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Everything posted by Carltonus

  1. Would assume to be in parallel to the Athenian faction with their Prythaneon and Gymnasion, respectively. Between alpha somewhere and 27 the Gerousia had been but an Atlas-only structure. Since 24 the stoa units were overlooked, gameplay and art-wise. My suggestions to both Skiritai and Iphicratean champion skirmishers fell on deaf ears. Helot archers and slingers are wonderful additions to the main game, if not Cretans for the former.
  2. Suggest changing the Ballista's GenericName to "Stone Thrower" as in some previous Alpha(s)?
  3. They have been accounted for on my names project: syssiton and gerousia.
  4. This could be a temporary work-around, set your army in-formation to Standground stance and command them to move towards enemy 1929427167_0A.D.2025-01-3104-24-38.mp4 :
  5. With the release of the final-named "Alpha" 27, just spotted an oversight regarding the Gerousia and Syssition tooltips. The TL:DR is that the latter no longer trains Heroes per previous Alphas with the revitalization of the former. Part of a new round of changing GenericNames and SpecificNames, among others; the current progress on Gitea: Personal naming branch to be added a separate Pull Request. Edit: Can the final Greek alpha be rendered in SpecficName as "-ā" (per Wiktionary) or no need? It has been done for the Spartan villagephase, and will affect a lot of Hellenic entities if be done.
  6. 0 A.D. 2025-01-30 08-01-45.mp4 The very hard Petra AI on both sides didn't bother to capture the nearby fire altars ("Shrines", not temples), the "rotary mills", or the trading posts. Also, the siege engines seem to have torn down the stone fences enclosing the farms. Thoughts and potential fixes? commands.txtmetadata.json
  7. Current progress on Gitea: Pull request Still waiting for the "diacritics inconsistencies" examples requiring the fix... you mean like this "Redundant acute accenting it seems, even in Doric Greek"?
  8. Am curious, were you playing from a previous Alpha or read the "siege engines trained in Fortress" somewhere?
  9. Able to replace some Unicode characters with typical ASCII counterparts on the Main wiki page. Also made a proof-concept entry for the Han civilization, it just needs some additions based on the Trac counterparts. On a side note, @wowgetoffyourcellphone: what are the Chinese characters used in the term "Wu Wei Yin", and any basis for the Sun Wu Trouble Freeing Forces?
  10. Am ready to help on this "Gitea" fork, how do I at least begin? Don't want to lose my Trac data since I have contributed much on the wiki and added a handful of tickets...
  11. Has the Seleucid cavalry javelineer portrait been updated to not have the duplicate Achaemenid Persian counterpart? Also the Dahae horse-archer to distinguish with said counterpart now called "Parthian".
  12. Just to let you know that the current actor used for the Champion "spearman" is in the Iphicratean manner (gear and all), not a mere typical "elite" force in the literature you provided.
  13. As Nibbles said twice in Tom & Jerry, "C'est la guerre!"; well, c'est la vie to all of us... Am grateful for your service to the free world; 0 A.D. will never be the same again after this passing of torches.
  14. They're all in the Norse faction in the Millennium A.D. mod.
  15. It has reasonable changes for the next alpha, but will the reformed Spartan Pikemen be of good use in the future? A further suggestion could be a forked technology for city phase: one for traditional and other reform; the latter will have the pikemen, walls, and three new heroes of the late era, among others. Another distinction for the Spartans!
  16. Please, please, please: have a look on the progress for the debated "Iphicratean Reforms" first! Currently a deadlock.
  17. From just looking at the three playable heroes, both.
  18. Starting off, and to be fair, the "main" faction catafalque should be one of the more-notable Buddhist saints, such as Ānanda (highly-knowledgeable/bahuśruta: slight decrease in training time of citizens and monks, treasurer of the dharma/dharma-bhaṇḍāgārika: reduced glory and maybe other costs of certain technology/research) or Mahākāśyapa (ascetism/tapasyā: monks/priests healing rate and walking speed bonus, at the cost of around 1/4 to 1/2 of healing range when in range of catafalque; first patriarch/???: technology research time decrease for temple and maybe other structures). But generic śarīra (other eight disciples?) can have a common bonus of slight increase in healing (for monks/priests), attack (melee warriors), and harvest/collection (citizens) rates when in range of the "catafalque" (community/sangha/saṃgha), and glory trickle (veneration/pratīkṣā). A set number of relics can also be placed in different locations as map elements, outside of capture the relic mode. If conflicting accounts of the Gautama Buddha's life can be dated to around the 0 A.D. era, he could be the main or Atlas-only catafalque, otherwise his wife or son; specific bonuses to be determined or based on the generic.
  19. With the inclusion of Bindusara as the actual third hero, better change the catafalque name! If "Śarīra" is used, then the generic name shouldn't be "Catafalque" but something like "Buddhist relics", with unit description rewritten to reflect this as the "remains of a notable Buddhist disciple or saint".
  20. Just read the previous posts... overlooked; whose idea was putting the stoa "thureophoros" generic champion javelineer (and the thorakites swordsman) for the Hellenic factions until around Alpha 24?
  21. I'm now seeing a few red flags regarding changeset 27779: the elite hoplite can now promote to epilektos, which makes not much sense. The latter, so-called "champion hoplite", is a by-product of the Iphicratean reforms, from the change of gear. Why overlook this in the name of balancing? Still waiting for the possible name change of technology and/or correction, as well as the reintroduction of champion javelineers.
  22. All work done in this game, especially modifications, is on a volunteer basis; what a little kid. The .tga files uploaded by @d34d svn are extracted from a Rome: Total War modification, not intended for use in this one. You can start by learning how to use a modelling program, create the required bits and pieces relating to these two Persian factions, add a texture, and eventually know how to stand up for yourself. Just saying.
  23. Pardon the double post, here is an illustration of an Iphicratean peltast as an early form of pikeman: ...from a Russian-language forum.
  24. Any historical basis? Else, it's no different from throwing bolas or meteor hammers.
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