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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. @Stan` Maybe something like this but prettier? what is that?
  2. Just adding onto Dakara's point Skirmishers should have their health increased to 75.
  3. Ahh I like the idea. All competitive matches will be resource view and relaxed games will be realism view. I can't program this though.
  4. Even I as a competitive player wonder why all of the palisades need to collapse. This did not happen in real life for decently build palisades. We can make them brittle against P3 units and I think that is enough.
  5. I wouldn't mind if you just put a single blueberry there to represent a patch of berries. A model of blueberry I will make one in Gimp so you know what I mean I really wouldn't mind it looking like this, because it is easy to see, which is the most important thing!
  6. Thanks, but please do not copy AOM and AOE; we can make much better models than them.
  7. My opinions after testing out git version of A25 on 12/5/2021: 1. Very good graphics improvement, very sharp and well optimised indeed. 2. Please change the model of the berries. They are still difficult to spot amongst the green background. If the artists @Stan` @Lion.Kanzen can make berries mostly blue or red then that would be much easier to see. 3. Would be great to see some more campaigns added. 4. Tutorial could be more helpful if there is a cavalry unit involved, and if we start with a noob-friendly civ like Britons or Romans. Spartans are OK I guess but Syssiton and Skiritai commandos might confuse some nubs, and they are hard to master.
  8. This thread is where you can post your feedbacks / suggestions / complaints about A25 after testing the development version.
  9. That is one difficult task, however, I have an idea: 1. Apart from the ratings, new players could be given a "newbie" badge to indicate they are new to the game, so that new players will play with new players instead of stumbling into a pro TG and get smashed at minute 3. Everyone will know who is new and will be gentle to them. 2. The badge disappears after they have completed 10 multiplayer games, can be TG or 1v1. By the end of 10 games they would be quite familiar with multiplayer dynamic. The catch to this is newcomers to the lobby have a range of skills; some go straight in after finishing the tutorial while others are capable of defeating multiple bots simultaneously. Also there might be smurfs.
  10. @alre have you tried mine? I have tested them and they should work
  11. OK seems like I built it in the wrong way... No wonder so many error messages
  12. The A25 dev version from git downloaded and compiled itself with reasonable speed. However, actually running the game was extremely slow: it took 10 seconds for the main menu to appear, then another 10 seconds to see the structure tree. When I tried to play a 1v1 with petra bot on Normal Mainland the game took more than 5 minutes to load 23%. I wonder if this is caused by it being a debug version, or poor optimisation by the programmers, or outdated git, or just Windows 10 being a rubbish OS?
  13. We can open two offense reporting threads: The first one reports foul play and misbehaving players in games (e.g. smurf, quitting rated games, cheating) The second one reports any offensive / abusive language.
  14. You are right. But to be honest with the 5x 10x hard counter if feels almost like deleting palisades because they get take down in mere seconds if you have champion swordsmen or siege.
  15. That is very hard to program, but I will try. I think destroying individual palisade is better because you might want to break one piece to get through while using the others to your advantage, e.g trapping the enemy supply
  16. Personally I prefer having some spread. Consider projectile mass, drag coefficient, kinetic energy of projectile at launch point... Arrows are lighter, so they fly faster but also experienced more air resistance. Stones have smaller kinetic energy but large mass + not really affected by air resistance.
  17. Yes, that is why I changed the name to superbarrack. Please check out Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Mod; that is the newer, better mod. Tell me what you think.
  18. The thing is, a well trained slinger in real life can throw stones up to 300 meters. Archers can shoot up to at least 100 metres. But sure, I can make the changes. Just tell me the values you want to use.
  19. .antipalisade.zip This is the mod: Melee infantry have 5x hard counter against palisade Champions have 10x hard counter Rams have 5x hard counter (can knock out palisade in one hit if you researched the crush upgrade) Test it and see if any other changes are wanted
  20. I have an idea: add a P3 tech in the siege workshop which gives rams/siege weapons hard counter against palisades. Or I can even add it by default. Units shouldn't be able to hack down palisades easily because palisades are still quite thick and strong compared to human arms.
  21. raynor.zip This removed all spread. Haven't changed melee yet
  22. I can remove spread and buff all melee. How do you suggest I buff them? But it would also mean that ranged units are killed very quickly in battles, because every shot hits them. Valihrant made a mod that solves turn speed. I can increase them to 18 radians per second if you want
  23. Well, removing spread means even more op archers, slingers and skirmisher. I can make a little mod for you to try it out. If all ranged units are buffed then we need to improve the melee.
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