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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Seleucids do have the potential to cater for a wide range of strategies, yes, especially cavalry. They are almost on par with Persians in that respect, but also have the siege tower troll and elephant tsunami... However, you need to choose between champion pikemen and champion swordsmen. Not sure if nubs can always make the correct choice. Also their structure tree is above average in complexity. Personally I find cavalry somewhat difficult to use compared to infantry push, maybe nubs will also find it challenging.
  2. Watch Valihrant (pro demos), Tom 0AD(good explanations) and 0AD Newbie Rush(Team game strategies) on Youtube.
  3. To be honest I am very happy with how CCs and Kleroukhia work right now. Please don't change anything.
  4. Sometimes I just think that certain upgrades are not worth their cost. But yeah, I will try to research everything to level 1 and if I have spare metal then I will fully upgrade.
  5. Maybe provide techs that further increase the arrow count of the cc later on. Also a tech that allows training heroes from the CC ?
  6. Hi allalongthetower my I ask what sort of a school do you teach in, where the students play 0AD in class? Sounds so fun! What subject is this? My school is rated on the top of the list in England and they banned 0AD as well as a range of useful websites, e.g. reddit, discord...
  7. @Ulrich 1. Don't let anyone idle. All barracks and CC must always be training something. 2. Start building barracks at around minute 4-6 depending on your eco situation. 3. Train in the largest batch you can afford. 4. If you have extra wood and food then build another barracks. Aim to get 2 -3 built before town phase. 5. Once you have 2 or more barracks train in batches of equal sizes across all of your buildings. (4skirms in barrack+ 4 skirms in CC is better than 7 skirms in CC and 1 in barrack)
  8. Are you suggesting that CC's don't expand your territory automatically when phasing up? I am not sure if anyone would choose to 'upgrade' their cc in this way in a competitive match because one would need the arrows from the CC to deter enemy infantry, meanwhile the CC can serve as a dropsite for resources, which is convenient. The resource we are after could be any one of wood, stone or metal, although most likely metal in A24 games. Arrows in their home CC is also important to shorten Gaul naked fanatics rush and ranged cavalry rushes; without arrows these rushes would go on forever. Why we build extra CC: 1. To reach for resources. We build it close to the resource we want and use it as dropsite + labour force supplier. Therefore its dropsite function is important. 2. Get closer to an enemy. Pocket players often build a CC next to a border player so that troops can be produced close to the battlefield and reinforcements arrive promptly. If the CC can train units then that saves us the time and resources to build an extra barrack.
  9. No matter how kind you are, German kids are always kinder. ; ) Suebian Germans of Delenda EST Mod are strong, like Celts in A23
  10. I am not Chinese but I still want to see them because there were arguably one of the most powerful civilisations back then and still is now. There was a story of Persian kings importing made in China arrows which penetrated Roman shields easily.
  11. Of course. When I first started I also enjoyed building pretty cities. But eventually bloodlust took over and high K/D ratio became my pursuit. Your mind will be changed as soon as you join the multiplayer lobby.
  12. m7600 I absolutely agree with you. Sometimes we know what our opponent will do before the game starts. More civs reduce the chance of that.
  13. We want more diversity in the lobby as well! Right now we have pretty much figured out every single plausible strategy for every civ. There had been no new civs since A23. The problem is singleplayer is too easy and boring after some time. The AI Petra Bot never uses any interesting strategies and you can predict their behaviour after a few matches. The Chinese allows for weird strategies, just like Mace and Kush.
  14. Maurya and Ptolemies are not easy civs to play with, because they require a lot of micro-managing. Easy beginner civs: 1. Rome (good at defence, doesn't have major weaknesses, not too complex structure tree) 2. Britons (not much to learn, pure brutality, useful dog, quick houses) 3. Iberia (OP defence, simple structure tree) Spartans are slightly more difficult because you need to balance the eco for skiritai and hoplite champs. Requires much metal mining. Carthage is strong if you bother to learn their structure tree. They can play many different strategies. Same applies for Macedon Athens... strong navy but weak on land. Kush, Seleucid, Ptolemies, Maurya are OP if you know how to play them, but maybe not for beginners. Persians... hard to master, slow boom. Gaul... you have to rush and raid at all times, which is not easy for nubs. I can't play them.
  15. It's just a general flag banner. Historically they just carry a flag which has the name of their leader written on it.
  16. If you can make a model for it then I can edit the xml files to create such an unit. Also how do you turn it into a mod?
  17. @carthage Report this in the offence and ratings disputes section of the forum https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/35314-ratings-disputes-and-offence-reporting/?tab=comments#comment-314703
  18. Electrophile (loves electrons / negative charges) Nucleophile (loves positive charge) Hydrophile (loves water) Philopator (loves their dad) hmmmmmmm?
  19. Why does Antiochus always score 100% in his tests? Because he is Antiochus the Righteous! He is always right!
  20. Interesting! I was never aware of these hidden features. I have an idea: add another VeryVery Hard AI Petra Bot which can use these cheats on you. This solves many people's complaint of very hard AI being too easy.
  21. Yes I am aware that there is a WWII airplane in the game and I have flown it. I don't think it is very strong; I can do more damage with a few siege towers + Demetrius Besieger or Cleopatra Philopator. I don't know why it is there and all hosts would turn cheat off for multiplayer games. Anyone who types "give me pizza" or anything like it will be banned. I guess you can add a new game mode. But we must balance the cost and attack of these aircrafts. I have not seen a dragon nor an elf in the game yet. How do I summon them?
  22. Drugs? Please do not implement drugs or any other adult content into 0AD because some players are not 18 yet. Let's play with real skills and strategy instead of cheating or DDOS.
  23. Hi, I am a bit confused. Why is there a cheat unit and when would we need it? What does the unit do? Also this type of bot looks more like 2077AD rather than 0AD
  24. No problem stan, we could use the models you made. To be honest the looks of the heroes are not important because nobody knows what they actually look like. The important bit is their auras and balancing.
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