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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. I like this too. Minifactions would really open a wide range of possibilities for campaigns and scenarios. I want pirate states!!!
  2. I think sending a caravan unit carrying resources as a tribute would really add something to the gameplay. It requires full cooperation of allies in order to make sure there is a safe path along which to transport these resources. Maybe also a treasure boat (or whatever you want to call it) for water maps?
  3. I replaced the screenshot as well as adding the second one and added a translation of the "reception" section. Also mentioned the Top 100 Indie Games of 2011, these are not mentioned on the English wiki. Any reason for this?
  4. I like a battlefield to have corpses lying around, but some more blood, rotting and bones would be appreciated (so that the team colours disappear faster).
  5. I made a dutch wikipedia article about 0AD: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/0_A.D._%28spel%29
  6. Thank you, I thought the problem was in the copper circles surrounding the globe (because disabling them seemed to solve the problem). I'll try it out.
  7. Published it on wikimedia commons under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
  8. I'm having some trouble with the rendering and I believe the problem has something to do with the UVmapping: there seems to be this noise over some parts of the globe. When I deactivate UVmapping for the circular bars around the globe this noise disappears and everything looks fine. I haven't found a way to bypass this yet and I don't know what I changed to make this happen. Does anyone else have the same problem when rendering the blend file I uploaded? Or does anyone have an idea what may have gone wrong?
  9. I already posted the link some months ago, but here it is again: link
  10. The icon was made using Blender and Gimp. I messed up some things in Blender and I don't really remember what, but if you want to play with it you can, I attached the .blend file and the textures anyway. Download link: http://ubuntuone.com...GqiFidSNnYQZREp
  11. This tower has to be included, it is epic!!! I would add a lens to the mirror
  12. I am currently trying to get into a good university, so I have no time left to spend on 3d models and games. However, once I've done my aptitude test and (hopefully) interview ... and once I've finished my rhetorics examinations, I will try to continue working on this project. If any people are willing to take over, you're welcome.
  13. I took the topographic map from this page (the penultimate): http://earthobservat...e_monthlies.php
  14. I suggested it as fan-art (that makes thing simpler) but I'm willing to search for the original map
  15. I like my desktop (and launcher) icons to fit together and that is why I made myself an Atlas icon: 0adatlas.png, 512x512, made with Blender & Gimp Everything was done by me, except the original map of the earth which came from NASA. If I read correctly on their site this imagery is not copyrighted, and can be used for educational and informational purposes. Not sure whether an open source game counts as any of those two, but as this is fan-made material I guess it doesn't matter that much. So I guess I can freely say: "Feel free to download and use this." (btw: yes I know the trade routes are bullocks, but as this will, probably, at most serve as a 64x64 icon you won't notice that) EDIT: A new version with clearer coastlines and more ocean/continent contrast. The angle has been changed as well. 0adatlas.png, 512x512, made with Blender & Gimp
  16. That is the launcher I use to test my egyptian models.
  17. Conversions are a big irritation, I totally agree! in aoe priest spawners were horrible, not necessarily very effective but horribly irritating. I believe conversions should be implemented, but we have to be careful not to overpower them. A short range, a long 'reload' timer and a rather slow rate. More something you would use to gain special units you can't make yourself than something you would be using constantly. (Heroes of course should be inconversable, but I guess every one knew that)
  18. These are the 0AD launchers I have on my dekstop:
  19. The Celtic women being able to fight seems like an interesting idea, horribly difficult to balance though. We should at least have some Celtic women in Atlas, that's a must imho. We could also have Celtic fighter units be randomly male/female.
  20. I don't really have any suggestions to make, so I'll just say that I rather like the last two of those. The first two don't sound as good with 0AD as a prefix.
  21. Yep! I never liked steam very much (and still don't) but since they are coming to linux I feel forced to adjust my opinion on the matter. I believe 0AD is a great game even as it is, but agree that it should not be put on Steam just yet. I think multicore processors should be supported before we want to put it out there, the main reason I nearly never finish a game is because the lag gets sooo terrible that it becomes near unplayable. A beta release on steam should be fine!
  22. The original age of empires didn't show the units carried inside a transport. Age of mythology only showed 8 of the types of units inside (never noticed before) I'll reinstall aoe2 and 3 to check out how those worked. Anyway when transporting units you'll probably have lots of the same type in one boat, so a simple and elegant solution should suffice.
  23. Maybe the last icon can be replaced by a question mark and the amount of units of other types that are garrisoned at the moment. That way you can still see that there are more units garrisoned, although you can't see which ones (this might stop some people from complaining, hopefully).
  24. As I am developing two mods myself at the moment this sounds like music (a bit like Strauss) to my ears. An easy system to browse & install mods like in wesnoth (and many other games) is a really great way to make mods popular and widespread. I know no one (except myself) who ever installed aoe mods. They didn't have anything like this ... that may have been the reason ... A danger with this system however is that often the servers get crowded with mods that aren't really worth being called a mod. There should be some kind of quality control in my opinion.
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