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Abstraction mod bundle


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I recommend that you install all 4 of these at the same time. But you can choose to install just one of them to suit your needs. 


Shavedtrees  deals with the colours of trees and fauna

AbstractGUI changes the interface layout and makes adjustments to projectile colour and various details

Bettersound makes alarms and attacks louder

Darkland makes the ground dark instead of green. Basically dark mode for eye protection, especially in arctic map. 


These mods only change the appearance of the game; they do not instantly make you a better player nor do they automate anything at all. However, they do allow you to focus more on your own micro, optimisation and game events instead of being distracted by extravagant eyecandy features. 

shaved_trees.zip darkland.zip abstractGUI.zip betterSound.zip

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@Yekaterina @Stan` can we make a mod in which we change every 3d model to sprites, do you think it will help people with low end PCs to play the game without much lag, I am aware that managing what each unit can do and calculations contribute to lag as stan said in one of his comments,
but still will converting 3d models to sprites make any difference? I am only asking this as a mod so that low end pcs can run game as fast as others

I want 0AD to be in 3d as always. 

Edited by leopard
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22 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I think non-animated cubes for everything wouid make a very big difference for performance.

I remember proposing this about 2 years ago and I was laughed at. Now it's your turn.

Cubes and cylinders reduce CPU load and also abstracts the resources so that human players can react to the quicker. You can also easily see the distribution instead of being covered up by canopy.


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59 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

I remember proposing this about 2 years ago and I was laughed at. Now it's your turn.

Cubes and cylinders reduce CPU load and also abstracts the resources so that human players can react to the quicker. You can also easily see the distribution instead of being covered up by canopy.


It's all fine and good as a fun mod, but then are you playing a Roman-themed game anymore at that point? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

New update: to reduce polygon count, I turned trees and starting berries into cubes. This reduces the number of rendering polygons from dozens to just 6 per tree. OP. 


Trees are just a first step. Everything's polygon count must be reduced to minimise lag. It's a balance between being able to identify things and the lowest polygon count possible. Currently working on: reduced mine polygon and unit polygon. Units are harder because I want them to be distinguishable without having too many polygons. Difficult...

Having this shaved tree mod already raised my FPS from 60-70 of vanilla graphics to 92. This is because in many biomes, the trees are over complicated and consume huge amounts of processing as there are so many of them in the view range. 

If I lower unit polygons further, there will be a bigger performance improvement, which is ideal for people with low end PCs and those who complain about lag in 4v4. 


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  • 1 year later...

The zip mods in this thread shared by the original author is deprecated with some errors, due to updates to the game. 

Some players are still interested in this and requested improvements to the terrain colourings. I fixed it:




This tiny zip of 5.3MB has all of the features in one go: cube trees, changes to berries and chicken, dark ground but with visible cliffs, golden projectiles...

Edited by Seleucids
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  • 2 months later...
59 minutes ago, sarcoma said:

Yekaterina's mods for a27 in monokai palette and with new player colors

  Hide contents


yekaterina.zip 893.56 kB · 1 download

This looks great, thank you!

Ideally we can have the seagulls transparent, as they are irrelevant to gameplay?

Also phyzic proposed brown trees, maybe we can try that out?

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24 minutes ago, Seleucids said:

seagulls transparent

i removed them completely

25 minutes ago, Seleucids said:

brown trees

i dont like it, but u can make any color like this

P3 1 1 255
118 204 224

convert color.ppm color.png

and replace the respective file

Some animals/hunt are missing, like horse

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On 05/02/2025 at 10:57 AM, Seleucids said:

Also phyzic proposed brown trees, maybe we can try that out?


On 05/02/2025 at 11:25 AM, sarcoma said:

but u can make any color like this

I find the concept of this mod remarkable. It is evident that a color change in certain models will be received differently by different players. Perhaps it would be possible to modify the mod in such a way that individual players can adjust their preferred colors themselves (similar to how diplomatic colors can be customized), thereby circumventing the subjectivity dilemma. I believe this mod has great potential.

Also, seleucids, is it possible to fix this?:


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@MetaPhyZic how you can edit the colours of trees:

1. Go into art/textures/skins/gaia

2. Find all trees_cypress_*.png. they should look purple by default.

3. Open them with gimp or some other drawing software

4. Colour them the colour you want and save

Restart 0ad and you should see the trees change colour. The same method can be used to change the colour scheme of other things

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