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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Aside from the models, I would also like to request historians to confirm whether some the details are correct. I am not sure if Spartan Royal Guard should appear in the Mycenaean army as champion unit... I am also very suspicious in rams were invented at that time...
  2. I am currently attempting to migrate the Aristeia Mod from A23 to A25 compatible, but I have encountered many difficulties doing so. First of all, the file paths are different. This has caused quite some trouble renaming files and editing the paths. Secondly, and the most concerning problem is that many icons and models are missing. I doubt if this mod would run perfectly smoothly even on A23: there is no custom icon at all for Archaic Hellenes, yet the structure templates point to icons located in the Egyptian folder, which obviously contains no Greek files. My initial approach is to restore the civs one by one, starting with Archaic Hellenes, because all of them together is near impossible to debug. Now it seems that Hellenes need some work by whoever made this mod, at least perfect the models! When I loaded them up, I got a purple horse! Before I go any further I would like to request whoever made this mod to check the integrity of the models folder, and please get a better model than a purple horse. I will have a go at restoring Egyptians, as they seem to have the most complete models set. I also found Divided Kingdom Judahites in the mod, perhaps I can incorporate some of its models into the Judean Mod? But one must note that Aristeia focuses on civs before the Bronze Age Collapse, i.e. earlier than 1000BC, which is quite far from the relatively new Judeans around 0AD. The challenge of restoring Aristeia foreshadows the difficulty or recovering Millenium AD and Terra Magna Mods. However, I will continue to work on them, but at a very slow speed. If anyone would like to prioritise the restoration of certain civs please post your requests here.
  3. It contains some other changes than just the iberians, but now you can train a champion skirmisher from barracks since P2 and they do a little bit of crush damage aside from pierce.
  4. thorfinn A25 iber jav.zip Hi @soloooy0 Sorry to keep u waiting here is the mod for dev version of A25. It might run on A24 as well.
  5. I feel the need to point out that in A25 the icon for barracks have been renamed to 'barracks.png', in A24 the name was 'pers_barracks.png'. Modders need to beware of this. The appearance of the icons are still identical.
  6. If the pikemen don't absorb arrows then who will? I think only the Roman Testudo was on par with Macedonian pike phalanx.
  7. Pikemen typically formed a phalanx, in which the sarissa of the men in back rows are lifted at an angle, forming a dense matrix of spikes (like a hedgehog). The sarissa points are capable of deflecting incoming projectiles. Very few projectiles can actually pass the columns of spike and reach the soldier. Even if they do, the soldiers have helmets to protect them. At the front the Sarissa prevents enemy from reaching them, and can intercept incoming projectiles like how you would play tennis / baseball.
  8. Ok the bug has been fixed. Changes: 1. Spartans can train slingers from barracks since village phase. 2. Spartan Syssition can be build since town phase and counts as town building. 3. Macedonian siege workshop counts as a town building. This is only compatible with A24 right now. A25 needs some tweaks Thorfinn A24.zip
  9. Please tell me what you want it to do, and I will make a new one from scratch. The old one is bugging out the game.
  10. Dizaka are you using A25 dev version? This mod is intended for A24 and doesn't work on A25 yet. I will try to make it compatible for A25.
  11. If you want P2 champs check out thorfinn the shallow minded mod
  12. Yes. We can even have Mace1 Mace2 and Mace3 Wait for my update pls
  13. I see your point. If you play well then perhaps you can force a player to resign without sieging their cc. Maybe they should be moved to town phase. I will work on the bug fix.
  14. On the contrary, ram is the main siege weapon of the game. They are the most often used option. If they are available in P2 then that would be too OP, because 1 ram can cause huge damage if the other players are still booming. 1 siege tower cannot cause as much havoc, especially when you don't have upgrades and Demetrios hero. The same applies for oxybeles. If you spam siege towers in P2 then you would be slowed down a lot and by the time all 8 of your towers are ready the other players are already prepared to push. Plus, you don't get hero or champions in time, meaning you can't defend against a ram counter attack
  15. Spearmen: mainly pierce but also hack. Good shield Swordmen: high hack. Roman swordsmen: medium hack and high pierce. High shield. Pike: a bit of everything, insane armour Javelineers: high pierce, medium range, low shield. Slingers: a little pierce and crush, but very very inaccurate. Spread > 5. Long range >60m, no armour Archers: no armour, some pierce. Range around 72m Melee cavalry: high armour, high health. Spear cav: high pierce and medium hack and medium crush
  16. Perhaps we can use an enlarged arrow model. Also, the landed arrows will be quite obvious. Another idea is show the arrows being stuck in the injured unit's body. That would be quite realistic. Even in real life you can't see flying arrows that well. We can go for a compromise value: 200m/s. This should still be visible yet difficult to dodge.
  17. Here is a suggestion for counters: Spear -> cav -> archer -> skirmisher -> swords + elephants -> spear Sword -> Pike -> ranged Slingers are rubbish worker units.
  18. The freeze? If you can do Zapotec that would be great. We can use Stan version of Han Chinese for A25. Xiongnu... Let's use DE instead
  19. Thanks. That would save me an hour worth of work converting XML files A24 to A24 is relatively easy.
  20. Dudes check out Thorfinn the Shallow minded mod. It has P2 siege and early champion for most civs. It encourages early push. We need pros like you guys to test the mod and see if it solves the turtle problem @ValihrAnt @BreakfastBurrito_007 @happyconcepts
  21. We can also determine it based on number of games won, ratio of games won, etc. Winning games and high KD ratio increase the xp of a player and titles are given based on do. This separates pros from nubs so that nubs don't get abused and pros can enjoy exhilarating matches.
  22. Good luck doing that, it is slow. Git is more stable in my opinion.
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