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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. This is the Han flag. If @Stan` can make a model for this then I can implement it by editing the xml files? I am not sure what you mean but I think the models look decent enough for now.
  2. Let's implement China first then, but using Stan's version as his looks more compatible and balanced already.
  3. All other aspects of the civ are pretty much finished, just the balancing and unit stats. I can take care of the labels and Stan has done a good job on the rest
  4. The problem with Terra Magna is that the balancing is poor... China was way too OP for their women had 75 heath and their catapults have no packing time. Meanwhile the Xiongnu were too weak, especially in late phase because they had almost no siege and no defensive structures... Zapotecs were fine but lacked a bit in variation... This is why I call the balancing advisors to discuss the stat tweaks so that we won't get OP or UP civs
  5. I have played the Terra magna mod for A23 but there are a few key differences between the Han in there and the Han in Stan's version Some units are missing while some units are added in. It seems like a more rounded civ now as opposed to the weak in early phase and OP in late phase one in terra magna
  6. Good to hear. Stan has made quite some progress. Meanwhile I try to get the Chinese language pack sorted.
  7. It must be said that this version is dramatically different to the Terra Magna mod for A23; the stats for basic infantry and cavalry units utilise the standard values across A24 civs. The uniqueness lies in the crossbow champion units, unique ranged siege and government ministers. Please download the mod from github, extract it and put the extracted folder into the mod folder. Once enabled you can see the structure tree. The focus is at the champion crossbow units and the new siege weapons. Currently the champions and heroes are trained from the fortress. Should they be moved to the stable instead? One can also take a look at the xml files and edit them.
  8. Many thanks to @Stan` for creating this mod. It would be great if we can integrate Han as a formal civ into the next release A25 as they had been a major player in the world's history around 0AD. Hopefully the addition of this civ will attract more potential players. Currently the structure tree of the Chinese civ has already been determined and all of its features have been implemented in this mod: https://github.com/0ADMods/han_china I hereby call upon the balancing advisors @borg- @ValihrAnt @LetswaveaBook @maroder @badosu @Feldfeld @Player of 0AD (sorry if I didn't mention you) to give suggestions on tweaking the unit stats so that they are ready for implementation in the next alpha. There are some quite unique units from this civ and therefore we need to adapt them so that they are a fun civ to play with while being appropriately strong in comparison to the others. I have made improvements to the Chinese language packs to make this more a realistic and authentic experience, while hopefully the game will become more accessible to Chinese speakers out there. EDIT: Stan: Here is a package version of the mod compatible with A24han_china.pyromod
  9. Would be great if there was a hotkey for private chat
  10. We hope to see more from stanleysweet in the lobby and TGs!
  11. Currently the chickens spawn immediately next to the CC which is fine. The other patches of animals matter less, but the important thing is the distance between closest patch of animals and the cc must be approximately the same for all players in order for the game to be balanced, otherwise one player would be hindered from performing a cavalry rush.
  12. CC = civic centre / Military colony / Kleroukhia It is an abbreviation used in competitive matches, for example: 'blue rams to your cc!', 'my cc under attack', 'cav near my cc'.
  13. A way to ease the load on the laptop is: 1. Host a game, but let the host laptop be a spec 2. When the match starts, turn all graphics settings on the laptop to minimum, then choose one of the player's perspective. The idea is normal observer/overload perspective allows you to see every detail on the map, which increases load. If you switch to a player's mode, you only need to render what that player can see. This would only require the laptop to render a small portion of the map, hence the load is smaller. Even better: add an unassigned player and switch to that perspective. The unassigned player will never explore or expand so its field of view would be limited to just the starting cc.
  14. @Lion.Kanzen yes that would be great. I would love to see a strong Macedon as it had been.
  15. Some recent TGs have led me to re-evaluate some civs. Most people think that archers are OP, therefore they tend to choose archer civs. This makes anything which can effectively counter archers also very strong (by reverse psychology). Pikemen + skirmisher can counter archers. 60 pikemen vs 60 archers: all archers die and 35 pikemen survive. 30 pikemen + 30 skirmishers vs 60 archers: all skirmishers survive, 13 pikemen survive. Siege towers wipe out archers Hence, civs with access to siege towers and pikemen are also strong civs. These are: Ptolemies, Seleucids, Macedonians, Kushites. Ptolemies and Kushites rely on mercenary skirmishers but Kushites can replace the infantry role with cavalry and Ptolemies can use slingers or camels instead. Since Kushites also have access to archers this can catch the enemy out by surprise, in addition, Kushites have the potential of playing many surprising strategies, which makes them particularly strong and versatile. Ptolemies are very easy to boom with and the eco advantage is not negligible, therefore they should be a top tier civ as well. Macedonians are not weak be any means because they also have siege towers and the Rhomphaiaphoros for anti-siege. Just because the siege workshop isn't unique anymore doesn't make Macedon any weaker. Due to the high proportion of siege weapons the Macedonians have low food demand, which means being able to delete more farming women and making more soldiers in late game. (6 fields is enough for Macedon whereas Ptolemies need more than 11). Macedonians can also pull out unexpected strategies which is also devastating to the enemy. Their pikemen can quite easily counter Mauryan archers and skirmishers can take down incoming elephants. Seleucids can combine archer cavalry, siege towers and elephants in a deadly attack. Use siege tower to take out enemy archers/skirmishers, archer cavalry to snipe melee units and defend your towers, then crush the buildings with Asian elephants boosted by Seleucus Nikator. Romans: consular bodyguards OP. They are also able to defend against any attacks.
  16. I agree. The problem with Mauryans is having both strong eco and strong military capacity. If we nerf either one of the two aspects then it would be balanced.
  17. Nice idea, but when I loaded your mod an error message appeared: failed to load ptol_camel_archer The mod works for gauls but didn't work for iberians
  18. @Nescio I think this camel differentiation is a good idea. It really would make the Blemmye mercenary not obsolete and distinguish the Ptolemies. For Kushites going to P3 I would choose 1 blacksmith, 1 temple, 1 market, 1 pyramid.
  19. Looking at civilisation tree for the Kushites, I have spotted that the Blemmye Desert raiders are identical to normal javelin cavalry in stats. Their only difference is in the cost and loot if killed, therefore I am curious as to why such a mercenary unit exists; most players would definitely choose the normal cavalry to avoid the metal cost. I have a suggestion: change the Blemmye desert raider to a mercenary cavalry archer. This would reflect the Kushites' heavy use of archers in battles and also give the civ new potential strategies. The Kushites will not be too OP after this change because mercenaries still cost metal and are always avoided when possible.
  20. To be honest if Maurya is still a weak civ then no one would complain about the worker elephant. The problem is Maurya is too OP with access to both Asian elephant, rams and sword cavalry. If we can strengthen other civs in terms of eco and remove the population bonus then that would be balanced. I remember back in A23 Valihrant only ranked Maurya as a mediocre civ, and I agreed with him.
  21. Thanks I get the idea now but free immortals would be way too OP!
  22. Please elaborate on this tech. I don't quite understand what you mean by spawn free chickens. Are they automatically regenerated or just 1 group spawning and that's it? I have never used the corral before.
  23. Queen Gorgo would be an interesting addition to Spartans and make them a stronger civ than they currently are. However, I would recommend you to change the model of Gorgo slightly so that it is easier to distinguish her from an average female citizen.
  24. I really like the current soundtrack. Would appreciate more new pieces from Omri Lahav. Perhaps we should add more pieces with Mauryan theme or Persian theme as these currently only have 1 or 2 soundtracks. Mercenaries and auxiliaries are bad in wars, which is a fact, because they desert in battles and riot when there is peace. To reflect this we can decrease the cost of mercenaries and auxiliaries but also cut down their attack stats. I would also suggest adding a loyalty value to units as well as realistic soldiers would not always be 100% loyal and dare to charge into a crowd of cavalry alone. The enemy can undermine loyalty by corruption or bribing your units. Heroes should be able to boost loyalty. We should also enable a capture mechanics as there is a summary for this but it is always no units.
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