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  1. Today
  2. I think it's pretty OK/healthy to hate someone if they killed your parents. Just don't let it run your life.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Ok, considering the mentioned use cases, stopping the button from getting disabled when the game ends seems like the way to go. Here is the ticket: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6926#ticket
  5. I agree. I can see use of map flares after a game ends in order to discuss what happened and mark exact positions instead of trying to communicate them verbally. Another use case is to mark where to pose armies for post-battle screenshots.
  6. Sasanian_horse_armor.pdf https://www.academia.edu/1988347/Fighting_the_Other_Part_III_Military_and_Society_in_Sasanian_Iran_Uncorrected_Proof_ https://www.academia.edu/4385959/Late_Sasanian_army https://www.academia.edu/35763462/Kaveh_Farrokh_Gholamreza_Karamian_Katarzyna_Maksymiuk_A_Synopsis_of_Sasanian_Military_Organization_and_Combat_Units_Siedlce_Tehran_2018
  7. I am not sure what you mean by the second half here, but I would be fine with either disallowing winning players to flare or re-activating the button and UI icon.
  8. Might be interesting to document their function in detail (ideally in the design document but a trac page might be enough) Basically intended usage (when and how to use it (hotkeys,buttons)), restrictions, and any other things relevant
  9. just enable flares to winners. viewing flares should always be allowed as flares could be triggered by a script.
  10. Don't care. Also, don't think it matters outside of people wanting to debrief a game to someone else.
  11. Maybe @chrstgtr @borg- and @real_tabasco_sauce have some strong opinions on that. Also the wanted behaviour might differ between SP and MP.
  12. The python issue seems to be solved: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5227
  13. Nusantara sets up rated games and leaves them, without giving points. Nusantara civilization shall eat elefante poop.
  14. Last week
  15. Buenos días o tardes ; -Estas son las facciones que ya creé; (Solamente la arquitectura) (A) -Europa (10); ilirios Lusitanos Tracios Suevos(A) íberos(A) dacios(A) Urálicos(A) Dálmatas(A) Épiro(A) Bósforo(A) -Asia (3); Xiongnu (A) Escitas(A) Beduinos(A) -América (8); Mayas Tupí Mochica Guaraní(A) Zapotecas Anishinaabe(A) Arawakos(A) Lencas(A) -África (8); Númidas Garamantes Khoisan(A) Batwa(A) Axumitas(A) Gaetulia(A) Cartago(A) Nok(A) -Oceanía (0); -No tengo suficientes referencias de esa época .Pero los Polinesios, Papúes y Aborígenes Australianos son muy potenciales. Total:29 y sumando. -Para que se hagan una idea más visual , aquí les dejo los mapas;(son extensiones aproximadas...)de las facciones que pretendo crear.Las facciones con estrellas de 5 puntas están creadas o en proceso. -Iré subiendo el contenido que estamos creando @Lopess y yo a este tópico o a los de temáticas relacionadas, si ustedes tienen sugerencias , referencias , críticas , correcciones ,dudas, peticiones etc... no duden en comentarlas . @wowgetoffyourcellphone @wackyserious @Stan` @Sundiata @Mr.lie @Ultimate Aurelian @Lion.Kanzen Disculpen las molestias*
  16. Is that the desired behaviour? I want to open a ticket and maybe make a patch for it.
  17. I mess around with stuff to get some kind of positive results. Sorry. lol Honestly, that's all I've been doing for the past 20 years.
  18. Recently updated to rel. 28096 (i18n) and that prompted me to write this post. There is an island called Elephantine on the Nile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephantine The Polish translator, not knowing why, translated it (= "Słoniowaty", = "Wyspa Słoniowa"). Since this name must not be translated, please restore the correct name: "Elefantyna", "Wyspa Elefantyna". https://sjp.pwn.pl/so/Elefantyna;4430952.html https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elefantyna I will add that this name is not translated in other Slavic languages either. I found the words "Słoniowaty", "Wyspa Słoniowa" here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/pl.public-maps.po?rev=28007 It may also occur in other places. Regards
  19. It worked. Thank you guys, thank you Atrik
  20. @nababuDownloading it from your browser then installing it manually seems a quicker solution to me. I think it should work for you. 1. Download: https://g-5.modapi.io/v1/games/5/mods/2144305/files/4964810/download 2. Unzip in mod folder: System Default location for the /0ad/mods/folder Linux: ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/ Windows: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\
  21. Hi. I need to be in the reviewer group to make corrections to the Portuguese (Portugal, pt_PT) translation because some translations that need to be corrected are blocked. Is this possible? I made this request directly in Transifex at the end of 2022, to the 3 coordinators, but none of them have responded to me to date, so I'm making this request here. My username in Transifex is lecalam https://app.transifex.com/user/profile/lecalam/
  22. Similar cases that I have heard about were caused by existing files or folders that blocked writing the new community-mod downloaded files. There are three separate storage locations that have user data related to 0ad. I would advise backing up and removing each of them in order to troubleshoot this issue. The logical process is to start by removing only mods, then test downloading community-mod. If that doesn't work then proceed to removing other 0ad user data. This webpage describes the storage locations of 0ad user data. If you need help with this, you can talk to me on IRC.
  23. I don’t think so because I reinstalled windows recently. And that com mod folder I’ve deleted and still no results
  24. Dedicated mercenaries for Sasanid Persia: Sogdian Cavalry (lancer): Armored cavalry armed in Sogdian helmet, mail hauberk, shield, lance, sword, mace or battle axe. Sogdian Cavalry (archer): Armored cavalry in Sogdian fashion but with bow and arrows. Sogdian Warrior (Dismounted Sogdian Cavalry): Dismounted Sogdian Cavalry with battle axe and shield. Sogdian Archer (Dismounted Sogdian Cavalry Archer): Dismounted Sogdian Cavalry Archer with bow, quiver of arrows and shield.
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