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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. Barely noticeable from a decent distance, but when playing zoomed in to the max it becomes a 1-pixel gap. And when using free camera mode the gap between the head and the neck becomes REALLY obvious. It is not just the roman spearman that has this problem. The mauryan swordsman, the cartaginian spearman and a few others all have this problem. A little tweak in the neck of the body mesh should fix this I think.
  2. These are starting to look like real egyptians, I think: (for the hair texture I just used a brownish black color) @Lion: Here's the hair texture (and the 3d image so you know where what part of the hair is): EDIT: And no, that wasn't Lady Gaga I was modelling!
  3. Shield C; a really tall (almost as tall as a person) shield: @Lion: Don't forget to remove the white lines from shield A1 (the cow-hide one)
  4. Don't worry, we're all here to make errors and learn from them.
  5. Or like wesnoth, they have a mod server.
  6. Or - if someone with time and skill is willing to do so - we could have a script that adjusts the texture used for the model depending on what texture the surrounding rocks use. I think that is the ultimate solution. 1 model for each waterfall which can auto-adjust to the environment.
  7. I love that tower!!! I'm gonna make that one xD I'll continue to work on the walls I have now as well. The first one dates from 2700~ BC, so that's a really nice eyecandy thing anyway. The second one is from the walls around some Egyptian temple complex, not really meant to keep an army out, just thieves. So it would be great scenery as well, even if we don't use it. I think the Egyptian tower should have extra defence against non-siege weapons, because the door is really high and so the tower would have been really difficult to take over.
  8. I would leave it as it is (anyway, you can always crop later on, if you really think that would be better) I'm beginning to hesitate now. The unit somehow looks even stronger when you crop it xD
  9. Building roads to boost the productivity of trading and maybe even of resource gathering sounds interesting to me as well.
  10. That looks amazing! I'll add the unicorn to the eyecandy list.
  11. These videos should give you an idea about how to make UV maps and texture an object. If you've got any direct question I will gladly help you.
  12. What do you guys think? Two walls for the Egyptians? Big strong wall and a small weaker wall. @Lion: Do you think you could make a desert block texture for the big wall and a plaster texture with playercolor triangles at the top border for the small wall?
  13. Much better, thank you.
  14. The horse nose is a bit too square, but it's making great progress! It's a bit like the trunk of an elephant, but really short. EDIT: It reminds me of this:
  15. You forgot to remove the white lines from the black/white shield texture. And could you make the ankh shield with playercolor?
  16. Nice ones! I'll add them to the git and take a screenshot! Can you make one like this (for shield type b )
  17. Isn't it better if the armour for units is just a texture and not a separate model? Sounds easier to animate to me.
  18. Nice, more shields to model! That's roman soldiers with egyptian shields xD guess they looted their army camp or something...
  19. We've now got a sourceforge page where our progress can easily be tracked. http://sourceforge.n...teia/wiki/Home/ There is a wiki, a forum and git where the current state of the mod can be downloaded.
  20. Try to make a UV, Lion is good at texturing.
  21. Not sure how many is good for a helmet, you should probably have a look at some of the models in the game. For special units you can use a bit more, of course.
  22. Wow, that game looks amazingly fun!!! I wanna play it!!!
  23. How many vertexes is that? Isn't that a bit high-poly for a helmet?
  24. Really ancient Egyptian wall (~2700 BC): Egyptian wonder? (~2000 BC) (these pictures were taken from an old big French book about Egypt that I found in my library, I wonder if I've got any other interesting ones lying around)
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