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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Ohh I remember where this comes from: Life of Brian Biggus Dickus isn't it?
  2. I am afraid I don't quite agree with this. Mercenaries did work and did help set up military camps and gather some resources in reality. Even though their main job is to fight, you hired them to work for you, therefore the commander had the authority to order them to gather resources as a form of contribution to war effort. However, since they are mercenaries, we can nerf their gathering rate to 0.1 so that no one would ever use them to gather resources for booming, but also allow extremely resource-deprived players to survive in a difficult situation.
  3. This is exactly why I made the custom map proposals section. Please edit your ideal maps and post them there! I want to see what you guys want for competitive maps.
  4. The Xiongnu did eventually manage to set up a naval force to invade Japan by capturing Chinese docks, ships and engineers. Therefore, we can give them a 'mercenary dock' and a 'mercenary warship' and it would still be historically accurate. But, this warship must not be too strong and it must cost a lot of metal because it is mercenary.
  5. Hmm I would recommend you to garrison your triremes with some cav and infantry before sending them across, as garrisoning will increase the number of arrows fired per second. The maximum projectile limit is 13 so you can put in about 10 soldiers in each ship to boost your firepower. You enemy definitely garrisoned his ships and researched pierce armour tech.
  6. I think we already have enough skirmishers in the game. Perhaps a sling champ or mercenary maceman that can easily smash houses and siege.
  7. Further translations: trakiyski = Thracian telokhranitel = bodyguard odriskiyam = Odrysian dinast = dynasty tezhkov'or'zhen = heavily armed (тежко въоръжен) konen = horse lyekov'or'zhen = lightly armed (лековъоръжен) Not sure about 'sitalk', but looks close to stalker or collide Therefore the first one might be "Skirmisher of Odrysian dynasty" Second one might be "Thracian lightly armed cavalry" Third one is "Thracian heavily armoured bodyguard cavalry"
  8. No idea what those stuff meant but I think a mercenary jav cav + sword cav + mace cav would be solid options for cavalry. We can also experiment with the concept of a slinger cavalry, although I am not sure if those ever existed. For infantry I would recommend just the typical spear, peltast, sword and sling. We can try a mace infantry as well to counter the Kushites and Mauryans.
  9. first one is "odriskiyam dinast sitalk" third one is "trakiyski tezhov'or'zhen konen voin (telokhranitel)"
  10. The second one says something like 'trakiyski lyekov'or'zhen' (can't see the next two clearly). The word in brackets is khilokontist
  11. A few suggestions: 1. Mercenary cavalry maceman Cavalry maceman should be able to deal huge damage to buildings and cataphracts, but not too much damage to units, just like the Mauryan Yoddha. Historically some cavalrymen carried a spherical club and used this weapon to knock on the rider of a cataphract. The vibration of the cataphract's helmet will give both the rider and horse brain damage.
  12. Very good idea indeed. It would be even better if we add a Balkan civ as this is already some long list.
  13. Ahh yes applying the central limit theorem... But you can only apply the central limit theorem for a reliable calculation if your sample size is greater than 30, which means each player needs to play 30 games... which is unrealistic. You can argue about using T-distribution to compensate but that overcomplicates the calculation and I believe players would enjoy one fair game more.
  14. kateGear.xmlkateGear.pmp This is a map that I made in the Atlas editor based off of Gears. It should be able to offer a good 4v4 gameplay as it contains both naval and land assault options. There is a resource-rich central island that will attract players to build cc on there, which would increase the amount of action in a game. The attraction of resources will outweigh the fear of being attacked while building CC, so more expansion and fight for resources will occur compared to good old mainland.
  15. Although the current devs have already done a very good job, some maps in A24 may still be imperfect, perhaps due to the lack of balancing/symmetry or lack of naval opportunities. Therefore, I have set out to create a topic where we can post our 'perfect' map proposals for fair team games. Please post your custom made maps here!
  16. lol I did not find physics that painful, I actually quite enjoyed the process!
  17. Perhaps we can make a 'perfect' naval map in the scenario editor? Is it possible for me to host a team game on a custom made map?
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