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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Well, for one of my most important tools I don't even know what it's called: drawing a rectangle with the mouse to catch the units that are inside; very handy then: holding [ctrl] when clicking on a group icon in the selection, i.e. the women, will un-select only those units. But mostly I use control-groups, if I want a sub-set of one I then click on the icon in the selection. If your kids know what an analogue clock looks like I think those numbers are very handy for directions.
  2. I'm sure something could be made out of this. Wouldn't it be wonderfully wondrous if that wonder was built maybe a little earlier by 'our' Xiongnus than widely assumed? Just sayin' it might be less of a stretch to take something they actually had than fantasizing about some tents or wooden horses they might've had...
  3. I just wanted to clarify. I'm not a native English speaker either. [Peace!) Yeah, hm. If we know that Tongwancheng existed, maybe take artistic interpretations on that?
  4. @LopessI didn't call it "dumb", I was just wondering if it could be visualized nicely as a wonder.
  5. @YekaterinaI've encountered it several times, not just this instance. Anyway, I wouldn't really call it 'frustration', more like a nice to (not) have.
  6. Naturally I'm aware it only happens with multiple AIs with the same civ. But I think it would be nice if the available names were used before resorting to sth like II II.
  7. Is there maybe a way to avoid player names like xy II II?
  8. @m7600This? But if the mounds just look like little hills from the outside it probably won't look impressive as a wonder...
  9. Ach, those restrictions! I guess no hope for the Mauryan Teacher to be able to enter these buildings either...
  10. I guess that's ok, although I'd liked the mercs! Of course I wouldn't want to upset the balancing advisors either, although I don't know if Wild Lake is a popular MP map as it seems pretty unbalanced.
  11. Suggestion: Don't have buildings' descriptions make promises they can't keep. Specifically I think the description for the Egyptian Mercenary Camp (Wild Lake) should be corrected, as one can totally not train mercs from Hellenistic Egypt as promised when capturing that building. Or even better, make those mercs available!
  12. As I understand it it's not the difference between a human or AI opponent, but the number of units; so generally in 1v1 you have less units than in a 4v4. If you watch ValihrAnt's vids on yt you'll frequently see him lower the graphics settings as the game progresses. @Stan` Thanks for the answer, still I don't think practical tips are easy to find.
  13. I think one advice (maybe by Stan) was to disable it, as well as post processing, fancy water effects and vsync. @Stan`Maybe make a sticky in the help section?
  14. And it doesn't appear to be fool proof (no insult intended). And it would actually look more like a clock if the NE, SE, SW and NW blobs were turned into two lines each. Perhaps @azayrahmad's hourglass idea is even better. More appropriate to the time of 0ad?
  15. Maybe the icon could be redone a bit? Specifically I'm thinking of fatter markings at 3,6,9 and 12 o'clock, with two slimmer marks between those.
  16. But we were talking about excess food here. If I make 12 fields and get the farming upgrades (plus maybe fishing and keeping my horsies busy while I'm not attacking), I end up >10,000 food...
  17. What is that?!? Just kidding, though I rarely have excess food, maybe in late game when I was too lazy do redistribute my women. And although that I can do something doesn't necessarily mean I should, I might give it another try sometime.
  18. @LetswaveaBook But I have to pay 250 food, 100 wood and 100 metal for it; so I'm still not convinced it's worth it.
  19. Is it actually worth it? When I tried it in an earlier version I had the feeling it's not worth the tec cost, the creation of women taking so long that I decided to stick with women from the CC(s).
  20. Yeah, though mercs will not anymore. At least they still can build.
  21. Quibbling back I'd argue that I wrote "drove out the traders with his whip and knocked over the tables of the money changers"; knocking over the changers' tables and driving out the traders seems to be pretty consistent in the versions I glanced over. (I don't even have a guess if he supposedly lashed out against the traders or just used the whip threateningly.) Since I'm neither going to learn Aramaic nor Ancient Greek in this life, I won't consider myself an authority on biblical matters anyway. To make this post not completely off-topic: Maybe the choice of the hero could depend on what you guys think this faction needs? Offensive, defensive, economic buff? Mercs?
  22. I'd assume giving female gatherers and animals armor was a decision, so I wonder if there shouldn't be a discussion, hopefully with some kind of consent? And especially with the ranged units it would also be a matter of balancing.
  23. Well, he also drove out the traders with his whip and knocked over the tables of the money changers, spoiling their coins on the ground; a bit less a meek approach then he is stereotypically portrayed. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded I agree that your proposed heroes sound like better choices for inclusion.
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