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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. To counter unit dancing: let arrows fly at 1000m/s and there is no chance of dodging it. We can keep spread or decrease spread. It is easy to do. I agree with Raynor that uncertainty makes the game less fair in competitive TG
  2. I like points 1,2,3,4,6,8,11 by @Dakara The other ones are quite ambitious, I am not sure if I can agree fully.
  3. I will make changes to thorfinn mod, please check it out then! I will ping you when it is done.
  4. Love the idea! I will make one tomorrow. Please provide me with a good model, if you are busy then I will make so with a Seleucid barrack.
  5. Should they be available since village phase or town? Should I train them from barrack or another building specific for Socii units? The Roman jav cav is Socii. We might want a Socii embassy
  6. What new cc? I think the current one is quite fun. But icons yes. I really need them
  7. Do you need technical help with the Mayans? I haven't looked at them yet. I can help u tweak a few stats and buildings if needed
  8. Yes. I think their stats are pretty trash in my mod already. You can suggest even more rubbish values if you want.
  9. Yes. I will edit the names my way then, based on Aw4 template. Most A24 mods work for A25 so I guess I will stick with this new logic. It will take some work but I think I can pull it off. I would appreciate some pretty models (not Seleucid props) for the Judean civ.
  10. @Hidan @Lion.Kanzen I have a mod, called thorfinn the shallow minded mod. It adds slings to Romans, as well as some other changes to some civs. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/39932-thorfinn-the-shallow-minded-mod/?tab=comments#comment-427853
  11. Unit names have changed somewhat, that I have realised. Civ.json seems ok.
  12. Two obvious solutions: 1. Increase cost of palisade. Actually palisade spamming is a bad habit carried fo6 from A23, because in that alpha wood is plentiful but stone is much needed. In A24 however, stone is not demanded as much so it makes sense to build stone walls. I have seen a few pro players using stone walls and they did have a much better effect compared to spamming palisades. There is already no motivation to spam palisades, but old habits always haunt us. 2. Increase the length of palisades to decrease the frequency of towers. The gaps between towers will be massive so no unit would be trapped.
  13. This was pulled straight from A23 and I was trying to run it on A25 so that could be the problem. What has changed between the 2 alphas, in terms of file heirachy? I don't think JavaScript files are wrong because those are not a part of the mod.
  14. I encountered this error when adding a Judean civ mod. What could be wrong? judeans-master.zip
  15. If I was attacking, I would hate this because I can't push as quickly as I can. If I was defending, I am very happy to see this because the attacking troops are stuck there, during which time they take more arrow hits from my cc and towers. Trapped rams also give me more time to train swordsmen and reinforce. So I guess there isn't a binary answer to your question. Multiple layers should be more effective, logically. The builder obviously has invested a lot of wood into building this stuff, so the outcome should be better than just one row. In A24, it would make more sense to build a stone wall instead because stone is quite useless and much more efficient in defending your base from siege attacks, whereas you can use the wood to spam more troops or build more barracks. To prevent spam we can increase the cost of these palisade walls, so that they are less cost-efficient than stone walls.
  16. I like them! Thank you! Would be even better if you make the leaves a bit darker green.
  17. Currently skirmishers << archers. The were an essential part of ancient military and they should not be defeated by archers. I am not suggesting any attack upgrades, I just want to increase their health to 75. I would like to see this trend: as unit health increases, its damage per second increases slightly but attack range decreases. This way all units are quite even if they start from full range, but melee and javelineers have an advantage for close quarter combat. Also the elephants run very fast, skirmishers are the only way to deal with them for most European civs so they need some health increase so that they won't be killed in one hit by an elephant.
  18. The old berries weren't pretty but they did stand out well, in most biomes.
  19. What about we make a compromise here: 1. Use the pink fruit trees as the starting berries resource 2. Use sheep instead of chickens because they are bigger.
  20. Berries don't lag, but they are a bit difficult to see. I would like a model which is very obvious from the green background. Also the chickens can be bigger as well
  21. This means we can have more intense 4v4 on giant with pop limit 300! I am already excited just imagining it! Who cared about good graphics when you can have performance?
  22. You think you are joking but I like the idea. It would save so much CPU and GPU processing! We can add it as a graphics option for intense games
  23. This is a more accurate model of the Tessarakonteres: The current one we are using for it is actually the Leotophoros
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