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6 points
5 points
@LordGood, as reminded by leper, you might want to commit the blender or whatever files to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/log/art_source/ (so others could modify the models properly in case you are not available.)4 points
2 points
2 points
https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/translate/#gd/$/112546517?issue=yes You will have to replace the gd in the link with a locale that you have access to, or close the server loading error message, then pick your locale.2 points
This was an 8 player Last Man Standing Capture The Relic game with only one relic and a 35min victory timer on the map Marmara. The game took many surprising turns, so it stands out in comparison to all these casual team games. Reasoning on the settings: Last Man Standing mode is interesting, because it requires players to chose their diplomacy wisely, help the right enemy in the right moment, stab him into the back in the right moment. (Trying to make the enemies defeat each other while taking as little damage as possible). It's also interesting because every player has a different strategy to come out on top and it's never predictable what's going to happen. We selected one relic because having more makes it very unlikely that one player captures all of them. We set the timer to 35 minutes, because otherwise it might be too easy to hide it behind some fortification. Summary from my POV (Spoiler alert): As usual on a last man standing game, everyone except JC allied everyone else. Noone wanted to capture the relic in the beginning, because it meant getting 7 enemies instantly. The first one to capture it was Achelao. But the relic was immediately moved outside of the city so that anyone would be able to take it. Teymyro was quickly defeated by his neighbor Achelao. Mercy and Pretension (JC) allied and started a war against Achelao that lasted until either of the belligerents were defeated. Since I was the neighbor of Achelao and since Achelao was nearly defeated, I had to support him, otherwise I'd be next in a 2v1 situation. The next one to get the relic was soloooyo and he kept it in the middle of the map near the sea. fpre took care of both soloooyo and Pretension. After long enduring battles, Pretension was defeated and Mercy went into exile on a tiny island on the bottom left corner. I used that timeframe to defeat the remains of my former ally Achelao, before becoming a threat to me. I declared war on my right neighbor fpre as well, as waiting any more time would just become a disadvantage to me - even though my army suffered losses. Because mord declared war on fpre simultaneously, the fight against fpre was successful and he was driven into exile as well. mord was one of the few players who had not only trade for a long time, but also an incredible 466 income per trip. His CC was in the corner of the map, so he wasn't in the focus of any war. He declared war on fpre to capture the relic. The relic was hidden in the very corner of the map behind layers and layers of Iberian fortification. It was now up to break these endless fortifications of mord who stacked endless resources as well. Time was running against me, but I succeeded. Meanwhile, the two players in exile (fpre and Mercy) had rebuilt and captured territory near me. fpre declared war on me 5 minutes before the timer ran out - just when I was about to be able to capture the relic! Mercy didn't care about the winner of the game, just wanted revenge and kept fighting me. I had no more units left, but two enemies. I resigned as I had hoped that Mercy would turn on fpre to capture the relic. But fpre resigned as well and againts all odds - Mercy was the declared the winner! What a journey! 2017-08-12_marmara_relic_lms.zip1 point
Lots to learn from this one! Still trying to figure out why more than others? Jeez the alliance turn over almost gave me a headache lol Really appreciated what Soloyoo prepared to stand with the relic. Ah! and the sneakiest of all (sneaky ;)) players in this incredible match had much less talent at war than at gathering his « allies » resources during most of the game. Glad about that Fortifs yeah.Or fpre took good care of the last layer, as well as of the last 120 champs of the sneaky Iberian player?-) I'll replay the last part with more attention as I eventually missed when/how you captured the relic that fpre took from him.1 point
In case it wasn't clear, you could most likely also add the verticallySpaceObjects function to another js file that is loaded (read a new one), and I'm quite sure if you'd factor out the piece of code that's aligning the resources into some function and place that in a new file, then the latter is quite likely to be accepted if submitted as a patch. Will also help with future updates where you don't have to figure out what you changed in some files. And if that isn't possible at least add the unmodified file in a commit, then have another commit with the changes only.1 point
1 point
I made a version of it somewhere on the forums do you want the texture ?1 point
1 point
Oh! now you said it Grugnas that's right, the diff between 1v1 (where you just won't have enough free time/resources vs a skilled opponent) & team ones. Thought even in team matches, it may be not that fun to stay in da towerspider position ,-) while your buddies go make the loot ! he he BTW 0 A.D. Alpha 22 Replays Game 4 Part 1 The City Fortress another good replay catched by Anavultus1 point
Probably I need create some posts focus in several themes. Color theory Psychology Design More..1 point
This is always a good idea. You never know what can happen (computer failures, etc.). I would make a separate topic for your work unless you consider it part of your application.1 point
1 point
Hello @jeffnz! First of all, I shall recommend you to add a Reamde file with a description and instructions how to compile it (i.e., you need SDL to compile). Because currently it's just a set of files. You could add Code::Blocks .cbp files, CMake file or Makefile, any what you want. Also it'd be good to have few screenshots, as you want to share the game. I can suggest to read http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/, it's has a good code style enough and basic SDL principles. Also it'd be good to have knowledges about the game architecture at all: http://www.gameenginebook.com/ (on Google Books), or something like that.1 point
1 point
Spec induce lag as they need to receive the game state too. So if they have an awfull connection it's going to slow everyone down1 point
On Empire, the CCs are grouped if teams are set. There are 8 inner and 8 outer slices if teams aren't set. This CC grouping is called "stronghold" and can occur on _kali's maps: amazon, bahrain, empire, howe_sound, marmara, mediterranean, ngorongoro, ratumacos, red_sea, stronghold.1 point
One issue with this map is that gaia seems to not have population limit checks. I was playing with 5 or so computer players. I couldn't understand why the lag was so horrible because I often use 5+ computer players on maps. When I was declared the winner even though I had not attacked yet, I checked the other side of the river and there had to be a couple thousand or more gaia units roaming around and the river was filled with their ships. I know triggers can ignore population limit rules, but I think this map should only produce gaia units up to some predetermined limit. (The limit could vary depending on number of players, max pop limit size, map size, etc.)1 point