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0AD popular among North Korean Elite

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Naniiii? (that's Japanese I don't  know Korean)

  On 06/05/2018 at 1:33 AM, Sundiata said:

So, turns out 0AD is among the most popular online games played by North Korean Elites.... 

Like, fo' real...







:P ... :LOL:


On a completely unrelated note, how about a Korean faction for Millennium AD?




Or Terra Magna. Koreans have interesting Factions.

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  On 06/05/2018 at 2:50 AM, wackyserious said:

The Great Leader wants a medieval Korean faction mod


Best not disappoint the Great Leader!


  On 06/05/2018 at 2:53 AM, wackyserious said:

But at the moment we still have a lot to complete.


Of course, I just didn't want the North Korean leadership to feel left out... Kim, if you're reading this, a Korean civ is on the shortlist :) 

By the way, this may well explain that weird Korean spam in the forums about casino's and gambling, that pops up every so often...

Isn't there a MP-profile called Kim Jong-un or Kim Jong-il?? Who knows, maybe he's actually... :blink:...  :P ... :mellow:

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  On 06/05/2018 at 2:48 PM, ffffffff said:

kim jong nub


Now, now, let's not upset a nuclear power... 


  On 06/05/2018 at 4:23 PM, niektb said:

I think he has a 4K resolution screen... Why else would he need binoculars? :P 


Maybe the scroll wheel/keyboard not working, and sanctions preventing them from importing new ones. In fact, the thaw in relations might be due to Kim's urgent need for a new mouse with working scroll wheel to play more 0AD... He's even prepared to give up his nuclear program, if he can just order that new mouse through Amazon... 

0AD, a game of ancient warfare, has become a platform for world peace! 

Or maybe he just hasn't figured out yet how the zoom works?

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  On 06/05/2018 at 10:39 PM, Loki1950 said:

Same pair of binoculars? Maybe he's short sighted ;)


The man loves his binoculars...


"Kim looking for a stable internet connection"


  On 06/05/2018 at 11:41 PM, sphyrth said:

North Korea has RedStarOS as their official OS.


That's sooo interesting.... 


 a North Korean GNU/Linux operating system

The operating system comes pre-installed with a number of applications that monitor its users. If the user tries to disable security functions, the operating system may restart or destroy itself. In addition, a watermarking tool integrated into the system marks all media content with the hard drive's serial number. This makes it possible for the North Korean authorities to trace the spread of files. The system also has a hidden "anti-virus" software that is capable of removing censored files that are remotely stored by the North Korean secret service. There is a user group called "administrator" in the operating system. Users, however, can't gain full privileges to the system, even if they're administrators. Commands such as sudo and su are not available.[14]



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Explain this to someone in 2012:





I'm so proud of the Great Leader... I'm sure playing plenty of 0AD developed his tactical, strategic and diplomatic skills... I wonder what they're discussing right now behind those closed doors... Probably discussing the best build order for alpha 23...

Edited by Sundiata
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