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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. The progress: (also: how can I make the picture bigger in the forum? it doesn't allow me to place links to images so I use attachments, but they always stay small) I added three amphorae on the ground and two reed mats and headrests on the roof. Still work in progress though.
  2. Maybe you should make a land-only, a sea-only variation and keep this one as the totally random map! When you play with AI you want to be sure you're gonna play land-only. p.s. I don't mean to say 'no water at all' by land-only
  3. '3 of the 5 required village phase structures built'?
  4. /me is having difficulties to understand how egyptians slept ... This could've been the bedroom furniture of an ancient egyptian house.
  5. Select the move cursor then click on the building and press 'del' It's also possible to change the owner of a building by selecting the building (using the move cursor) and selecting the owner in the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen. EDIT: feneur already answered while I was writing this, anyway: the second part of my comment might still be of use!
  6. We're at the top! ... Ooh it's alphabetical xD Still: we're at the toooop!!! (that's good publicity, isn't it)
  7. I could help with both the dutch and french translations.
  8. Working on the door and the windows now. The textures were temporary (I just used the ones I used before for the market), I already replaced with better ones (although not perfect).
  9. I like the idea of RTW, but "Strategos" sounds better (same concept). It will be very hard to balance with civ bonuses and such though. Capture the flag seems more like artifacts, not? You can bring a flag back to your camp, a ruin not so. The idea behind "capture the flag" is that you each player (or team) has a flag and scores points by taking the flag of another player (or team) to his own flag. I kinda can see this working. Two teams of 4 players each. Every person starts with an army (maybe you can build your own types of army like 'defensive', 'ranged'?) and the point is to use a strategy to sneak to the flag, pick it up and bring it back to you flag. You can do this using various strategies and a lot of teamwork. When the two flags meet one team scores a point. For short quick games this could be the end, but you could also play it in multiple rounds (each player gets some backup units to fill up for the lost ones and the ones that are left are healed, the flags are put back into place and you can start again). A bit like in any fps, only you control an army instead of one soldier. I must admit, it's a bit like 'stratego' + ruins or artifacts, but it sounds like a fun mode on itself to me! Today I played aoe again. I was surprised at how little choice for victory conditions it had (in my memory it had more) but it was great!
  10. I've never played a game like that, but it really sounds like fun! I should try RoN some time and check it out.
  11. Sorry for reviving an old topic, but I believe this is a topic which should not die! I would like to suggest some kind of "Monopoly" victory condition (not really sure how this should work though) -Conquest (military victory) -Monopoly (economical victory) -Wonder (architectural victory) -Regicide (eliminate king/emperor/pharao) -Relics (collect objects) -Tech Race (technological victory) -King of the Hill (explanation below) -Ruins (needs a different name but it should be similar to aoe1's ruins or discovery victory condition) -Hardcore (wonder+relics+ruins+monopoly+conquest?) Monopoly should have something to do with markets and docks, but I'm not sure exactly how this should work. Maybe 'establish and maintain x trade routes longer than y% of the map for z min?' then other players would try to sink the trade cogs, kill the trader and destroy docks and markets. Anyway I think there should be some kind of economical victory condition. King of the Hill: One possibility would be to place a settlement somewhere on the map on which you can construct a civ center, and if you are able to defend this building for long enough you win the game. Another could be similar but with a fortress instead of a civ center. Hardcore should be a lot of fun because there is sooo much you have to keep in thoughts all of the time, many strategies you can use to win, but that your enemy could also be trying to use! This should be the kind of game mode where you constantly have a few counters ticking and players making alliences to destroy a wonder, capture an artifact or take over a ruin!
  12. A list of documentaries about egypt (may be interesting for references?) -Secrets of Archaeology: Egypt according to Cleopatra BBC: -Egypt's Lost Cities Discovery: -Egypt Unwrapped: The Pyramid Code -Scandals of the Ancient World: Egypt -Atlas: Egypt Revealed -Why Anciet Egypt Fell -Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt -Egypt Uncovered (5 parts) Ch4: -The Ancient Worlds: Engineering Ancient Egypt -Ancient Egyptians (4 parts + extras like "Egyptian Fashion"!!!) SBS: -Planet Egypt (4 parts) Also found a list of movies that have some link with ancient egypt: http://www.ancientnile.co.uk/films.php
  13. Unfortunately my free time per day has decreased too much over the past days so I've not spend much time modelling (I also have to prepare a concert and clean up the house, 0ad egypt has descended somewhat on the priority list). But over the past few days I've spend a little bit of time every day and I've made a new basic model for a house: I'll add props when I have time.
  14. I don't really play games any more (I just seem to be unable to finish a game without getting bored or interrupted). My real gaming period started with the old aoe, then (thx to discovering linux) I switched to wesnoth which had (I remember) quite poor graphics back then! Wesnoth is (apart from 0ad) without any doubt the best open source game I've encountered. In the beginning I was unable to install aoe (1 and 2) with wine but after some time I succeeded so I went back to aoe. When aom came out I bought the game, but until now the cd has stayed uninstalled (at first I thought it didn't install because of a bug in wine, but it was a bug in the install cd!!! When I tried it years later on a windows computer, it said the cd was corrupted! I couldn't go back to the shop to ask a new one so I got a copy from a friend of mine) I never really played aom: after years of having the cd I finally had it on my computer and I never played a single game. There was a short period in which I played a lot of fps's (COD4, sauerbraten, battlefield 3, nexuiz and openArena were probably the ones I played most) Then I played aoe3 for a while with some friends, but I didn't like it as much anymore so I went on a search for some really good rts's: I crossed C&C (generals was quite nice), ee, bfme (I loved this one, but that was most of all because I love Tolkien), boswars, spring, glest (loved this game). In the end I believe the best game I ever played is still the original aoe. I don't like making decisions so I will examine items for hours before buying something. One day some old shopkeeper in an little shop came to me and told me that in the end the first thing I had picked up would be the one I would decide was my preference (this of course only counts for art, not for electronics) and he was right. He mostly is. I love 0AD because it is like aoe one, but with better graphics and historically more accurate. The only game I play these days from time to time (mostly to check out the changes) is 0AD. I sometimes play with my sister of with a friend ... and I'll make sure my girlfriend installs it too once she gets back from holiday ;-)
  15. I did some research: Poorer families did have ladders instead of stone steps (wood may have been expensive, but a ladder doesn't take that much wood). The walls would have been made of mud brick, but to protect the mud bricks from the bare sun these would've been smeared with another substance (I did not research what the result looked like though) Btw, on some places you can see the mud bricks on my texture, but I'll make it a bit clearer! The wood fence is unlikely, admitted. I tried making a brick one first, but failed. I'll try again. (Fences were quite important as many people kept animals) I'll also make the windows a bit higher to let less sun in. What should I put on the roof? A cloth attached to four poles for some shadow? Some pots in-the-make and a few plants maybe? I originally had the intention to make two types of homes: -The poorer ones (little squarish mud-brick buildings with a fence and a few little items) -The richer ones (with a pool, a high fence and gate, stone steps to a roof with coaches) If other people find nice pictures of ancient egyptian houses: post!!! Thank you for the criticism! That's the kind I needed, now I know what to do. I'll start over completely ;-) I've got some pretty neat concepts lined up. Maybe I'll post some sketches later on so that you can say which ones are good!
  16. idanwin

    Spy sheep

    When an enemy approaches one of your sheep, this sheep should become his, so you don't want to let them go close to the enemy encampment! But sheep should be controllable! That makes it easier to harvest them.
  17. Me too ^^ that's why I want to help to add them so badly.
  18. I discovered the problem: In the actor xml I wrote attachpoint="prop_amphora", this should've been attachpoint="amphora". Maybe on the wiki this could be explained a little bit clearer? I don't really have much experience with this kind of stuff, so I'm kinda discovering it all along the road, I only just discovered that you can set parents in blender and such. As a beginner modeller it would be nice if more experienced artists could give me some advice as to how I could improve the model (instead of: "it's a nice start", although I must say I'm flattered )
  19. I finally figured out how props work :-) As promised:
  20. This is the market in game: And here is the model for which I need prop points (that's the house): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66312600/housefinal.blend I don't believe the problem is in the model though, it's probably just that I don't really understand how to work with props and I haven't found any pages that explain it well yet.
  21. 1) A cheat that allows archers to walk on water and transform into trees! (for the nostalgic amongst us) 2) Tux!!! 3) A cheat that allows you to go to the next phase instantly (or even to the latest phase) (mainly for testing purposes) 4) "Who turned the lights off?" - go to night time 5) "I'm afraid in the dark!" - back to day time 6) "eagles eyes" - archers never miss 7) "you Shall Not PASS!" - summons a wizard (could be like a priest for now, well ... a really good priest, oc!) 8) "we are anonymous" - a black suited guy with a guy fawkes mask appears, he can walk through buildings and trees, over water and mountains, cannot be touched by any weaponry and does not have a weapon. Instead he has an area effect which diminishes the loyalty bar (or however it is called and once this is implemented) of any nearby enemy units. Another possibility is to give him a DoS attack (nearby enemy buildings cannot produce, fire or stock resources, with a nice hackash graphics of course: a lot of letters - maybe even actual code - fly in the direction of the affected buildings) I also second the zombies, the high and the low-pitched voices, a code that instantly destroys all the gates in the game ("all your bases are belong to us" maybe?) and "Argonaut" (reveal all water).
  22. Oh BTW, I'm also running Ubuntu 12.04. Anyway, I'm going to try this om my other pc (Linux Mint 13) this evening. For now I've just downloaded the svn and compiled it. Seems to work without any problems ... the graphics seemed somewhat off the first time I launched (they looked grey for a second before taking the right texture, but the second time everything went perfectly). And aside I finally learned how to work with svn, so there always a positive side to everything ^^
  23. A market, but I need to add some activity. (that's what I need the props for)
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