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  1. Hey everyone, Several years ago I was considering creating a sci-fi RTS here in 0AD. Due to my other project taking up too much time, I sort of set it off to the side. After getting fed up with the Medieval 2 engine I'm considering porting that big project, Hyrule Total War to 0 A.D. now. I've started some preliminary work, porting a few of the static buildings over from Medieval 2 into 0AD: I just have a few questions before I make the decision: I thank anyone for their replies, and I hope I can come back to 0AD soon.
    9 points
  2. At least he doesn't have a bush for a head. (Years ago in order to test resource shuffling, Philip (Ykkrosh) replaced a unit's head with the various resource props when they were carrying resources.)
    5 points
  3. Profile: https://web.archive.org/web/20100104095622/https://wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?p=1772 Interview: https://web.archive.org/web/20100104100236/http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?p=1489 Forum post: https://web.archive.org/web/20070817184620/http://www.phoenixclan.biz/pxcforum/index.php?showtopic=6300
    4 points
  4. I don't mean to beat a dead horse here, but there seems to be some confusion about the use of Nubian mercenaries by the Ptolemies... The short answer is yes, obviously they made use of them (they lived right next to each other for 300 years). I'd have to agree that Nubian archers are an archaic unit, probably not used (extensively) by Ptolemies, but Nubian axe-men seem to have been a thing (brandishing double headed axes). I will let the Ptolemies speak for themselves:
    3 points
  5. Archaic architecture is a tad extreme, the border between archaic and early classical will still have those heavy solid doric columns but less... sausagey...
    3 points
  6. [img center]http://www.wildfiregames.com/images/ken.jpg[/img center] It is with great sadness that I bring news that our close friend, head of the 0 A.D. design department and co-lead designer of 0 A.D. has passed away after a long fight with cancer. I had the honor of getting to work with Ken over the years through the design process of the game. This includes nearly seven hundred emails, thousands of forum posts, and even a few phone calls. He was so instrumental in the first few steps we made on this crazy journey. The fact of the matter is that without his support, insight, and overwhelming amount of time and energy he contributed to this project, you would not be reading this because the game as we know it wouldn’t exist. Ken poured so much of his personal passion into this game. I wish I could have given him the final copy of 0 A.D. before he left us. I know many of you didn’t know him, but I will carry him in my heart for the rest of my life. We here at WFG offer our deepest sympathies for the Wood family and thank you so much for sharing him with us these last few years. He taught us so much, and had such a big heart - not just for the game but for all the people he was in contact with here. For the team, I’d like to refresh you with some more of that ever present support, here is Ken in his own words: If you would like to read more about Ken, we have his profile HERE – and an interview HERE. If you would like to leave a note for his family, I encourage you to do so HERE. We are going to miss you Ken.
    2 points
  7. http://i.imgur.com/Iv0trQZ.mp4
    2 points
  8. Hello everyone, In order to include Pericles information in the game, the grammar must be correct. I have already corrected some errors (including those that Itms has marked me) but certainly I didn't notice many other errors. I will be very grateful to anyone who will inform me of any mistakes in order to correct them and be able to provide a high quality work to 0 A.D ! Periklēs (c. 495 – 429 BC) Pericles was one of the most influential Greek statesmen and the predominant leader of the golden age of Athens. Appeared in the political scene as the most active member during the trail against Cimon (463 B.C.), Pericles political activity lasted for about forty years during which he held the strategia for at least fifteen consecutive years. While under Pericles political predominance the Delian League (constituent base of Athenian Empire) reached its zenith, however, the politician is mainly remembered for his building program, which aimed to transform Athens into the cultural capital of the Hellenic world. Pericles program of public works focused on a first stage on defensive buildings with the construction of the Long Wall between Athens and the two demos of Piraeus and Phalerum. Hero Aura: When garrisoned in a structure, he galvanizes its defenders, +2 garrison raged unit To carry on the urban planning works in Athens, Pericles summoned artisans and artists from cities of the Delian League. Monuments as the Propilei, the Odeîon and Telesterion are testimonies of Pericles commitment in the public sector aimed to affirming the Athenian supremacy. Builder Aura: Building construct 15% faster within his vision. Anyhow, the major contribution given to Athens was the commission of temples as that of Athena Nike and the continuation of works on the Parthenon. Acropolis Aura: Temples are 50 stones chipper during his lifetime. Pericles political parable was that of a democratic leader able to control dêmos but who, over time, had to face a block of opposition that convinced public opinion to condemn Pericles circle of collaborators (Phidias, the sculptor appointed by Pericles to decorate the Parthenon, will die in jail before his sentence). Though opposition struck hard Pericles, only in 430 B.C. a real conflict with dêmos, exhausted from sacrifices of the war, led to the removal of the political leader from the office of strategós. Even though he was re-elected already the following year, however, the plague that spread in Athens during 429 B.C. hit the statesman who died in October of the same year. With the death of Pericles, came the death Athenian Hegemony over Greece. Instead of pursuing his shrewd strategy of controlling the seas while depending her walls, Athens, at the urgings of demagogues, set out on a disastrous campaign into Sicily that led to her eventual defeat by Sparta. Thanks
    2 points
  9. glad we didn't go the stab-fire route/ though to be honest, it would be a lot easier than what I proposed
    2 points
  10. 1. Healing Temples and Healing Priests is a Gameplay Decision. 2. If you're referring to Christians, then there isn't any in your time period (it's called BC for a reason) 3. If you're referring to Jewish people, there is the Pool of Siloam and the Jordan River (their superstitious counterparts anyway). 4. Even if there were people who got offended by the statues inside the temples (The Ptolemaic having the most visible one), they can't deny that healing methods sometimes had religious attributes. So that's historical. 5. The devs aren't promoting anyone who to worship. They're rather displaying what deity was worshiped in a certain civilization in that time period (You would know why they were called the Athenians, why the Persians had those winged disks, Great Stupas, etc.)
    2 points
  11. Is the source code available to your game, @dimaCyberpunk? Sharing it publicly might make some people interested in helping, perhaps even adding code. Apparently it uses mono? Then perhaps it could be made compatible to unix too.
    1 point
  12. Shouldn't that depend on whether the other classes (ships, big siege engines, etc) are still needed? Ah indeed, if some pathfinder classes can be removed the performance cost can be evened out
    1 point
  13. Thank you guys so much for responses, this is all sounding really promising and I'll attempt to mess with the engine and see what can be done. First off... This script sounds handy, is it just a bat file that runs on python or some thing of that nature? I'll attach the dae's for the animation I'm trying to get in, as well as the T-pose for the skeleton to the post. hyl_knight_tpose1.dae HTW_biped_charge1.dae I'll eventually replace probably everything with my own textures, although I should note that some of the factions will change the landscape around their buildings. The Kokiri for instance will create lush green patches around their bases that grow trees and bushes for harvesting. Yes, I have the Dead Sword as a Stalfos unit, and the Poes as an NPC unit in Hyrule: Total War. They'll both get ported over to 0AD: If anyone wants an idea of the kinds of civs and units you can expect to see, I have a wiki with everything as it is in Total War: http://hyruletotalwar.wikia.com/wiki/Hyrule:_Total_War#Factions
    1 point
  14. You could do that in-game by providing unlocking technologies that unlock one hero (and prevent the other technologies from being researched). (At least that was the way our generic civs (hellenes, celts) handled the choice quite some time ago.) One could possibly use a Trigger script and message box to make that decision if that is what you prefer. Probably not, but "religion based mechanics" is quite vague. One could add some way to get some "religion" resource (similar to AoM) and then use that for those mechanics, but some details on what those mechanics might be would help with answering this. This is possible without touching the engine in theory (and it would be a good test for the engine!) but it will come with a performance cost for the pathfinder. Shouldn't that depend on whether the other classes (ships, big siege engines, etc) are still needed? Not really but modding that is possible. Just write a new component for this logic and add it to your building template. You will need to mod the ProductionQueue component to make it interact with your custom component. Depending on how exactly you want that to work that is already possible. At least WC3-style camps that can be "acquired" using capturing are already doable (and IIRC are present in Delenda Est). So if the requirement for buying them or making it depend on diplomacy isn't that strict there is no new code needed. Probably not a fully featured turn-based over-world campaign. We don't have definitive plans in this area but the "strategic map" we could have for campaigns would be largely less important than in Total War:Rome II for instance (I never played Medieval 2, sorry) There are a few possibilities here. A WH4k DoW-style (or maybe CnC style) territory like map (without any real interaction apart from attack this thing now) should be doable with the very wip campaign infrastructure patch. Though I guess that falls short of a TW (basing this on Rome TW) quite a bit. One could emulate something like this (the AI would need quite some work though) by using triggers to block commands of other players for a "campaign turn" and add some way to end a turn. Actually starting matches might take some more work, I guess one could at least reuse parts of the campaign infrastructure if one decides to limit the available maps. You might need a different green grass ground texture so things blend in nicer, apart from that it does look great!
    1 point
  15. Interesting, lol.
    1 point
  16. http://www.paestum.org.uk/temples/neptune/ The grandest, the last, and best preserved of temples at Paestum is the so called Temple of Neptune, though it was almost certainly dedicated, like the Basilica, to Hera. This was recognised from the first as being the grandest of all the temples and it was therefore assumed in the eighteenth century that it must have been dedicated to the patron god of the city who was Poseidon, the god of the sea. The original Greek name for Paestum was Poseidonia, and the early coins have the image of Poseidon: Paestum is in fact the Roman name of the site. Poseidonia is the city of Poseidon whose Latin equivalent is Neptune and therefore it was named the Temple of Neptune. The dedication is almost certainly wrong as the terracotta votive figurines found in the sanctuary show female types normally identified as Hera. There is also an inscribed silver dish which declares ‘I am sacred to Hera: strengthen our bows’. This plan of the temple (from John Pedley’s book) differs from the Temple of Athena in its internal layout. At the front there is a comparatively small porch with only two columns, but there is an equal sized porch at the rear, the opisthodomus. However the great glory of the temple is the huge cella, with the double row of double columns, presumably to cater for a very large cult statue. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Temple_of_Hera_(Paestum)
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. The Theban acropolis or citadel was called the Cadmeia. It wasn't nearly as massive or tall as the Athenian Acropolis, but it definitely perched above the rest of the town. I think part of the city wall used the Cadmeia as a redoubt. Here is the shape of the city. It should help you a lot. The "palisade" can be removed, since it was erected by the defenders against the attack of Alexander after they rebelled, unlesssss, you want to make it some kind of Macedonians vs. Thebans scenario, which could be cool. Spoiler alert: Alexander won.
    1 point
  19. Cause this game it's heavily influencid by Age of Empires series, and mostly in all games the priests are the healing units.
    1 point
  20. Unless you can find us some examples otherwise. I'm not sure I'm understanding you entirely. Do you mean you want to exclude all mention pagan temples and religion because they're not compatible with Abrahamic faiths? Because if that's the case, absolutely not.
    1 point
  21. Well, if having virtual people create virtual temples is an issue, wouldn't causing virtual people to die be against "Thou shalt not kill"?
    1 point
  22. I was thinking the Spartan's architecture could stray closer to early classical and use a warmer color stone
    1 point
  23. I fail to see how having temples can "hurt the feelings of believers". If you are please enlighten us on why.
    1 point
  24. A22 includes NAT traversal feature (technical details are here: #2305 (UDP Hole Punching / NAT Traversal) ), which should allow to host a significantly larger amount of players (with some network configuration it would be still impossible to host though). It worked fine during the development tests and I can't wait to see the results of wider usage after the release. In further versions we can add more diagnostic information to have more details when it works and when it doesn't and hopefully made further improvements.
    1 point
  25. That is a Roman temple, careful with those pseudoperipteral columns, they are a dead giveaway of Roman architecture, rather than Greek
    1 point
  26. Depends on what kind of xml file you want to know about. (Some reading about how xml works (tags need to be closed) might be helpful, in case you haven't figured that out already.) For actors you might want to read the Actors wiki page, which (judging from the edit history) should be up to date. For other files look at the file format wiki pages, and the other pages for artists and modders listed on the wiki. In case something isn't clear and you figured out how to improve it, do so (it is a wiki). Otherwise please do ask questions, it is quite hard to improve documentation if it isn't used or people don't point out issues.
    1 point
  27. See GameDataPaths for where to find the logs with the full error messages, which does include the first error (which in some cases is the reason for the others). Still not sure if you fixed all errors, since that last post of yours does not tell.
    1 point
  28. Story of the game: And some art. More here http://kozyr.org/2016/03/17/liner-paper/
    1 point
  29. Tiling artifacts are apparent on big stretches of terrain using the same texture. This, IMO, is sub-par. One possible solution is to have several different textures for the same type of terrain (a bit like actor 'variants'). Programmatically, this should be easy to do with myconid's terrain XML. However, I think it would be a lot trouble for someone to go through all the terrain types and create variants for all of them, given that each variant needs to fit seamlessly with the others. A different solution might involve texture synthesis (see below). This would be substantially harder to implement and I have no idea what the performance impact would be, but it would make it easy for everyone (including modders) to get nice-looking, tile-free terrains. Other ideas/comments?
    1 point
  30. Position: RMS designer, AI developer, API developer (RMS, AI and balance testing) Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes, that's why I'm here Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes, and I'm loving it! Name: Florian Finke Email: Please ask me in a personal conversation MSN Messenger: N/A Location: Köln (cologne), germany Availability: 20 hours per week at least for the next 4 months, likely until the game leaves beta though perhaps less hours per week later on Age: 33 Occupation: Self-employed as private tutor (maths, physics, chemistry) and web-developer Skills and Experience: RTS gaming: I play and love RTS games in general and got vast experience with balancing, micro/macro management, tactics and strategies RTS modding: I wrote mods for warcraft III (example: in-game random map generator and maps with in game race choice with all races supported by own AIs) and glest. I designed maps for nearly every game I played Coding: - Wrote a acquisition system for a multi-channel-analyzer developed at the institute for nuclear physics at the "Universität zu Köln" in python - Developed a game where the player writes bots in python and let them play rock-paper-scissors against each other in python with bot API and GUI in QT - The bots included neuronal network simulation, collective decisions by elections and other fancy stuff ^^ - Wrote an easy to use HTML-page-generator for simple web pages - Made the wall_builder.js rmgen library for 0ad allrdy in svn. - Made the deep_forest RMS for 0ad (Not finished) Motivation: I love open source, coding, RTS, creative common... how could I NOT come here??? Personality: Socially clumsy but intelligent and "try to be objective", cooperative and forgiving but hard-hearted when it comes to the point and I never grew up in some ways... and I'm proud of it! Though it's a second sentence I think I'd mention that Spahbod described my maps/code as I am: "very odd" Short Essay: I searched for open source RTS games and found this massively above-average game in that area As said before, I have no choice but to love it and try to contribute to it ^^ I seek for the possibility to write code that is actually used, to put my work on something that is greater then any project I could possible do on my own, I seek to help making this game better than any based (slow-paced) strategy game after 'Age of Empire II - The Conquerers' (IMO the best, good new fast paced RTS are out there) Interests and Hobbies: I'm mainly interested in very general stuff like physics (methods and interpretation), philosophy (ontology), mathematics (countable and other infinite) and politics (human rights, enduring system stability). See more details in my profile. I'm also playing pen and paper roll playing games ('World of Darkness - Werewolf - The Forsaken' at the moment) My most loved PnP RPGs are Deadlands, World of Darkness - Magus - The Awakening and Earthdown. Staff: I don't get this part, it's optional anyways Community: None very frequently, only 0ad Favorite Game: Warcraft III(Blizzard), Age of Empires - The Conquerers(Microsoft Games),Diablo II(Blizzard), Warzone 2100(Now Open Source), Sacrifice(Shiny Entertainment), Starcraft(Blizzard), Total Annihilation(Now Open Cource), Glest(Open Source), Globulation(Open Source), Gothic(Piranha Bites) , Bos Wars(Open Source) generally in that order Work Examples: Most things are german, sry. Some old stuff including an old version of ssp (Stone-Scissors-Paper (more commonly known as Rock-Scissors-Paper, I know... now)) can be found on my old web side (hosted on my server right next to me ^^) In the HTML section the page generator written in python can be seen (it's an old version too.) A newer version made this page If you are interested in any new code please let me know and I'll provide it. My wall_builder.js rmgen library is already in your svn My Deep Forest map can be found here Some of my remaining Warcraft III maps can be found here (lost many by headcrash) 'The Forgotten' for example allows in-game selection of race and all non-default races are supported by self written AIs (Though that's much easier in WC3 than in 0ad) The multi-channel-analyser acquisition system WMCA for nuclear physics (Only some pics due to copyright):
    1 point
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