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Everything posted by Mr.lie

  1. I think i have to correct this. It seems, the animations are correct, but Atlas makes the difference playing the animation with the entity or with the actor. Please take a look at the video: first i play the animation with the entity, then with the related actor. Except the fact, that the actor starts without a ammo, all seems to be fine.
  2. Hi Stan, not all changes are merged, missing the second pull-request Maybe i've make some error
  3. Today i tried to edit the Productlabel (upper-left) by creating the "ProjectInformation_milleniumad.js" but the result is not so good: I think therefore you are more expert ...
  4. Last night i let all 5 factions from milleniumad (all KI) play for more than 5 hours - norse has won
  5. Today i let all 5 factions from milleniumad play (all KI) and it run without errors:
  6. Starting new game with 0ad (svn-revision 23824) and only one mod: milleniumad it works ...
  7. I have just push a commit (branch "gameplay-a24") to github - i'll hope i have this done correctly Norse, Byzantines and Carolingians seems to be ready - now looking for Anglo
  8. First match caro vs. norse (KI only) seems to run without errors:
  9. i think, the "Carolingians" would be also fit for a24 ... except the placeholder for fortress, workshop, range and stable ...
  10. Hello Stan, i've clone the milleniumad-repository and create local on my computer a branch "gameplay-a24". For the first i have change milleniumad so that it will start without errors. Therefore i have marked mainmenu_milleniumad.js and session_milleniumad.js marked as deleted (mainmenu_milleniumad.js.DELETED and session_milleniumad.js.DELETED) because except the mods milleniumad, terra_magna and aristea no more mods has this files and i was not able to figure out whether this files throws an error starting the game. For the first step i have correct the "Norse" to keep them playable with a24: i've clone the repository and create a branch "gameplay-a24" local on my computer: What have i and/or you to do next?
  11. to 1.: playing a bit with the attack_ranged_javelinist.xml in the following manner ... ... seems to be a possible solution the actor starts with a javelin, but getting the next ammo now doesn't match
  12. 1. Maybe the old actorfiles from Trinketos, where he added the following, can be a starting-point to solve this issue: but the issue with this is that the actors wouldn't release the jav in the animation
  13. Using your mod alone there isn't any music to hear ...
  14. The animation "attack_ranged" of actors "cavalry_archer_* (persians) are completely disharmonic: it looks really ugly ...
  15. 1. All ranged infantry units (archer, javelinist, crossbow) doing their first shot without ammo, not only the athenians_javelin) 2. the two actors "hero_infantry_archer_ashoka" and "hero_infantry_archer_amanirenas" are broken: can be quick-fixed by changing <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml" attachpoint="weapon_L"/> <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_bamboo_long.xml" attachpoint="weapon_L"/> to <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml" attachpoint="weapon_bow"/> <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_bamboo_long.xml" attachpoint="weapon_bow"/>
  16. The animation "attack_ranged" on actor "zapotecs/infantry_javelinist_* is broken: 1. starting should reverse the weapon 2. the left hand cuts the shield 3. he doesn't release the weapon after throwing 4. the moment he get the next javelin doesn't match
  17. I can't write exactly in english, what i mean, so here i say this in german: Ich bewundere euch alle. Ich habe grossen Respekt vor eurem Einsatz, eurer Motivation, eurem Können. Jeder von Euch ist in meinen Augen ein grosser Künstler, jeder auf seine Art. Mir gefällt die Art eurer Kommunikation untereinander, wie Ihr miteinander umgeht. Ich finde es großartig, dass Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern sich zusammengetan haben und ein derartig fantastisches Projekt wie 0ad erschaffen haben und es der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung stellen. Erhard Lipinski aus Deutschland (bald) 62 Jahre alt alleinerziehender Vater von 2 großartigen Töchter, die mir mittlererweile 3 ebenso großartige Enkel geschenkt haben. Mit einem von ihnen (Leon) spiele ich oft 0ad, auch ihm gefällt es riesig. Ich hoffe, Ihr alle bleibt gesund. Viele Grüße
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