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Player of 0AD

Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Player of 0AD

  1. For siege towers its already the case For ships it might be not optimal, because you would always need to garrison them, so its more micro-management For buildings it would mean more micro-management too, but it could make sense because it makes turtling weaker
  2. I'm against it, because one would need to micro-manage more. For example one would need to ungarrison just before the building is destroyed. Or if there is the threat of a capture, you dont only need to destroy the building, but you also need to ungarrison just before that, which makes it even harder to prevent your enemy from getting it. Damaging garrisoned units might be an unfair advantage for catapult civs.
  3. Voting about the match of yesterday: Best rusher - weirdjokes creativity - weirdjokes MVP - weirdjokes xD
  4. 8pm CEST is one of the most popular times in the lobby because its not too late for Europeans and not too early for Americans.
  5. Have you already discovered the hotkey for "idle unit"? I use that one in 99% of cases and cant really remember any case where I used "idle worker" recently. I think it works as intended and selects also champs and worker eles. I think that the numbers near the minimap shouldnt show the number of idle workers but just the number of idle units in total
  6. @real_tabasco_sauce What about making the default weapon of the immortals the bow, not the spear? The spear is only advantageous against melee cav and structures.
  7. Even worse: Only a few tracks are played in replays, then it stops completely
  8. If a new AI player is added while setting up the match, it will have the default difficulty. If you change the difficulty then, this change will be valid. Most likely the host ai difficulty will be the one which will be important.
  9. Guck mal in den Tastaturkürzel-Optionen, ob "Ausbildung in Gruppen" wirklich noch auf Shift ist. Und ansonsten sind es nicht unbedingt immer 5 EInheiten, es gibt auch noch eine Option "Gruppen-Ausbildungsgröße". (Unter "Spielsitzung") Halte mal die Taste gedrückt und mach mehrere Mausklicks hintereinander....
  10. Guys, I guess you mean 20 CEST? Summer time has started today...
  11. Mathematically its possible, but its not easy to remember armor levels which are not integer. Using non-integer numbers for armor levels seems to be unnecessarily complicated imho. Just change health a bit?
  12. Playstyle and behavior can be adapted. Both are super fast at booming, but very vulnerable to rushes. Both are from the same street somewhere in the UK? Yes, of course. Kate vanishes, Shyft gets active, then Shyft gets banned, then Kate suddenly returns? Just a coincidence. Kate said that Shyft began as a noob, but thats not true. He appeared out of nowhere as a 1500 player just like most accs of Kate.
  13. Not sure if i can agree. Afaik, a priest doesnt even heal the unit which he is "protecting" Edit: Maybe because protecting units never count as idle? That might explain why they dont have a reason to automatically heal.
  14. Shyft is just another identity of you, which you have used to participate in the toxicity contest which you have described. You think I don't see that?
  15. I don't think so. Axe cav is buffed, and spear cav accelerates faster.
  16. For sure the additional workload of the recording software can further reduce the fps.... Any app in the background slows 0ad down.
  17. Didn't read the whole thread, but projectiles are the things which cause most lag currently, so increasing their frequency seems to be a bad idea.
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