I play the game quite often and it's already really, really good and guarantees lots of fun. From time to time I see some things which could be improved: I.e:
- recently I ve build a Karthago harbor and surrounded it by walls, partly in the water and transformed a wall into a door, but the ships (fisherboat) wont pass through, the door it not opening for them.
- Getting troops on board is a pain in the @#$%, coz the ships and the troops are somehow not sychronized, means the troops walk to the place where the ship is and the ship steers to the place where the troops came from and so on they "dance" around. Especially when there are hindrances like other ships or buildings at the coast. It's tricky to handle that.
a small feature would be:
GIving the harbors a switch wether they support fishing boats or not, (it's a millitary harbor or not?) coz since it is currently under control of the AI it cause a lot of traffic jam and finally piles of ships often stuck at one harbor,
Thanks and keep up the good work