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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Instant training is a very good idea. Carthage doesn't need that much mercenary to be honest. The mercenary heavy civs are Ptol, Mace, Sele Only metal cost is realistic but makes them less accessible because in team games we are always short of metal
  2. I personally would love a coin system, but: 1. I don't know how to program this 2. Makes learning curve even more difficult for new players
  3. I have Borg's Instagram, perhaps I can summon him if you really need it
  4. Okok I will try tomorrow after my maths exam. Is there a way to bypass ssl certificate
  5. Can I submit patches on the forum if I can do SVN? @Lion.Kanzen I mean can't
  6. I have played all of those but they are for A23. If there are no major changes in file type and heirachy then I can take those models for granted
  7. How new is git? I fear SVN might not work, althou6 haven't tried yet
  8. Ok then. If the historians suggest anything I will be able to implement it
  9. I will try it What is different betwee SVN version and latest release? What about git? Git can get through my school WiFi filter
  10. I use Win10 and Fedora. I write mod on fedora, then copy them into Win10 and post on forum. This is because no VPN on fedora I don't have an for Windows yet but I can install it I mean I don't have SVN for win10
  11. Yeah I will practice patches. Just not sure if school WiFi will allow. I am on a VPN right now for forum. I use psiphon which is not really fast for large files
  12. How about we add Jesus as a hero to this civ? We can make him a healer hero who also gives HP boost aura and cheaper temples. No disrespect intended
  13. Which programming language? I can pick one up in the summer holidays, or even earlier. It took me 3 weeks to master python so just challenge me!
  14. It occurs to me that for Israel ( Judeans, Hasmoneans, Bronze Age Israelites) it is very good Judean slingers? Sure! But I feel like those civs are already strong. Maybe we add Jesus' civ (I forgot which civ he is from). Also Illyrians were militaristic as well. I can add a new civ for them quickly if you provide some models. Or I can just borrow greek stuff, then give them russian names.
  15. @Lion.Kanzen thank you, but maybe later. I already have ideas piled up
  16. Is AoE free? Never heard of AoM before. I used to be a FPS gamer (especially PUBG, CoD), but switched to all 0AD a few months ago
  17. Je suis vraiment d'accord . I will create a mod for this tomorrow.
  18. What is AOM I don't play any other RTS games apart from 0AD. I will stay loyal and avoid touching AoE unless someone forces me to.
  19. Macedonian crossbow is perfect example. So are Kushite clubmen
  20. But not too different in the name of balancing and TG. We want similar base units and maybe a few unique weird units for surprising strategy
  21. A23+ Borg expansion pack was really great, with the only problems being: 1. OP cata 2. Ranged infantry barracks was a bit hard on the eco
  22. Restore Stoa, add phase 2 champion/ strong unit Mercenary historically are good at fighting but desert quite soon and riot at peace times. Just ask the Carthaginians... So we increase their attack to above average, but also add a desert feature?
  23. Lion kanzen I also need new models for heavy javelins, champion slings and maceman cav. We can use A23 props. Right now I just stick philopators head onto them to distinguish them
  24. Nice one lion kanzen! Please help me design some icons. My mod icons are crass right now... I would appreciate pictures of heavy skirmisher, elite slinger, maceman cavalry and slave archers
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