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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. what about romans? I don't see them often.
  2. are you considering a26 or community mod?
  3. Islands?!? is jc still with us?
  4. references to sources would help translators.
  5. You can sign us! Team name: A. S. Pruzzo Players: alre - clavz - Sir Atheas - ALEXANDROS
  6. In those cases I think a bot could do. They do cause OOS every time any one player disconnects and reconnects for any reason though. I am meeting my friends this evening, I'll let you know if we can join. @Mentula what about your gang?
  7. AI in team games tend to cause lag and sometimes OOS. I suggest these additional rules: - if at least one player of each team is absent, the games will be turned into a 3v3, if there are more absences from both team, the game can be turned into a 2v2 or even a 1v1 (let's hope not) - if a team presents itself with half the players of the other team (or less) it's a forfeit. Btw, do the teams currently have reserves?
  8. maybe put a disclaimer on your hosted games, like #notoxic, and advertize it here. tray to catch players who want to leave, before they do.
  9. I doubt that would work honestly. Rather, try to create an alternative host in game. There are various hosts and clusters of players tuning in and out, I almost never have these problems you are telling us because I almost always host.
  10. Who knows. For sure MP playerbase has shrinked, but I guess this is to be expected after the pandemic boom and its long tail (late a23/24/25).
  11. mmmh I don't want to be judging without merit, but this seems like bullshit. Steel requires advanced metallurgy, not just adding carbon to iron like it's a Minecraft recipe. Besides, iron in nature is not pure. I'm not an expert though.
  12. good call. Every time I've witnessed a top player losing a TG, they would start complaining and behave toxic. Bro, chill! It's a team game, not all eyes are on you! Well as long as we are in alpha stage, this is expected. I don't think that's bad personally. The game would feel carved in stone otherwise, and since its gameplay is not that rich, that would be bad I think.
  13. one thing about these AI generated portraits, is that they are pretty flat in terms of facial features. I can't quite pinpoint why, but they all look pretty much the same. I guess they lack the hand on an artist imprinting on each of them a different impression of each character.
  14. honestly I think that opensource is a good mean, and it's not failed at all, in fact you can notice nowadays how many cutting edge project are still being released with OS licenses. But it's a mean, not a goal. The way our world works, OS is not the beast mean for making games and there is little point in trying to make a game that is completely OS just for the sake of it. This completely random opinion said, because 0AD is open source, it will never die. Anyone can revive it anytime. If there is interest, things will happen. Otherways, they can still happen later on, as long as there is someone that wants to make them happen.
  15. maybe just a setting. that would mean it can't be easily changed during a match, but that's hardly a problem. a setting of two units per command seems an improvement already, and a better choice for most players than just one unit.
  16. actually, p2 is a waste of resources if you are going to fight soon, just train more cs.
  17. when will we see the next rebalance? do we need to wait for the tbd a27 release? is there a reason community mod is not being developed anymore?
  18. no one ever made it, that I know of. I'm not modding anymore.
  19. you can kick players from your game entering '/kick playername' in the chat prompt. you can prevent them from rejoining by using the keyword /ban instead of just /kick.
  20. I'd advise you to not try to organize anything on august. It's vacation time for many of us. Personally I will not see my teammates for another couple of weeks or more.
  21. AFAIK Musk was already a proficient programmer at the age of 15, developing commercial solutions. So, regardless of how wealthy he was, I'm pretty confident he wasn't picking fights on the street lol.
  22. oh nice, a debate could actually not result so ridiculous for them or for my country.
  23. I can't believe it... but I hope there will be lions.
  24. if I recall well, it's about the actual father. it's a political title meant to give legitimacy to a ruler linking them to the father.
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