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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. A winning game was lost because the iberian gates sucked my Spartan army into it then closed and my whole army was stuck in the cc fire zone. I couldn't move them out to help my allies and eventually they were weakened by cc fire and were cleaned up by a small contingent of Roman javs. This clearly isn't the intended mechanic. All of the units from the iberian side died and his eco was destroyed, and realistically, you won't let an entire enemy army of 140 units through your wall gate. So a fix must be applied or this civ has to be banned from TGs. Suggestion: 1. If you really insist on giving them walls, then make a new passability class of 'iber wall' and only give iberian units passability over the wall gates; all other units are banned from crossing. That should fix the issue. The we can add an Iberian team bonus of allowing ally units to pass through wall gates 2. Make the gates close instantly so that no enemy unit can follow through by accident. Currently, the Spartan army can follow 1 iberian woman into the gate and hold the gate open for the rest of the Spartans. If the gate closes in 0.0001 second then there is no chance any Spartans can get in. Otherwise, remove the walls and give them some other unique bonus (NOT FIRECAV NEITHER)!
  2. No idea what you are talking about. Wollolow is a 1500~ player who doesn't play on his main account anymore.
  3. I really like this. not sure if others will agree though
  4. My thoughts: Cataphract: slower speed, better armour, good against infantry, especially ranged infantry. Also good against other cav in close quarter combat but is not fast enough to beat spear cav. Chariots: mini siege towers that can shoot while moving, unlike regular cavalry archers that have to stand still before shooting. However, to nerf them, they don't target one unit but all enemies entities when fighting.
  5. he wants to make the model bigger -> easier to select
  6. I like this, treating it as a puzzle instead of an interrogation
  7. @Emperior All I wanted to say is, don't annoy random new players just because you think they are a smurf. I can't stop you from doing that. I know who is behind which account most of the time, because I have these smurfs' discord or instagram and they tell me, then I tell @KKaslana when they appear in his games. When I see you guys speculate, it's like watching blindfolded clowns in a circus you almost never get any smurfs right Some people even dm me to ask about accounts and that was funny then it became irritating. Anyways, I am still a bit ill so I am not in the mood for this rubbish nor have I got the ability to make more accounts after the magical ban on my hardware ID and IP
  8. Approved. If anyone dislikes the old model then leave it to KateGUI: I will make a larger model for the dog house. Maybe a Ptol house with Brit skin.
  9. Thank you very much, much appreciated!
  10. In my opinion, the biggest problem with catapults in A25 is the unit AI bug. Sometimes they refuse to fire, other times they refuse to shoot at the selected target and packs randomly. Aside from that, I think A23 catapults were too OP due to high armour and high damage against units. If we do not give them splash damage but a reasonable firing rate and a functional AI, then they would become usable again.
  11. I like this idea, dogs can be used as additional fighting units alongside your main army after you reach maximum pop. If you train them from the main stable, they will clog up the production queue so that you cannot reinforce in time with cavalry if your front line is taking casualties. It would be even better to have technologies related to train time and attack values of dogs.
  12. I think it would be a fun idea but we should leave it as optional (have a checkbutton at the beginning of the game). The issue is, in real life archers can shoot up to 200m and slingers can also fire projectiles to a similar range with less accuracy. This long range ensures then enemy to be wounded by a shower of projectiles before reaching your units. In 0ad however, the archers can only shoot 60m, so there is not enough space large numbers of projectile showers before melee units engage each other. The 60m range is reasonable for 0ad considering 200m means shooting into the enemies territory just from near your CC (on small maps). Unless we can increase the scale of 0ad entities to that of real life dimensions, it is better to leave these realistic features as optional so as not to break the game completely. Just my thoughts
  13. Greetings! The game time overlay resets itself every 2 minutes after I changed 0A.D's interface language to Turkish. At minute 3:00 it was showing minute 1:00, and at minute 16:50 it was showing 00:50. It is a very funny bug but isn't helpful for timing myself. A friend who joined later told me to switch to English language and the bug disappeared. However, even in English mode, the timer crashes sometimes if I spam click too much; it also crashes after big battles.
  14. Good idea. Only issue: everyone turtle instead of fighting. Not sure how to implement the code neither.
  15. This error happened in a TG when a player wanted to resign: Logs: interestinglog.htmlcrashlog.txtcrashlog.dmpuserreport_hwdetect.txtsystem_info.txtoos_dump.txtoos_dump.datmainlog.htmlmainlog.htmlmainlog.html metadata.jsoncommands.txt
  16. I have never seen this before, but I recommend you to post the logs located in ~/.local/share/0ad/logs There might be an issue with your X-server. I recommend switching to pure Arch with Zen Kernel instead of some weird Arch derivative. Manjaro devs messed with the kernels and some repos so weird problems will occur. If you can't install pure Arch because of the cmd, try a less bloated alternative: Endeavour OS.
  17. If you guys like Slavic names Starting with Z, here are some: ENOUGH?
  18. Zelensky can be a suggestion, but the stuff about China vs Taiwan is absurd and irrelevant. Also I think Zelensky is a bad idea because he was born in 1978, almost 2000 years away from the time period we are concerned with. Furthermore, the political implications... it would suggest that the 0A.D community and WFG are supporting 1 political figure, which is not an accurate reflection of what many players think, nor is it beneficial for anyone, especially considering players who are located in countries where the mainstream view is different from yours.
  19. @Stan` Please move the derailed posts to the off-topic section. Please, no modern politics in a 0A.D discussion. Speculating about Mainland China and Taiwan is not any more reliable nor productive than Smurf speculation! Since Ukraine, Putin, Taiwan and CCP did not exist in the Han Dynasty, pls don't talk about them here. About naming, I think Zeta and ZhangQian are good names.
  20. What about we give spear cav near infinite accelereation and a smaller value for ranged units? That way we can nerf camel rush.
  21. I don't understand why do we have to make firing interval 3 seconds??! This is bad! Even though the damage per shot is high and overall DPS is high, in that 3 seconds many of your soldiers could have been killed while the enemy isn't hurt at all! Too long repeat time is bad, especially for champions! We should increase the firing rate to 1 shot per second at a lower value. Crossbows were superior to bows for higher firing rate, so it should be even faster-firing, for example 750ms. But we lower the damage per shot!
  22. It's no longer a mod, it has already been commited to A26 svn. You need to download and compile the svn version. Instructions here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions I made a video if that wiki page is too confusing
  23. Such a funny thread, but good to see A22 lobby in action! I don't know what this impostering is but some people have claimed to be me in the past. I have also claimed to be boredRusher and Hamdich because bml304 was convinced that I am a smurf identity of Hamdich. In the meantime, DoctorOrgans thinks I am Isabelle (some very OP old player) although he was the one who watched me improve from cosmic noob. My first game in release A24 was a 3v1 against him and the 3 of us lost. He gave me a lot of tips which really helped me to improve from 1200 to 1500 in just 3 months.
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