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Geriatrix Stop behaving like this


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Stop accusing me of spy and stop banning me from games you host and stop saying your delusions about me to others


aow (1199): /allies ok
aow (1199): /allies maybe with wall and more sllingers than spearmen
aow (1199): /allies i can make archer and sword ca
aow (1199): /allies PistolPete (1409) border
Havran (1820): /allies aow (1199) stop sending res
leopard (1328): /observers 100 pop in 6 minutes
aow (1199): /allies isnt ur mother aafraid that you don't eat enough?
Havran (1820): /allies no but is the reason why you always die
aow (1199): /allies we planned to play defensive this side
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies why we both slow Pandravabal
Pandravabal: /allies idk
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies not good
stormwalk (1440): hi
Effervescent (1323): /observers hi
1min (1612): /observers do I boot a second TG ?
leopard (1328): /observers no
Effervescent (1323): /observers not enough I'm afraid
stormwalk (1440): /observers lol
1min (1612): /observers yes Norse Hatold banned too much people
1min (1612): /observers now 0AD is dead
1min (1612): /observers please thanks Norse_Harold for killing 0AD
leopard (1328): /observers i think he banned only you 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) no
1min (1612): /observers Norse Harold target FeldFeld as well
leopard (1328): /observers no way
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) as usual think before speaking please
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies Pandravabal other barrack?
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) why I would trust you and not FeldFeld
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) and what about berhudar ? ask yourself why he stopped
1min (1612): /observers it's known...
leopard (1328): /observers norse?
1min (1612): /observers ask berhudar. you always think the OP players don't speak together out of 0AD lobby or Forum lol
1min (1612): /observers and don't say to me lyx is berhudar lol
leopard (1328): /observers I am not investigating anyone now
1min (1612): /observers Norse wanted to put 3 players of top10 out
1min (1612): /observers he is successful for 2 
1min (1612): /observers but even Valihrant stopped as there is no opposition now
leopard (1328): /observers my interest was to ban shyft siera
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies Pandravabal you have anturam?
Pandravabal: /allies not yet
aow (1199): /allies Pandravabal pocket
leopard (1328): /observers borg is still playing
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) why Doctor is ok and me berhudar and FeldFeld out
1min (1612): /observers borg is noob compared to FeldFeld and berhudar
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) may be talk private
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) berhudar was 75% win vs borg
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) 1min (1612) weirdjokes also wanted you out 
Havran (1820): /allies TheArmada (1563) go go
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328)  private doesn't work in A0D
Effervescent (1323): /observers why Havran (1820) made that hero? is there something special about him?
1min (1612): /observers I will send your sentence to weirdJokes right now
1min (1612): /observers let's see what he will say
reza-math (1466): /observers 1min (1612) private work, its u who use hacked auto civ
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) ok 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers reza-math (1466) no all is in mainlog.html
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies gg
reza-math (1466): /observers 1min (1612) anyway u use thhe cheat
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies Pandravabal
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) 1min (1612) it
leopard (1328): /observers it'
leopard (1328): /observers it's too hard to code
1min (1612): /observers I sent that to weirdJokes leopard. leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) 1min (1612) weirdjokes also wanted you out \n
Peter_Nubia (1405): Pandravabal afk?
Pandravabal: /allies here
Pandravabal: /allies iforgot_mypassword (1442)
Pandravabal: /allies help him
Peter_Nubia (1405): iforgot_mypassword (1442)
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) he think you are shyft siera
reza-math (1466): Peter_Nubia (1405) nnah he just forgot his password
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) FeldFeld and weirdJokes know who I am
Peter_Nubia (1405): dementia
Pandravabal: /allies turtle PistolPete (1409)
Havran (1820): iforgot_mypassword (1442) last game
PistolPete (1409): /allies yes
1min (1612): /observers more than the 0AD accounts
Peter_Nubia (1405): you send 10 dudes iforgot_mypassword (1442)?
Peter_Nubia (1405): op
iforgot_mypassword (1442): /allies why dont pping on map?
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies are you blind?
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) did he quit 0AD because of norse harold 
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) stop speaking in private. I always speak publically
Pandravabal: /allies u supposed to look at map always
leopard (1328): /msg 1min (1612) other people find it funny
1min (1612): /observers you have to quit 0AD now
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies ou have been playing for years
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies come iforgot_mypassword (1442)
leopard (1328): you don't want me in 0AD 1min (1612)
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies sandcich Pandravabal
1min (1612): /observers who would I play ? Said noob! Doctor Noob! Stockfish cheater! borg ragequiter ! 
1min (1612): /observers only hamdich or vinme
iforgot_mypassword (1442): /allies ping on map pls
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies fight nub
leopard (1328): /observers why should I quit 0AD 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) do what you want I don't care. I just hate eople speaking without knowing anything
leopard (1328): /observers I don't hate you
1min (1612): /observers I just send your sentence to weirdJokes. wait and see
leopard (1328): /observers he might camel rush me 1min (1612)
leopard (1328): /observers or unfriend me?
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies i thought you were my support at first Pandravabal
1min (1612): /observers if you're right, I will ban him. if you're not you will be
1min (1612): /observers you play a game of throne game
leopard (1328): /observers 1min (1612) why act like women 
Pandravabal: /allies PistolPete (1409)
reza-math (1466): /observers leopard (1328) maybe hes woman?
1min (1612): /observers it's the opposite. all his public in my case
1min (1612): /observers you act as a @#$% as you sent me as private message
1min (1612): /observers I even broadcasted our discussion to weirdJokes
leopard (1328): /observers I wanted only your response
1min (1612): /observers ok I will ask weirdJokes if I4m a woman to please you
Sol_Hunter (1523): Party_At_My_Place??
leopard (1328): /observers what about marc aurel 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers should I ask also if I4m a monkey as Doctor claimed ?
reza-math (1466): /observers leopard (1328) look at Sol_Hunter (1523) and wapo they r even noober than u
1min (1612): /observers I played him
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) are you saying Marc think I'm Shyft Sierra?
leopard (1328): /observers no
1min (1612): /observers and wants me to be banned ?
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies wppd \xE1m of
leopard (1328): /observers he know you in person, he is your friend 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers that's becoming very fun leopard (1328)
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies wood Pandravabal iforgot_mypassword (1442)
leopard (1328): /observers you've seen each other right?
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) you mix me and yekaterina
aow (1199): /allies thx
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) when you know nothing, usually you shut up
aow (1199): /allies Sol_Hunter (1523) lets try something
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies food PistolPete (1409)
Sol_Hunter (1523): /allies MAking_Rams
leopard (1328): /observers I try to ask
leopard (1328): /observers if I know nothing
Sol_Hunter (1523): /allies NBACKOFF
leopard (1328): /observers I am just asking questions 
leopard (1328): /observers to know
1min (1612): /observers no you claim weirdjokes wanted me to be banned
leopard (1328): /observers If I shut up Idon't know 
aow (1199): /allies oh @#$% bolts
vinme (2215): archers vs bols
vinme (2215): nightmare fuel
leopard (1328): /observers wj wanted yaketerina out 1min (1612)
leopard (1328): /observers imposters out
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) I won all my games vs Yekaterina. and quite easily
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies come iforgot_mypassword (1442)
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies watch the map
reza-math (1466): /observers leopard (1328) 1min (1612) is not shyyft seiria
leopard (1328): /observers so did Helicity
1min (1612): /observers weirdjokes knows the gap between him yakaterina and me
leopard (1328): /observers you are cedric?
leopard (1328): /observers are you?
Peter_Nubia (1405): iforgot_mypassword (1442) you reteat full army for 10 cavs?
iforgot_mypassword (1442): lol
1min (1612): /observers only my friend will be allowed to call me by my frst name. you're not
Havran (1820): /allies aow (1199) is defend ?
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies PistolPete (1409) res
Havran (1820): /allies you let us 3v2 and now you dead
leopard (1328): /observers please consider me your friend
Havran (1820): /allies sad
1min (1612): /observers reza-math (1466) I think you must teach 0AD to leopard (1328)
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) you're not for sure.
Peter_Nubia (1405): iforgot_mypassword (1442) come nub
aow (1199): /allies i have cav
leopard (1328): /observers why do you hate me 1min (1612)
aow (1199): /allies stop whining
1min (1612): /observers I don't know any good player who will fail between me and yekaterina by play
leopard (1328): /observers what did I do
1min (1612): /observers and by the way I don't cheat
leopard (1328): /observers I never seen you play in this account 1min (1612)
1min (1612): /observers leopard (1328) go to Norse Harold
1min (1612): /observers and let's the last players play
leopard (1328): /observers do you think I am reporting everything to norse harold?
sniper12 (1693): /observers specs new tg
TheArmada (1563): /allies 2v1 here soon
sniper12 (1693): /observers host 4v4
vinme (2215): /observers leopard (1328)
vinme (2215): /observers tell norse harold that he is a cuck
reza-math (1466): /observers @#$% vinme (2215)?
vinme (2215): /observers norse cucklord hehehe
vinme (2215): /observers cuck reza-math (1466) look it up
reza-math (1466): /observers ok
leopard (1328): /observers I talk about other things in life to norse harold we don't talk much about 0ad players
vinme (2215): /observers leopard (1328) promise me you will deliver my message
leopard (1328): /observers we talk about politics etc
leopard (1328): /observers vinme (2215) no
vinme (2215): /observers i bet he is leftist
vinme (2215): /observers most cucks are leftist
leopard (1328): /observers you tell him yourself bigguy
vinme (2215): /observers i have
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies gg this side
Pandravabal: /allies we win this side
Peter_Nubia (1405): /allies too late
leopard (1328): /observers he told me not to indulge in 0AD politics
Pandravabal: /allies build pls PistolPete (1409)
Pandravabal: /allies PistolPete (1409)
aow (1199): r u Stockfish?


Edited by leopard
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  • leopard changed the title to Geriatrix Stop behaving like this
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For the record, I have had no interaction with Feldfeld or berhudar. They have had no punishments from me. I don't know why they left, or even if they left, but I'm sure that they did not leave because of me.

It's a rumor, and it's false. You have other rumors that are false in the chat log. Please stop saying these things, Geriatrix / 1min / Cedric_O.


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4 minutes ago, MarcusAureliu#s said:

2. 1min wasn't trying to express that he hates leopard

he hates me, he banned me, think I report everything in chat to Norse Harold and get his accounts banned, he think I am working for Norse Harold,

In fact Geriatrix's behavior is annoying, blindly accusing people of things they don't do

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6 minutes ago, leopard said:

According to Geriatrix @ValihrAnt not playing 0AD is @Norse_Harold's fault

lol. Well, I guess he's grasping at straws now.

For the record, I have had no interaction with ValihrAnt, and he has had no punishments from me. I'm sure that his not playing 0AD is not because of me.

When he comes back, people can and should ask why he was away. Then remember that Geriatrix lied and said it was because of Norse_Harold.

Anyway, I don't think ValihrAnt has stopped playing 0AD. I see mentions of his name in the lobby chat logs as of June 22 and June 29, 2024. There were many messages involving him that indicated that he had played in games on June 22.

Edited by Norse_Harold
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13 minutes ago, MarcusAureliu#s said:

1. 1min is not Yekaterina

I don't hate Yekaterina or Cedric O, but Cedric hating me or others for no reason should be discussed, and Cedric should stop saying false things to people

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8 hours ago, guerringuerrin said:

I played some TGs with weirdJokes just 15 days ago. He beat all of our asses as usual

he has lot of tricks he developed, that he won't share if it is high value, you have to spec his gameplay to steal his tricks, he could be the best TG player, maybe even better than @ValihrAnt

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The real problem is not PROGUI,
The real problem is Geriatrix's behaviour towards other players, he accuses other of things they didn't do, and says people leave 0AD because of existing people who try to moderate and promote healthy communication between players.

he even said (I don't have proof now) that @Stan` retired from his position because of 0AD players

everyone has personal preference and that is the first priority when it comes to working for something that doesn't pay you anything, accusing others for someones decision not to participate and villainizing or making fun of people and/or ban them from games and wasting others time by stating delusions as facts are may be not the biggest problem but it's annoying and waste of time. 

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According to him, I'm a nuub and I've never defeated feldfeld and berhudar haha.

My winrate against any of the top players is over 80%, looking at the whole history.

Berhudar in recent history defeated me 75% because he used alt click, and I didn't even know what that was, but in all history, I lost count of how many times I defeated him.

Geriatrix basically talks this nonsense because he's not good enough, and he's jealous of good players. He says he won't play with me, but I must have like 50 replays against him, and he begged to play with me every time (of course he lost 99%), I even banned him from my games for a long time for talking nonsense, and he begged to join my games haha.

I think he is Physics (original acc).

About the pro-gui, it doesn't influence anything, if you are bad, you will continue to be. I have never used it, and I am sure it would not make me better.

Edited by borg-
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5 hours ago, MarcusAureliu#s said:

I dont think there is any empirical study that proves or disproves wether using pro gui gives an advantage

Mentula did a study on whether or not progui offers an advantage here.

Anyway, discussion of ProGUI is off-topic in this thread. Please keep it on topic, based on the title of the thread.

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3 hours ago, borg- said:

Según él, soy un nuub y nunca he vencido a Feldfeld y Berhudar jaja.

Mi tasa de victorias contra cualquiera de los mejores jugadores es superior al 80%, considerando todo el historial.

Berhudar en la historia reciente me derrotó en un 75% porque usó alt click, y ni siquiera sabía qué era eso, pero en toda la historia, perdí la cuenta de cuántas veces lo derroté.

Geriatrix básicamente dice estas tonterías porque no es lo suficientemente bueno y está celoso de los buenos jugadores. Dice que no jugará conmigo, pero debo haber jugado como 50 veces contra él y me rogó que lo dejara jugar conmigo cada vez (por supuesto, perdió el 99 %). Incluso lo baneé de mis juegos durante mucho tiempo por decir tonterías y él me rogó que lo dejara jugar, jaja.

Creo que es Física (acuse original).

Sobre el pro-gui, no influye en nada, si eres malo, lo seguirás siendo. Yo nunca lo he usado, y estoy seguro de que no me haría mejorar.

HEAR THE MASTER!! Btw It is funny the borg - geriatrix thing hahah. Btw, +75% vs felderson borg?? eaeeee

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7 hours ago, borg- said:

According to him, I'm a nuub and I've never defeated feldfeld and berhudar haha.

My winrate against any of the top players is over 80%, looking at the whole history.

Berhudar in recent history defeated me 75% because he used alt click, and I didn't even know what that was, but in all history, I lost count of how many times I defeated him.

Geriatrix basically talks this nonsense because he's not good enough, and he's jealous of good players. He says he won't play with me, but I must have like 50 replays against him, and he begged to play with me every time (of course he lost 99%), I even banned him from my games for a long time for talking nonsense, and he begged to join my games haha.

I think he is Physics (original acc).

About the pro-gui, it doesn't influence anything, if you are bad, you will continue to be. I have never used it, and I am sure it would not make me better.

I'm sure you are wrong about PhyZic (indeed the only original account) but maybe Physics is another account I can't recall.. PhyZic was fluent german but other guy not at all..


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10 hours ago, Grautvornix said:

Still a bit ignorant as only playing for myself enkoying a beautiful game. I wonder if rated games are really that important in life... probably getting old. Sigh!

It's a matter of Life and Death for us

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