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  1. Preview Ptolemaic Military Settlers (Macedonians)
    3 points
  2. You can't really trust goodl. Because it relies on some stuff on the webpages. Better double check each time by for instance using google's reverse image Search. It can also help finding higher resolution versions
    2 points
  3. Since I can freely watch Youtube videos today, Imma watch the OP while I present you this. I guess 0 A.D.'s Fortresses can get away with these standards... to some extent.
    2 points
  4. Offtopic: (Gracias, todos estamos luchando en las calles para derrocar este régimen) Podria dividir la seccion lateral y frontal de la muralla en dos mitades, de manera que pueda agregarle otra Face y colocarle ahi textura de grama o monticulos de tierra
    2 points
  5. To no sound sexist can be nice "no men allowed"
    2 points
  6. I suggest d this the first time a test the game, but now borg- have reason.
    1 point
  7. This would be an interesting game mode, the fastest to 300, it seems like the path to getting there gives a good benchmark for AI and ML learning. Any thoughts?
    1 point
  8. This is a standard feature that should have been implemented years ago
    1 point
  9. Wow thanks!!! I did not know, and I think most players do not know. Likewise, I think this should be simpler with just the right click, without the Ctrl.
    1 point
  10. Select building and then Ctrl + right click on that building.
    1 point
  11. 1- We need an indicator for minimap, For now nothing complex, (attack here, help here, etc..) just something to indicate. 2- I would like to see the units come out of different points of the constructions as indicated. They are always coming out ahead, this can sometimes be delayed (if you have only wood behind the CC, it takes a lot longer to get around), and also prevents you from ambushes or fleeing enemies that are around the building. 3- One thing I really miss, is to be able to create units and leave them inside the building as soon as they are ready. Currently you can not do this, they leave the building so you can put them in later, and they can often die carelessly instead of protected. 4- Rabbits should be domestic like chickens. Its very very hard kill them with horses range, are very small, and need more than one attack. I do not see any player hunting habbits, is very rate. They should be hunts like chicken. 5- What I'm going to put here seems to be something of no value, but I missed it a few days ago, and I'll expatiate because. As you can see in the picture, most games have an indicator of where your unit will move, after your click, at 0 a.d we do not have this, I never felt lacking to be honest, but days ago I was having problems in my Mouse, right click, then sometimes it ended up not clicking, so I got lost several times, (there were not few) because I thought I had clicked and had not, as we do not have the indicator I had no way to know. I relied on the audio, okay is a good indicator, but have you stopped to think about possible deaf users? I think an indicator would really be very useful, especially for users with possible hearing problems.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hi guys! I have created two scenarios taking as base a map started by Viridis. I found that map last week while looking for a nice numantine scenario and I decided to finish it, trying to make to make it accurate, beautiful and playable. The scenarios are: "First battle of Numantia" and "Siege of Numantia". I attach the scenario files in dropbox links with some screenshots since it doesn't allow me to upload more than 5 mg here (that I used already in other post). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vjrbcqdpv8kp2ga/AABZoZlNNQ5CpdJTM2n-qxtea?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n69ch85molnt8q8/AADayW9fr9TruR2i9aNAPU2Sa?dl=0 These are the map descriptions: FIRST BATTLE OF NUMANTIA "Numantia is famous for its role in the Celtiberian Wars. In the year 153 BC Numantia experienced its first serious conflict with Rome, when it hosted the rebel inhabitants of Sekaiza. In the year 153 a. C Fulvius Nobilior attacked Numantia with a huge Roman army and cavalry support of the Numidian King Massinissa, including elephants, which unexpectedly went uncontrollable and charged against the Roman soldiers. That fact changed the course of the battle that ended with the Iberian victory." The game starts with the battle where Gaia elephants attack roman troops. As iberian you are quite near the action and can decide if joining the battle (to inflict more damage to the roman troops but putting at the same time your units in risk with the elephants smashing everything around) or complete the retreat of your troops to your town walls. SIEGE OF NUMANTIA "Numantia is famous for its role in the Celtiberian Wars. In the year 153 BC Numantia experienced its first serious conflict with Rome. After 20 years of hostilities, in the year 133 BC the Roman Senate gave Scipio Aemilianus Africanus the task of destroying Numantia. He laid siege to the city, erecting a nine kilometre fence supported by towers, moats, impaling rods and so on. After 13 months of siege, the Numantians decided to burn the city and die free rather than live and be slaves." The roman faction starts with 7 camps and a strong force surrounding the iberian walled town. Some fences are built around the roman camps but not finished yet so the iberian should try to obercome it as soon as possible in order to have access to resources. ****** Unfortunately I found several problems that make these scenarios impossible to play. I number them as follows: 1. The AI, doesn't not attack, build, create units, nor make any attempt to win. Just defend. 2. Many errors appear in cascade as I load it to play, and I guess they have something to do with the AI unactivity. 3. How can I garrison units inside the Roman forts in the scenario editor, so they don't become Gaia's when I start playing? (I was told this will be solved for A22) Please, feel free to comment, download it, explore it or try to repair it. I hope we can resolve these errors (I really have no idea how to do so) so we all can play this scenario that took me time to improve and that I really want to try out. Thank you!
    1 point
  15. These look amazing!! When will they be put onto the SVN version?
    1 point
  16. shield_arm for hoplite shields, shield for most other shields.
    1 point
  17. Hey nice to see another artist here. How can I help. I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish.
    1 point
  18. Okay. I think the color palettes are much better now. Less unnecessary movements (before, the economic units flying in a circle was an eyesore to me). Build time and possibly resource-gathering slowed down while the military action was fast. Almost every military unit is a "walking turret". The game now looks fun.
    1 point
  19. Ugh, solitary trees really need to be able to be built over -- disappear -- not block building placement. See his frustration building a wall.
    1 point
  20. Very nice. Makes me want to revamp the Ptolemaic unit rost, especially the Military Center.
    1 point
  21. Dividirlo de esta manera, y agregar la empalizada que esta en arriba en los bordes
    1 point
  22. Asi es que es hp!!! Si, eso podría funcionar, lo que si veo muy raro, es que las partes de abajo de toda la empalizada se ven muy finas, podrias agregarle piedras pequeñas o algunos matorrales
    1 point
  23. @Alexandermb Saludos offtopic:( y fuerza! Ojala todo mejore por alla pronto) Y si creas los slopes? Aunque en el vanilla ya hay unos, pero tal vez te interese mirarlos Hmm con respecto a las murallas que creaste, depronto en las torres de las puertas podrias añadirle algunas palizadas que sobresalgan, las haria ver mas amenazadoras, es como la impresión que tengo de los nordicos
    1 point
  24. Let's start the challenge The time can still be improved, this was my first attempt and the map was bad.
    1 point
  25. Ok i think this is good enough for match the proper civilization and wall's geometry
    1 point
  26. Si, soy de Venezuela, respecto al ariete puede pasar perfectamente pero del elefante hare una prueba mientras intento mejorar el modelo de torre.
    1 point
  27. I think this would work as gate for the nordic wall i was following the pictures of a "Trelleborg" I made the gate using the "Celt Gate" asset and "Hellenes Door" the mesh works as prop file so if anyone can make a better door its good to know. it will be more easy making just the door
    1 point
  28. Try to Defeat @borg- may be he isn't boring
    1 point
  29. Decided to record the game ... I might reveal some secrets i have Without commentaries due to no mic though, and in the videos there are little sound issues.
    1 point
  30. Here's some suggestions I have for the game. I've tried to avoid obvious ones (like improved pathing), but probably many of them have been discussed before. BUGS (1) When constructing buildings, workers should add a certain number of hitpoints to the building each second, but instead they add the floor of that number. This makes buildings take longer to complete in a lot of situations. For example, one unit building a 1000hp defense tower should finish it in 150s. But instead of adding 1000/150 = 6.667 hp to the building each second, they only add floor(6.667) = 6 hp each second. So it takes them 1000/6 = 166.7 seconds to finish instead of 150s. If you've ever just barely failed to finish a tower or fortress or something, this might've been the reason why. The worst example of this is in building a civil center. It has 3000hp and takes 500s to build, which is 3000/500 = 6 hp/s. With ten women, they each build at a rate of floor(6 * 10**0.7 / 10) = floor(3.007) = 3 hp/s. All together that's 10 * 3 = 30 hp/s, so it takes them 3000/30 = 100s to finish. However, with eleven women they each build at floor(6 * 11**0.7 / 11) = floor(2.922) = 2 hp/s, combined 11 * 2 = 22 hp/s, so it takes them 3000/22 = 136.4 seconds to finish. So in this case, adding an extra woman to help "speed up" the building process actually slows it down by over 30s! I think this occurs in the following line in "public/simulation/components/Foundation.js". Is there a reason to use Math.floor? var deltaHP = Math.max(work, Math.min(maxHealth, Math.floor(work * this.GetBuildRate() * this.buildMultiplier))); (2) Workers drop off resources at the nearest drop site, but it seems that "nearest" is calculated using the distance to the center of the drop site instead of the edge. Can this be changed, or is the calculation too complicated? (3) Units stand in a square formation to attack buildings, why? They can attack from a circular range but instead walk closer. IMPROVEMENTS (4) Can we have a hotkey to cycle through buildings where we have units garrisoned? We currently have one to cycle through idle units, but garrisoned units don't count as "idle". More than a few times I've put women in houses to protect them from raiders, only to forget about them for the rest of the game! You can have units garrisoned inside allied structures, so the hotkey should cycle through them too. (Also, houses should get a flag when units are garrisoned inside.) (5) Can we have a hotkey for the town bell? (6) Can we control which units towers, etc., attack? I'd like my tower to focus on the opponent's tower, rather than also attacking their houses and fields. (7) Can we let women and worker elephants place the foundations for every building? Right now it's annoying to select a man chopping wood, have him place the foundation for an outpost or house on the other side of my base, click back to wood so that he doesn't move, and then select the woman or elephant to go actually build the building. It's a lot of unnecessary micromanagement. Either let women and elephants build the foundations themselves (my preferred solution), or if you don't want women building barracks or whatever, then don't allow them to build them period! MORE ANNOYING THINGS (8) In order look at unit stats (to check if your opponent has blacksmith upgrades, for example), you have to stop your cursor over the shield icon and then wait half a second for the tooltip to pop up. I'd like it if that just popped up immediately while you're hovering over the icon. The half second delay is annoying enough, but because I use a pen rather than a mouse it's actually hard to stop exactly on the icon. (9) There's only 13 civs if we count random, do we really need a scroll bar? Also in replays, can we make the player drop-down menu wider (when there's room) and longer, to again remove the scroll bar? (10) In the lobby, can we select and copy chat? There's conversations or links I want to save, but I have to settle on taking a screenshot. EXTRA THINGS (11) I don't know how complicated it would be, but I'd like to see corrals treated different in the summary page. Currently, if you make one sheep you're credited for one unit created, 100f gathered and 50f spent. This is technically correct, but in the game you're at the same point as someone who's simply gathered 100-50 = 50f from berries, and their stats are 50f gathered, 0f spent, with no units created. So instead I'd like sheep to be ignored in terms of "units created", and for them to count as -50f gathered rather than +50f spent. So after one sheep they'll have zero units created, 100-50 = 50f gathered, 0f spent, the same as the berry player. In this way, the unit and resource statistics will be comparable between those who use corrals and those who don't. (12) I'd like "random" civs to be a 1/12 chance of each one, rather than the current 1/9 chance with briton/gaul and athens/mace/sparta grouped together. I think this is it for now. I'm looking forward to Alpha22!
    1 point
  31. Changelog Uploaded ptol_isp_b and ptol_isp_a textures in the first post Removed Athenian alpha shield patterns (I will upload the revised textures soon) Ptolemaic Dynasty - Egyptian Native Pikemen
    1 point
  32. I can't wait for the cavalry to be upgraded! For me, it was one of the major downside of the game, and though I initially liked this civilization,I've never been able to really enjoy playing with the persians because of the cavalry which I didn't quite like...So I can't wait for the new models! BTW you did a fantastic work with the infantry, Enrique! It's like a new game! The spartans and romans have never looked so proud and fearsome!
    1 point
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