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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. As long as you don't force players to watch any of it. I hate those games that do so. If you want to do preloading during the cinematics, add a little text in a corner that sais "Preloading..." and change it into a "Skip" button when the preloading is done. Also allow players to press any button to skip (or at least spacebar/esc/enter) and maybe even add an option in the option menu to "automatically skip cinematics when preloading is done". The first time I play a game I just love to watch the entire cinematics! But some games force you to keep watching their studio logo, or something similar, and you can't skip it!
  2. I do think we should not overthink this, but I also believe that allowing colours to be different for different players is a bad idea, why not make it match specific? When one of the players has 'colour'-blind mode activated in the options the match host will be asked to switch the match settings to colour-blind, which affects all players.
  3. You're lying! It can't be true! 0 A.D. can't possibly be free! It looks much too good for that! xD AoE II still works just fine on my Ubunut 12.10 newly bought System76 without any modding. I must agree that a HD version is nice, but I'm not paying 17€ for that!
  4. The relics in the normal "Relics" game mode should not have bonuses in my opinion: the game should get harder as you collect more relics, not easier! But having relics with bonuses in the editor sounds good to me. (adding negative effects isn't necessary, the other players that want those relics will make it more difficult already) Maybe we could add some notification on the map when a relic has been picked up, or even reveal that location on the map when it has been sighted by a player.
  5. Hmm ... I made a phoenician temple model a while ago, not textured yet though. I'll see if I can do something with it after my exams
  6. Nice, there are much too few games out there with Europeans that are NOT about WW1 or 2.
  7. The only thing that could be a lot of work is making animations for it, but that isn't really necessary (although I would add it to the Part II todo list)
  8. Not sure how it works in 0AD, but in AoE you lose some resources when you send tributes (you send 100, only 80 arrives or something). Both players would control the same civilisation, I believe. The solution could be to blacklist all buildings that are not in the selected civ at the beginning of the game (but allow scenario makers to whitelist buildings)
  9. What I meant to say is that players will decide to take a certain task on themselves anyway, I do not feel an enforcement is necessary.
  10. Sweet, I've always wanted this! Not sure about the 'forced separation' part though. The economical one may also want to do the defences and in case of a surprise attack it could be better if he could also control some military units. I think that without the forced separation people are going to do this separation themselves anyway. "You do this, I do that." Really looking forward to this!
  11. For the sake of the game, both should be transportable. ..
  12. Well, these mythological ones were also 'real'. Or at least people thought they were real. The thing about relics is that everyone likes to say they possess one and sometimes people lie. The example I gave about the egg of Leda was an actual claim of the Spartans, of course we now know they couldn't possibly have possessed this, but people at that time may have believed the story. I'll add civ names to each proposal as well from now on. How should relics be picked up ? Only by priests/healers? Or by any unit? Or is the relic automatically loaded on a cart that can be controlled (like artifacts in AoE I) Having relics give morale boosts would be great!!!
  13. Thanks Lion, but please don't quote full posts ;-)
  14. I don't really have any suggestions, but since a collect all relics victory condition will probably be added some time in the future we can already think a bit about what these relics would be. 1) There must be something (a particle effect?) that makes sure a player can immediately recognize a relic as being one. 2) They must fit into our time window (evidently!) 3) They should fit with biotopes/civs on the map (iow multiple relics) Personally I would prefer relics to be unique, there is only 'one of each' in a game. Proposals for relics: Body of Alexander (transported in sarcophagus) (Macedonian) The Sword of Brennus (the one he threw on the scales ... buuut! Brennus is also a hero in the game so this wouldn't work out) (Gallic) Gáe Bulg (Brythonic Celts) Śarīra (Mauryan Indians) Roman Eagles Proposals for non-existing relics: Armor of Achilles (Spartans) The Egg of Leda (Spartans) The Head of Orpheus Chariot of Krishna (Mauryans) Shield of Aeneas (Romans) Bones of Theseus (Athens) Babr-e Bayan (Persians) (link) Golden Fleece (Greeks) The (Delphi) Omphalos Cornucopia (aka Horn of Plenty) (Greeks/Gauls) The Gundestrup Cauldron (Gauls) Proposals for common identifiers for all relics: Some kind of golden glow around the item or unit carrying the item How can relics be picked up and moved? I'll try to update this list regularly with your proposals.
  15. Both? If I had to choose though I would go for the one we have now. No boring white stupa for me in that case!
  16. I can see the waterfalls!!! Beautiful!!!
  17. On both of my Ubuntu powered computers the hanging gardens have no water, nor waterfalls. I have no clue what the problem could be, or what information I should include in my post. For as far as I know I have no other issues with running 0 A.D. System 76 gazp7 Intel i7-2760QM Nvidia GForce GTX 560M Running Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit & 0 A.D. XII dev 13168
  18. Victory is just an event that can be linked to a trigger so these are not objectives as such. But these are planned, don't worry ;-)
  19. If we hated MAC users, why did we make this game available to you ;-) For the infinite scrolling, does pressing the arrow key of the direction in which you are travelling help? I sometimes have this problem when the releasing of an arrow key happens when the cursor is no longer focused on the atlas window (I change the music track while scrolling for example). Atlas is still a very rough tool, it has all that is necessary for mapmaking (except triggers maybe), but it is not very customizable or clean. The game is still in Alpha, so the map editor isn't really that important right now. (altough fixing these delete problems wouldn't be a bad thing) A better entity/actor selection tab will certainly be available some time in the future, but it is not on the priority list right now. The developers are mainly focused on the game and not on the editor at the time. I personally have never experienced this problem with the delete key. Does the delete key work in the atlas text inputs?
  20. Stamina bars would just clutter the screen
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