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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. At least some darker/lighter variations? A market where each stall has the same sail seems pretty unreal...
  2. Amazing! Can't wait to see this in game :-) Any chance you might add some more colourful textures? A simple design could do the trick. The stripes just don't. I think the best thing would be a few variations in which the stalls have different sails. Pure white, striped, some kind of pattern, yellowish ... So that the markets don't look exactly the same each time...
  3. That is why it should be much more costly than a normal CC I often end up destroying quite a few of my outposts later in the game when I conquer a part of the map where I previously placed outposts in order to see the enemy units approaching, and afterwards I often have to place towers there anyway, so if there was a button to convert an outpost into a tower this might be useful in quite a lot of cases.
  4. The symbols on the sails may not enhance civilisation recognition, but I do believe it will add to the game. I always loved how the symbols on the sails in AoK had variations. It will also make your navy look a bit less uniform ;-)
  5. That is a greeaat idea! And it's historical too! For balance reasons the resulting CC should've cost more, because of the defensive strength of the army camp and its ability to train almost anything. Having to choose between gaining territory, making civ-soldiers and having a dropspot for resource or having a strong defensive fort that can train a lot of military units, it would certainly add something to the game. Maybe we could also have an outpost -> defence tower conversion?
  6. Hmmm ... I think you've got a point there ... this is the eyecandy topic xD So yeah ... shield bearers it is! ;-)
  7. How would you see these shield units/mantlets used in the game? How would it add to the gameplay? Nice information about the watchmen!
  8. Could you explain what that stationary wall is? I think someone is already making an onager. Any sources as to what these Town Watchmen would've looked like? I don't see why they would have clubs and not swords. The others are added.
  9. Yay, Technology!!! :-) Each time I see some post about technologies my heart skips a beat...
  10. I'm quite sure that some "no attack" policies are going to be implemented (10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min?) So people can build their base(s) first.
  11. Hmmm ... I played a game earlier today Persians vs Romans (AI). I had 330 units (max) in the late game and it rarely started lagging. Only when I moved my rohirim (I had a 150 cavalry units). Either the performance has already been improved a little, or my computer is growing CPUs ... The AI also seems improved. I didn't attack until late in the game, I love to build a base first, and the AI player already had 6 or 7 civ centers when I switched to offensive. The AI also kept attacking me, but unfortunately its still really stupid on that point. I placed all my 25 towers + 3 castles in one spot which I then called "The Pit" and the enemy kept sending units through there, but they generally didn't get past it xD And that while there were some defenceless places it could've reached! The AI, and this really surprised, did not use any siege equipment except for the scorpions. With all the defences I had the AI should've made rams or catapults to take them down.
  12. Actually playing for fun is impossible right now. The only reason I hang around is to update my svn every day xD
  13. @Kimball: Are you aware the Scion Development site has some php issues?
  14. Ideas is not really what I think we need, I gathered quite a lot of them from the last Eyecandy Thread, but - of course - my list is still obsolete. What we need most is to get work done. If you can do 3D, texturing AO mapping, animating, ... or even just post pictures/concept art. I'm quite sure that once models are of a good quality someone from the official team can add them to the game, I'm just a fan trying to get the eyecandy wheel turning. I would suggest you compress the model and attach it to your post (or upload it to Mediafire, or another filesharing service and then add the link to your post). If it can be used, hopefully someone will be willing to add it ;-) As for your last question. I think Atlas definitely needs a new sorting system for the Actors/Entities. One that is more user friendly to new people. The current one is good, and no problem to work with ... if you know the names of all of the models by heart ... a better system would be to put them in a kind of 'folder tree' where Ruins are in one folder and Animals are in another.
  15. I can imagine scenario designers will want to build extensive docks: Roman Harbour Construction of the Ancient port of Amathus in Cyprus link Cranes used in Ancient Greece to load heavy stuff onto ships. Reconstruction of a Roman Treadwheel Crane.
  16. I think there should be a global tech-tree which is common to all civs, with, of course, variations for each civ. More than in AoE. In AoE all civs had the same tech tree, but each civ had some techs they could not research. I think we should have some really civ-specific techs.
  17. It certainly isn't, this will force raiding style people to alter their strategies in some cases. Should be a good thing.
  18. Maybe there should be an upgrade that gives an immediate promotion when units are trained in the barracks?
  19. Leave them, focus on a few, if the others turn out to be too much work you can always decide not to do them. Maybe you should make a priority list of the factions?
  20. A lot, but then again there is no fixed deadline, so all of these civs can be done one by one. Some, I imagine the Egyptians will be one of those, will get finished quite soon, others will take much longer. But this mod idea is certainly worth the trouble.
  21. Something like this: Some kind of water snapping should also be possible. I agree with making the Wall-towers-can-shoot an upgrade (not with that name of course xD) And having towers shoot scorpion bolts would be sweet. Will that change the visual of the towers as well? (Will the scorpion be visible?)
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