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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. slightly more difficult to program, but I can make 3 separate units each trained at a certain phase. Technology is also do-able. You can do that with any civ and any champion... Easy to implement, but that might make Iphicrates less useful. Easy. Should they just cost stone + wood or some metal as well?
  2. @Dizaka @Dakara @BreakfastBurrito_007 @chrstgtr @hyperion You guys can also help me with some advices. Everyone and anyone's comments are welcome
  3. Here are a few changes I would like to add into the mod, but I need the valuable opinions of balancing advisors @Lion.Kanzen @Player of 0AD @borg- @ValihrAnt @maroder @badosu @nani 1. Athenians can train a sword champion from their gym, which allows them to counter archer raids more easily. 2. Macedonians get an infantry spearman and a champion pikeman. These two units did exist historically in the Macedonian army and the champion pikeman would also be anti-archer. 3. Spartans and Romans can recruit mercenary archers. 4. Ptolemies and Seleucids get phase 2 push options as well. Or at least some anti-ram options for Ptolemies. 5. Britons get P2 champions. The exact type is up to you.
  4. Ok. Here is an explanation of the changes. Point 1: Athenians can build gym since phase 2 and train champions from it. Explanation 1: The Athenians lost their Stoa because of its conflict with historical facts. This stripped them of the ability to train champions from Phase 2 and hence hindered their ability to make decisive Phase 2 pushes. Now the P2 gym restores their early access to champions and adds one more plausible strategy. I am also considering giving them a land-based sword champion unit and a heavy skirmisher, as in the Stoa Mod. Point 2: Spartan gets Syssition in Phase 1. Explanation: Military was the main part of Spartan life no matter what phase they were in, so they deserve early access to this in light of their training of boys from young age. Having access to champions in phase 1 is a strength, but it certainly is not overpowered because they are expensive. No phase 1 player can afford to spam them and always staying in Phase 1 is quite risky because you cannot back yourself up with siege, heroes and necessary technologies. Point 3: Macedonians get siege workshop early. Explanation: Macedon is a very siege-focused civ, so early access to siege emphasises the point. The player can begin building siege workshop while they wait for city phase, and do not have to waste too much time loading siege towers if they have already boomed up in phase 2. Many other civs such as Mauryans can push very early on, which leaves the slow boomers like Macedon at a risky position. This would give them an upper hand and open up some new creative tactics. Oxybeles and siege towers cannot do much damage unless used en mass so this does not threaten other civs too much neither, especially considering Macedon will be slow. Point 4: Macedonians get companion cavalry early Explanation: Thorfinn the Shallow Minded suggested this. I think it is a bit too OP but still implemented it. One can argue that players cannot afford enough of these to cause damage without seriously delaying their other plans. Also they can be used as anti-siege and anti-archer.
  5. What has not changed: 1. All phase 3 techs still need phase 3, all heroes still need phase 3. 2. Macedonians cannot train rams, lithobolos nor crossbowman, as well as all of the siege upgrades before phase 3, so there is still plenty of motivation for them to phase up. 3. Athenian Marines are not affected The reason for Macedonian siege workshop in P2 is giving Macedonian players enough time to load their siege towers if they want to use them.
  6. This mod incorporates structure tree changes proposed by our historian @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded: 1. Athenians can build gym since phase 2 and train champions from it, complemented by a marathon tech to speed up champions. 2. Spartans can build Military Mess Hall in phase 2 and train the champion spearman from it. 3. Macedonians can build siege workshop in phase 2 then train siege tower and crossbow from it 4. Macedonians have access to Hetairos Companion Cavalry since phase 2. 5. Sparta and Rome get new allied slinger unit. 6. Athenians can train phase 2 champions from gym and after unlocking Iphicratean reform, marines can also be trained from the gym. 7. Romans can train Socii Slingers and Socii javelin cavalry from the new Socii Auxiliary camp, available since town phase. 8. Iberians get an unique Soliferreum elite champion javelineer unit. Newest update: compatible with A25 Git link: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Thorfinn-Balancing-mod thorfinn.zip
  7. This is the final revision of the Stoa Mod. I guess I will open a new page for Throfinn the Shallow Minded Mod. restore-stoa.zip
  8. Very good suggestions, thank you. Now it seems like I need to redo the whole mod but I will do it (I am a Try Hard). I will implement everything said by Throfinn the Shallow Minded. P2 siege is absolutely pleasurable for Mace players and pain for everyone else
  9. Athens, Sparta. I think perhaps Macedon as well. Dizaka said he wants to make Macedon a push civ, and I love Macedon.
  10. OK OK I added a sword champ + heavy skirmisher to it and I will remove them. The thing is, Sparta has no mercenaries.
  11. Thanks, but I have already downloaded it and made some changes on my pc. However, there were too many 'mistakes' so correction will take some time...
  12. Ok I will change it to a barrack of some sort then. I will start by calling it Elite Barrack. Tell me if you have better names. The idea is we want Athens and Sparta and Mace to have P2 champs
  13. Which units should be trained from the Stoa? Please give me some suggestions, balancing advisors. @Player of 0AD @maroder @Lion.Kanzen @ValihrAnt @Stan` By default I am thinking a sword champion and a skirmisher champion? Also what should the stats of the Stoa be? Updated edition of the mod: no units in P2 yet, but structure is in place. restore-stoa.zip
  14. No way. It is a rural school. Mobile data in the UK is expensive and slow. Speeds are between 20KB/s and 100KB/s where I am.
  15. OP school wifi. They installed an AI that sniffs VPN or any encryption. Even obsf4 Tor browser is censored. The only two things that can get out are Psiphon and Tor with Meek-azure. This means the school filter is stronger than the great firewall of China: it not only censors websites but also has anti-VPN algorithm and banned the use of terminals /command prompts. You cannot access the internet using command terminals; even a ping has difficulty getting out.
  16. @Stan` @wowgetoffyourcellphone Please help me. This is so confusing. I won't have access to phabricator, svn or even git, so I will submit stuff on the forum and I will request you guys to kindly transfer these onto whatever phabricator I will be liberated in about 3 weeks, after then I can go full time 0AD
  17. I am creating a mod that gives Athenians Stoa in P2. The xml files have already been put in place and the new structure did show up in the scenario editor, called superbarracks (looks like a Ptolemy temple because that is the only model I can find). However, the main game refuses to incorporate this structure into the Structure tree of Athenians. When I looked in public\simulation\templates\structures\athen, the stoa already exists, yet we can't build it in the game. So I am wondering, how did the structure tree ignore this building? Even the women refuse to build it. Everything else works in the scenario editor; I could train from the superbarrack. Have I missed something? Here is the modpack restore-stoa.zip
  18. The mod does not work because in A24 skirmish cav are called cavalry_javelineer instead of javelinist
  19. @Stan` what on Earth is HTTP DAV Protocol? Do you think this is my school wifi at work
  20. What is wrong here? I am trying subversion on windows 10 and it refuses to download the code. Another reason to switch to linux
  21. Very good idea, but this might be a little bit OP and our metal is drained without our consent... What if I don't want that many mercs
  22. Perhaps we can reduce metal cost elsewhere to compensate for this. For example switching some upgrades to costing stone and wood only. Cavalry health boost - wood+food Siege attack upgrade - wood and stone
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