2. I like the kneeling it does when gathering meat! Good job. I only wish we could have transitional animations! 3. I think the death can be like 20% slower as they fall. 4. Would be nice to have a couple of different idle animations. Right now the camel looks rather bored. Would be hilarious if the camel chews the cud as it stands there. https://media.giphy.com/media/qYr8p3Dzbet5S/giphy.gif
    1 point
  22. Totally :-) Well if you just want to paint terrain or place entities on things between minHeight and maxHeight, that is already trivially possible with paintTileClassBasedOnHeight and paintTerrainBasedOnHeight. One can do things in a split up process as well: 1. mark areas with a tileclass 2. do something unrelated 3. place things in the tileclass (stayClasses) So for instance a createAreas(new HeightPlacer(minHeight, maxHeight), new TerrainPainter(tForests), [stayClasses(clLand, 2), avoidClasses(clMountain, 2)]) or whatever floats your boat :-) The HeightPlacer is new in a23. Pyrenean Sierra and Corsica also do have slope based terrain painting and I'm looking into making a SlopePlacer for that, so that one can paint cliff textures depending on height easily. I'll take a look at your heightmap generation code to see what it should become. To me it sounds like it could become a Painter. But even if it's just a helper function or prototype would likely be sufficient too. I just don't want this opportunity to go to waste :-)
    1 point
  23. That's a good idea. A solution could be to use the modulo operator on the entity ID, with the quantity of different pitches. The resulting number then would be used to select the pitch for that entity. It would no longer be randomized, but it feel random in most cases, and it would automatically be bound to the entity ID.
    1 point
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