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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Dear devs, I would like to change my 0AD scaling to 2.0. I have seen the forum article on editing the local.cfg file. However, when I tried this today it did not work and returned an error saying the cfg file failed to load. It then said something like 'Reload() function returns error -1131000' I am using Linux Mint with the snap version build 17 Mar 2021. Please tell me how I can change the scaling as everything is very small right now. Furthermore, can we add a feature where the game scaling automatically tunes in with system scaling? That would be very convenient for Linux users.
  2. This does not seem to be related to Suebian Germans
  3. I encountered this error when I installed Delenda Est 24:
  4. Weirdjokes come to my TG now! Carthage is very versatile indeed
  5. Thank you. Can you recommend any software that can block ddos packets? What is wireshark?
  6. As a Carthaginian player I would really appreciate this, as sometimes I really want to save wood in P1 to make more archers. This will make Carthage even more OP
  7. I am experiencing the exact same issue as Tomba. Today 3 consecutive games of mine were attacked, the symptoms are players losing connection to the server and the lobby displays an I/O error. When I was hosting my entire home wifi was taken out; the router indicates no issues and good connection (all green lights) with much data flowing into my home. During the entire time my network infrastructure was fully functional, and my ISP has reported no shortage or formal wifi cut. Therefore it is very likely to be a deliberate attack using DOS method. Can the network forensics find the responsible characters and can the devs come up a way to prevent this? These attacks really ruin the experience. Thanks
  8. What is a ballista tower? Why don't I get them in the official release? Will it be added to A25?
  9. I think archers are strong against gaia, because they can take them down from a range.
  10. Strategy: 1. Choose an archer civ 2. Train 20 archers using the woodline 3. Shoot 1 gaia mob at a time until all of them dead 4. Harvest elephant meat, build cc
  11. I think capturing units is a good idea. Gaia units after a player resigns is a huge headache. Also I don't want to kill all of the enemy citizens as they do not attack my people can be of use.
  12. Can you elaborate on what you mean by this roleplay mode? I have never played a roleplay game before so I need some explanations...
  13. weirdJokes has proposed that I increase the score of Romans and Spartans: Romans are well rounded and easy to play. Their sword infantry and consular bodyguards are also very effective. Spartan Skiritai are now able to gather resources and attack has increased slightly, so they should get credit on that. What do you think?
  14. Speaking of social media you are welcome to follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yekaterina2.71828/ username: yekaterina2.71828 I will start spam posting 0AD posters when I finish my homework
  15. In this analysis I will list out the strengths and weaknesses of each civilisation (based on my opinion). Each strength and weakness will be weighed and given a score. Each civ will have a total score for both Mainland and navy. However, this is only theoretical and things will vary in actual battles; with an appropriate strategy and adequate skills the lowest scoring civ has a significant chance of defeating the highest scoring civ. Skill and strategy matter more than which civ you play as! The weightings are based on my personal preference and I am open to suggestions. I am not taking team bonus into account yet. Civilisation Total score (Mainland) Naval strength Athens 1.5 3 Britons 2.5 1 Carthage 5.5 4 Gaul 2.5 1 Iberia (Lusitano) 3.5 2.5 Kush 5.5 1 Maurya 6 1 Macedon 2 1 Persia (Achaemenids) 4 2.5 Ptolemies (Egypt) 4 4 Romans (Generic) 2 3 Seleucid 4.5 3 Spartan 1 1 Mauryans: Strengths: Worker elephant helps with boom (+2) Archer civ - spam infantry archers and spearmen to protect the archers. There is also a champion archer (maiden guard). By the way ‘Visha Kanya’ means poison girl, they were not soldiers but more assassins or espionage agents. (+2) Asian elephants and archer elephant - new strategy. (+2) Sword cav + champion sword-woman = good defence against siege (+2) Weaknesses: Poor quality houses - need designated house builders and worker elephants can no longer build. (-0.5) Difficult to manage for new players - need to manoeuvre worker elephant. (-1) Rubbish heroes (-0.5) Kushites Strengths: Free Priest - can be used for scouting and healing wounded units in a rush - makes them better at rushing and better at defending against rushes. (+1.5) Quite fast boom (+0.5) Mercenary camps can be built in neutral territory - allows for sneaky strategies and diversification of army composition (+2) Temple guards (champ swordmen) can be trained from temples - allows for spamming (+1) Assyrian rams (does more damage than other rams) (+0.5) Diverse infantry (+1) Weaknesses: African war elephant (+0.5) Require a lot of metal if going for mercenaries or champ spam. (-1.5) Not sure why there is a mercenary javelin camel that has the exact same combat stats as a regular javelin cav (0) Achaemenid Persians: Strengths Kurush is a very good hero who can train immortals - use immortals as front line attack (+1) Asian elephants (+1) Diverse cavalry: Parthian archer cavalry combined with sword cav is strong. Also has 2 champion cavs. (+2.5) Assyrian rams - more damage (+0.5) Triremes can train marine cavalry (+1.5 navy) Weaknesses: Slow boom, vulnerable in early game (-1) Carthage: Strengths: Still a very good naval force (+3 naval) Good variety of siege: lithobolos, oxybeles, rams, elephant (+2) Diverse army from embassies (now you can build 3 of them!). (+1.5) Sacred band is very powerful (+1) Strong wall (+0.5) Spam archers and spears then outflank with melee cav. (+1) Weaknesses: African elephant (+0.5) Needs metal for mercenaries (-2) Slow boom (-1) Ptolemies: Strengths: Cheap buildings - saves wood - faster boom. Compared to A23 they are more durable and can be built faster. (+3) Extremely fast boom with slings and house spam (+1) Archer camels + pikes in syntagma formation is strong once in substantial numbers. This does not require any metal! (+1) Pikemen boosted by hero. Pikemen also rush resistant. (+1) Diverse mercenary available (+1) Diverse siege (+1) Overpowered in naval maps: lighthouse, Tessarakonteres, quinqueremes (+3 naval) Weakness: African elephants (+0.5) Pikemen and mass camels are slow to manoeuvre. (-1) Need designated house builders - slightly reduces workforce in early stage (-1) Anti-ram depends on elephant and mercenaries (-1.5) Dependency on mining (-1) Seleucids: Strengths: Asian heavily armoured war elephants with Seleucus Nikator (elephant champ) (+2) Decent siege (+0.5) Strong melee spam (+1) Mercenary swordsman runs faster than average (+0.5) Navy is still above average (+1.5 naval) Rapid expansion (+1) Strong cavalry: cataphract, Dahae horse archer, archer chariot (+1.5) Weaknesses: Mercenary archer + swords can only be trained from colony (-2) Note that Seleucids need a lot of food. Iberians: Strengths: Very strong defence, needless to say (+3) Strong melee infantry (+1) Fire javelin cav is strong against siege and buildings (+1.5) Fire ship is extremely irritating to opponents (+1.5 naval) Weakness: Slow boom (-1) No long range units - weak against archers protected by fort or pikes in field combat (-1) Athens: Strengths: Decent siege (+1) Sword cav brutality (+0.5) Scythian archers = 2 regular archers combined. Also gym allows champion spam (+1) Significant naval bonuses (+2 naval) Weakness: Requires a lot of mining - soldiers are working on mines instead of fighting (-1) Britons: Strengths: Celtic brutality. Sword cav + spam slings/spears (+1.5) Buildings cost only wood - saves stone (+1) Free war dog (+1) Weaknesses: Lack of diversity (-0.5) Removed bonus - slower boom Poor quality buildings (-0.5) Gauls: Same as Britons except no free war dog Naked fanatics not very useful because requires phase 2 Macedon: Full range of siege (+1) Champion crossbowmen are cheap, mobile options waiting to be developed Now has sword champ - has anti siege Companion cavalry and champion spears are decent (+1) Weaknesses: Mercenary Siege workshop does not stand out Romans: Still good siege options (+1) Hit and run cav (consular bodyguards effectively counter archers) (+1) Nerfed entrenched camp but can still sneak attack (+0.5) Good at defending Superior rams (+0.5) Navy is still strong (+2 navy) Weakness: No long range units (-1) Spartan: Strength: Strong infantry, especially hoplites and Skiritai (+3) Weakness: Weak cavalry (-0.5) Extreme reliance on metal (-1) No long range unit, but can counter with spearmen meat shield and champion hoplite (-0.5)
  16. I have managed to join all 3 discord chats. There are loads of contents and channels... not sure what the spam posting section is for lol
  17. Shall we make posters of 0AD and post them on Instagram and other social media platforms? This should gain us some recognition and attract more players? I can start spamming Instagram with 0AD content and I will tell my friends to do the same as well. I also think it would be a good idea to make a 0AD group chat on Instagram and Discord (or snapchat etc) for players who use them?
  18. May I ask what is the purpose of this mod? Isn't it better to see the edges of out territory so that we know where we can build?
  19. This is an indefinite integral, so you should give an expression containing x. Don't forget the +C! Another easy one:
  20. Alexander the Molossian was the founder of Epirotes and rebuilt Molossian tribe, therefore we can give him some eco bonus. He also fought bravely against the Lucanians so we can also give him an attack bonus. Aura: Champions + 10% attack Hero Bonus: All workers gather 20% faster Special tech: more territory influence?
  21. Based on this I think we can give Alexander II some bonuses to do with recovery in desperate situations and healing. Perhaps something like units within 60 meters of him gain 2 hp per second and women can build 30% faster (useful if your cc is knocked down).
  22. Sorry about the first integral I added an extra x, which made it impossible.
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