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  1. seriously! it's frustrating to see no maps of 0ad made the curvature of the earth in mind! Do 0ad authors are flat earthers? being a fan of 0ad I would love to see maps with the real(spherical) shape of the earth in mind. thanks
    2 points
  2. I wonder too when I see all the old random maps. Many have no terrain height differences to speak of and look extremely ugly to me. For example the all-time-lobby-favorite map Mainland (here with trees removed): This has become much better in the last years. For example wraitii's Pyrennean Sierra map from 2012 has a nice mountain range and slowly increasing height. _kalis maps from alpha 20 / 2015 introduced the gameplay-wise really interesting bluffs (most prominent map Ambush). With Alpha 21 / 2016 _kali had added real-world maps (most probably excluding curvature) Red Sea, Mediterranean and so forth that look much better. In early 2017, when Hannibal_Barca wanted to give us more flat earth maps, we had identified the recipe for beautiful maps: The createBumps call, which should be more often used for these ugly maps. Like mario galaxy? 0 A.D. maps are not large enough to reveal any curvature of the theoretical dimensions, because largest map size * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE = 512 * 4 = 2048 meters if I'm not mistaken. (Other than the 0 A.D. part, it's an interesting topic but as offtopic as it might get.)
    2 points
  3. You all have been joked by astronomers. Luckily, there is a group of illuminated people which know the truth: https://theflatearthsociety.org/home/
    2 points
  4. Since you're asking ... Sparta's most important temple was that of Artemis Orthia; its most important festival was dedicated to Hyacinthus; as for the third, Ares was not really worshipped in Sparta (although he was respected as a decent warrior; in Athens he was just despised as a weak troublemaker); maybe include the war goddess Athena, who had an old temple in Sparta The Seleucid Empire was characterized by a high level of Hellinizations, not only because of the influx of Greek colonists, but especially because the locals voluntarily tried to emulate them; Greek-ness was prestigious and modern; millennia old cities started constructing Greek buildings and were proud of them; likewise, they equated their local gods with Greek equivalents (interpretatio graeca); Akkadian cults were already in decline before Alexander's cults and Zoroastrism only became important and widespread under the Sassanids; you'd better stick to Hellenized gods (Zeus, Cybele, Tyche, Apollo, Artemis, etc) Nothing wrong with Thaulos, although he was equated with Ares since Classical times; you could name him “Ares Thaulos” Anubis didn't have a cult of his own in Hellenistic, he was usually part of the cults of other gods (Osiris, Isis, Serapis, etc.). When Alexander invaded Egypt he worshipped Zeus-Ammon (a combination of the supreme gods of the Greek (Zeus) and Egyptian (Amun) pantheons); he even travelled hundreds of miles to visit the oracle of Ammon at Siwa, and afterwards proclaim himself the son of Zeus-Ammon; Ptolemy stole Alexander's corpse, built a magnificent tomb at Alexandria; the Zeus-Ammon cult continued well into Roman times Be careful with imposing our modern day terms upon Antiquity; history, legend, myth and ancestor, hero, god greatly overlapped; many legendary persons had their own temples and local cults; heroes such as Hercules or the Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux) were worshipped everywhere in the Mediterranean and probably had more temples than most gods. You're right to exclude Remus, he was little more than just a name, only required in the myth to be killed; however, Romulus was deified as Quirinus, one of the oldest gods in Rome. Again, be careful; there were no separate religions in Antiquity; it was a continuum of local cults, people could decide themselves which gods were worshipped; foreign gods were continually equated to or absorb into local pantheons; nor was there any difference between religion and politics: cities decided on religious matters, festivals, temples, etc, and priests had political power. Again, please consider my criticisms as encouragement
    2 points
  5. I have no plan for A23. It's probably 9 months between now and release. Mostly the idea is to fix whatever public mod changes break in DE. Also complete my ideas and changes for the Chinese and Kushites. Chinese: make Ministers and Government Center work better. Kushites: get all the units and textures in and working right. See what I can do about the Temple of Amun/Wonder issue, as it is really bothering me to have a "special building" that's the size of a wonder with its only purpose being to train one champion unit. I think DE's Kushites will be a little bit different from TM's Kushites. And also get @wackyserious's unit textures in.
    2 points
  6. Dear AudaciousTUX, i have to disappoint you, earth in fact is not spherical. It's flat. No, im just joking, its not flat but its also not sperical, its flying through space on the back of a giant turtle. Ok, thats also not the truth. In fact earth has potato shape (its a Geoid). Concerning the flat map, well earth curvature doesnt need to apply to it, because earth is too big and 0ad maps are too small to even notice it. That is if you want to apply earth curvature to 0ad maps with realistic proportions.
    2 points
  7. Thanks for agreeing to look into this I call anything that's almost white pastels, be it grey or not. I have a friend who can't access GitHub at all due to modern web design, because he can't see anything. So, it's one of my pet peeves A good tool to see if you have any contrast is to take a screenshot and convert it to greyscale. There is also a website that you can run things through, but the link is non my other computer, so I'll have to dig it up there. I am attaching some with everything that's hard to see or completely invisible to people with a slight vision impairment. Blue is for backgrounds that are almost indistinguishable from their backgrounds, e.g. it's hard to see that the tabs on top are tabs. I forgot to underline the SUBFORUMS header on this one:
    2 points
  8. Hi all I've been thinking on how to make game experience more fun, add some history and make civs even more unique. Why not make a tech for dedicating your temple to a certain god and receive some bonus connected to that deity's function? It would be a triple tech (you choose one of three - @elexis said that this isn't implemented yet but could be done with a little effort) I've gathered together 3 deities for each civilization (except mauryans) and have written a little description I'd appreciate any suggestions as to the bonuses, I was thinking something not too big but that could make a difference Here they are Athenians Athena Consecrate your temples to Athena, goddess of war, crafts and wisdom. Demeter Favour the goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter above the other gods and win her patronage by erecting statues to her. Poseidon Dedicate your temples to Poseidon, god of the waters, earthquakes and horses. Britons Nodens Sacred Grove of Nodens: Found Sacred Groves across your empire to Nodens, god of healing, hunting, dogs and the sea. Teutatis Sacred Grove of Teutatis: Found a Sacred Grove at each of your temples to Teutatis, protector and war god. Esus Erect statues to Esus, God of War and Destruction at your temples. Carthage Ba'al Hammon Temple to Ba'al: Worship Ba'al Hammon, Chief God of Carthage and god of fertility and vegetation. Astarte Followers of Astarte: Venerate Astarte, goddess of fertility, motherhood and war in your temples. Milqart Followers of Milqart: Dedicate your temples to Milqart, protector of Tyre and its colonies. Gauls Epona Erect statues and idols in your temples to venerate Epona, goddess of horses and riding . Rosmerta Dedicate your temples to Rosmerta, goddess of warmth, fertility and abundance. Segomo Follow the war god Segomo and his warlike ways. Iberians Ataegina Dedicate your temples to Ataegina, goddess of Spring, rebirth and fertility. Lugus Shrines to Lugus: Build shrines across your empire to the god of crafts and learning, Lugus. Cariociecus Sacred Grove of Cariociecus: Found a Sacred Grove at each of your temples to Cariociecus, an Iberian war god. Macedonians Artemis Dynatera Dedicate your temples to Artemis Dynatera (All-powerful) to earn her patronage. Zeus Consecrate your temples to divine Zeus to receive the benefits of his favour. Thaulos Turn away from the Twelve Olympians to worship Thaulos, the Macedonian god of war. Mauryans Jainism Encourage Jainism and its views throughout your empire. Buddhism Encourage Buddhism and its views throughout your empire Hinduism Encourage Hinduism and its views throughout your empire Persians Anahita Strengthen the ancient religion following Anahita, Goddess of fertility, healing and wisdom. Ahura Mazda Follow the path of Zoroastrianism and venerate Ahura Mazda, The Lord of All. Mithra Honour Mithra, god of the sun, justice, contract, and war in your temples. Ptolemies Serapis Choose the worship of Serapis to be your state religion Anubis Re-establish the cult of Anubis, god of the Afterlife. Horus Dedicate your temples to Horus, god of war, hunting and sky. Romans Jupiter Worship Jupiter, King of the Gods. Erect statues to him in your temples and receive his patronage. Neptune Dedicate your temples to mighty Neptune, Lord of the Sea. Vulcan Worship Vulcan, god of fire, volcanoes and the forge. Seleucids Nabu Dedicate your temples to Nabu, Babylonian god of wisdom, rational arts and literacy. Apollo Hecatus Worship Apollo Hecatus (Shooter from Afar) and receive his patronage. Ahura Mazda Favour Zoroastrianism in your empire and dedicate your temples to Ahura Mazda, Bestower of Wishes. Spartans Ares Consecrate your temples to Ares, God of War. Artemis Aegina Erect statues in your temples to Artemis Aegina (Wielder of the Javelin). Aphrodite Areia Revere Aphrodite Areia (Warlike) in your temples and win her favour. I hope I have some of you interested Lastly, new icons would be needed for these techs. They would be based mainly on the symbol(s) of that deity (an owl, trident, hammer&anvil, dog) I'd greatly appreciate anyone with the skills to help me with this, it is an interesting challenge, there may be some willing to try
    1 point
  9. Well, since the OP was already answered: I have seen a lot of non-spherical maps of the globe. It doesn't mean that the people who made them were flat-earthers. In fact, even the globe-type maps are quite smooth. Should I ask if the people who made them don't believe in the existence of mountains?
    1 point
  10. I think the temple of Apedemak should train special units, like the Carthaginian temples with their sacred band. The temples of Amun served many purposes if I'm not mistaken, they can not only train a new champion unit/heroes but have some sort of civic or economic bonus? Similar to the Persian Apadana
    1 point
  11. Several anti-virus programs seem to target all open source code as being suspect as stan mentioned use your app's ignore functions that are usually part of settings. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  12. I'd probably let scenario designers add those details. Adding it to the model will give it a more square footprint which is more awkward for a rectangular building. (You end up with an "unwalkable yard" around the structure.)
    1 point
  13. a official Discord server is a old wish.....When the sever is linked on the 0Ad homepage more people found the server and can play together and don't frusted on the ki because good players can help bad players to learn this game...(sry for my bad english...iam from Germany)
    1 point
  14. ranged cavalry hp reduced by 15% in order to let tower be more effective at least in the initial phase. stone and metal mines placed a bit further in order grant a player to fully cover the civic center with walls. faster attack speed for spear cavalry and perhaps counter bonus against other cav in order to give it a specific role and let it win against sword champion infantry. being able to choose between traditional and romanized army per fortress and not only 1 time in order to have a wider units choice while playing for Seleucids (champions only train from fortresses). champions reduced training time from 30 to 20-25 for infantry and from 40 to 30 - 35 for cavalry. compute units experience gain on the attacker strength and not on the damage dealt because higher armor units give less experience per hit and this compromise the result in mixed units battle mostly because f.e. skirmishers get promotion faster thus they have increased stats.
    1 point
  15. Here are the links I promised: http://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter
    1 point
  16. This thread was hijacked and has become a failed advertisement for 360 Total Security. I don't think 360 Total Security works Linux Users like me.
    1 point
  17. Yes, same as the fort, with some pictures for reference i can make it, so it won't use the same as the brit/gaul, also i finished one building for the anglo saxon i will tag you there
    1 point
  18. They are defined in pathfinder.xml and used in CCmpUnitMotion.cpp and CCmpPathfinder.cpp
    1 point
  19. Romans Jupiter mayor god / father of others gods Ceres the goddess of agriculture Mars all romans are proud sons of mars.the god of war.
    1 point
  20. "this project took three years which is longer than we ever worked on a project before"
    1 point
  21. Yes, this is what I do. "Conquest Structures" as the victory condition tends to work well.
    1 point
  22. I understand that balance is important, but there's not way a player with a few units and another with several civic centres and their wonder could be beaten. The player with those buildings should have the advantage of at least temporally see where the enemy is if the other doesn't have any buildings.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
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