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Rolf Dew

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Everything posted by Rolf Dew

  1. What Mythological units would one suggest for each of these factions? There will be at least 5 myth units per a faction. Also do you think the major gods are appropriate for the respective factions? I am contemplating whether we should have the minor and major god system or just have three gods per a faction for simplicity.
  2. Hi everyone! I have decided to begin work on creating a mythological mod for 0 ad. All are welcome to join the mod development. I will begin with the Athenians, Spartans, Ptolemies and the Norse (if I am given permission to use them). For the first version, most likely the Athenians and Spartans will be in it. What features would you like to see in the mod?
  3. Wow, really? Yes lightning and similar things are some of the major powers.
  4. Hmmm I agree, a mix Egyptian and Hellenistic mythology would be most fitting. Hades would of been a perfect deity for them (basically the equivalent of Seth), but it's likely that Athens or sparta might use him as a major god. Perhaps we could use Typhon (the equivalent of Apophis), he is "the father of all monsters" . Yeah semi historical sounds great, it would awesome to see those storylines in a mythological fashion!
  5. Ah I see, well for the time being cutscenes can be skipped until it becomes easily implemented in the engine.
  6. That's unfortunate, well maybe one day someone will do it, since the ticket exists.
  7. Yes that's true, but maybe those things might be possible later?
  8. I agree, it would be more interesting to use the appropriate 0 ad factions, perhaps as you said, Spartans, Athenians and maybe the potolemies. If possible one can even use the Norse faction from millnium ad if permission is given. I personally think that we can use those factions as a base and tweak them if it neccasary. Although the mythological units would have to be made from scratch unfortunately.
  9. One could just make a small demo mod first, with just 2 or 3 0 ad factions with some mythological units and a basic deity system.
  10. Hi everyone! We have decided to begin work on creating a mythological mod for 0 ad. The first version will include two factions, which two factions will be in the first release will be decided by a poll. This is a Council of Modders project, anyone is welcome to join or contribute. Here is a link to the discord channel, that we created for the mod https://discord.gg/AjZeHA6 https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D. that is the github link. We also have a moddb page https://www.moddb.com/mods/theopolmos Theopolémos (DEVS and contributors): Asterix (Base code, github merging, planning) Angen ((active) coder, planning) Stanilas (answered a lot my questions and helped all round) Alexandermb ((active) 3d work, github merging, planning, gameplay concept) Smiley ((active) coder, planning) Rolf Dew ((active) faction and gameplay concept and planning: forum stuff) Atilla Thorfinn the Shallow Minded (corrections, historical accuracy for units) Sundiata ((active) 2d work) TheScottishFiana ((active)planning and faction concept) Adeimantos ((active) coder) Codeman (2d and 3d work, planning and faction concept) Viyers (concept and planning) Wowgetoffyourcellphone (for favor resource) Council of Modders
  11. Unfortunately the patch still doesn't work on my system for some reason. It just crashes the app, I can't even get to the 0 ad menu.
  12. Does this work on mac yet? I do believe that my 0 ad app crashed when I applied the patch, I will try again as I recently updated my os from sierra to high sierra. Note I tried the patch when I uploaded my previous post, so the issue might be resolved now.
  13. Would this patch be advisable to use on a mac book air? 2017 model 8 gb ram, 1.8 GHz processor Intel i5, 128 gb hd
  14. I was thinking, maybe the 0 ad devs should have a discord channel for easy communication?
  15. True! I just hope this doesn't split the community or potential contributers to the code. (As in delay the release of new alphas in 0 ad)
  16. It's kind of sad that 0ad will be split, but alas some things happen. What are the advantages of this fork? Will new features be developed to diffenteriate this from the main game? @fatherbushido
  17. The base mod with first six factions is released (dont forget to download the 3.5 patch) and ready to play, lanayru province and ordona are not finished completely yet, but it should be released in a short while hopefully!
  18. I was referring to the new version with lanayru province and ordona included, that hasn't been released yet, only the base mod with the first six factions has been released.
  19. Try just enabling the Hyrule Conquest mod alone?
  20. Hi! Everything is running smoothly on my system too. Sierra 10.12.5 Mac air 2017
  21. When you connect to your other network, are you actually connected? (Can you browse the Web or anything else with that network). Do you perhaps have a fire wall or something that is blocking that network from using the game?
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