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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. Not a good sign that you play 0 A.D. then. ;P
  2. When we've fixed the remaining annoying bugs, probably.
  3. That is bad actually, since the code has a very nice comment: "// We do not want siege tower as AI does not know how to use it".
  4. @Mr.lie can you test https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4184, please? I fear there might be more, but it looks like this improves it already.
  5. Even _if_ PetraAI can ignore restrictions, it shouldn't be possible simulation-wise.
  6. Just to be sure, can you try https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25600 (before and after) as well?
  7. That might or might not have been caused by https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25584. If you have time, could you check before and after this revision? Pinging @Angen since it involves PetraAI.
  8. A trail of breadcrumbs would be nice, but, as said, is a rework of the system. @alre You can remove "<!--" and "-->" from template_formation.xml to visualise the formation controller in the game.
  9. You can use rally points for structures, is that what you want?
  10. Well, it needs more refactoring and generalisation in the Production Queue code. I tested it a bit some time ago, but there is still too much hardcoding. So for now: not possible.
  11. Good point! I play soundless, so I didn't notice: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4180. It is a consequence of not being a resource anymore. So one cannot block a treasure from the other side of the map.
  12. You need to check whether you use an elephant stable, that template has been renamed: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/PortA24ToA25#r25053.
  13. Just above that line, there is the "#: " with the path: https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/id.public-gui-campaigns.po$27. See e.g. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SubmittingPatches. Basically, you install arcanist and upload a .diff-file (the difference between the source code and your modification) to Phabricator.
  14. @Belisarius17, I am truly sorry that my post made you feel this way. As @Grapjas stated I was merely trying to help. As you can see you are _waaaay_ cooler than me, for you have more reputation per post than me.
  15. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide E.g. your mod folder: "EmpiresAtWar" in that, a folder: "art" in that, a folder: "textures" Et cetera.
  16. I don't think you can call yourself new anymore? Also, please refrain from asking the same question in several topics. Because: 1. the question is likely to be off-topic, like here; 2. you hijack other treads (if people would answer); 3. it risks to someone answering the question but it getting lost in some random thread instead of the original question one. Please be patient when waiting for an answer.
  17. You'll have to create that folder in your mod folder, then place your previews in it. (Be aware that on M$ (W10) systems the path is `<yourmodfolder>\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview`.)
  18. You can propose changes to texts on Phabricator, but they won't be included in A25, since we're in String Freeze, to allow translators to get their language included. Very much welcome for A26, obviously.
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