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Rolf Dew

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Everything posted by Rolf Dew

  1. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded sure I will make the changes. Thank you
  2. Please note, not every unit will have an aura or ability, some might have an aura, others an ability, while others will have both. I tried put auras and abilities that fitted their size, power and historically known abilities or what makes sense of course, like for example a Frost giant being able to freeze. Hero abilities and auras are meant to be powerful as you only have one Hero per a major deity. Note the auras are like normal auras, unlike the global deity powers which are essentially techs. God powers are reread still to be decided, I want to see what is possible at the moment in terms of God powers within the engine.
  3. I tried to balance the aura numbers against each other, as they do stack with each other, for example the Draugr and elves auras will stack. But two Draugr will not stack or just two elves.
  4. Norse Nidhogg Ability: Knockback enemy units periodically Aura: (Intimidating) reduces enemy health by -4% (does not stack) Hildisvíni (battle boar) Ability: (Charge) Rams into enemy units knocking them back Draugr Aura: (Life Drain) reduces enemy health by 3% (does not stack) Elves Aura: (Disease) reduce enemy health by 2% (does not stack) Valkrie Ability: (Divine healing) can slowly heal allies 0.5 sec Fire giant Ability: (Flaming Body) cause enemies around it to take damage from it's fiery body Knock back enemies. Troll Aura: (Iron skin) reduce ranged enemy damage by -2% Knockback enemies Ability: (Fear) reduce enemy armor by 1 (does not stack) Fenrir (wolf) Aura: (savage beast) reduce enemy attack by 2% (does not stack) Ability: (fearsome howl) stuns some enemies for 20 seconds (heroes and myth units are immune to this) Einherjar Abililty: (Ressurection) This unit ressurects once upon death. Aura: (Terrifying) reduce enemy attack by 2% (does not stack) Frost Giant Ability: (Freeze) freezes some enemy units, instantly killing weaker soldiers (myth units and heroes are immune) Knockback enemies. Kraken Ability: Knockback enemy land units upon attack (Ram) Rams into enemy ships, sinking weak ships automatically. Aura: (Sea Monster) reduce enemy ship damage by 4% (does not stack) Giant Ability: Knockback units (large Myth units and heroes are immune to this)(Devourer) This unit can consume a unit to regain some health. Aura: (Man eater) reduce enemy health by 3% Hrungnir (giant) (titan) Ability: Knockback mutiple units, instant killing some of them (heroes and myth units are immune to this) Aura: (Destroyer of Cities) reduce enemy building HP by 5% (does not stack) Norse heroes Starkad Ability: Knockback enemy units (excluding other heroes or large Myth units) Aura: (Monster Slayer) reduces Myth units attack by 10% Sigurd Ability: (raging hero) Damage all units around him (cooldown time 40 seconds) (Invisible cloak) This unit can turn invisible for 20 seconds (40 second cooldown time) Aura: (Bravery) gives ally unit +10% to armor Bödvar Bjarki Ability: (Weak spot) instantly kill a myth unit (cooldown time 40 seconds) Aura: (Inspired) Allied units will gain +10% health
  5. Unit abilities Please comment if you feel their should be some changes, thanks Trojan Cetus Ability: Knockback land units (excluding Myth units and heroes) (Ram) Rams into enemy ships, sinking weak ships automatically. Aura: (Poseidon's pet) reduce enemy ship armor by -10% Centaur Ability: (Charge) will ram into a single or closely grouped enemy and knock them back violently. Cyclops Ability: Knock units back upon attack Aura: (Fear) lowers enemy armor by 1 (does not stack) (Human Flesh) This unit can consume a unit to regain some health. Minotaur Ability: (Charge) this is unit can charge into a single or group of units, in same fashion as a bull. (Fresh meat) This unit can consume another unit to regain some health. Aura: (Scare) reduce enemy health by 2% (does not stack) Cerberus Ability: (three headed) can attack several units at once Aura: (Frightening) reduce enemy attack by 2% (does not stack) Medusa Ability: Turn some enemies to stone, killing them instantly. (Myth units and heroes are immune to this) Calydonian Boar Ability: (Kick) kick an enemy unit away Dryad Ability: (Nature's gift) can slowly heal allies 0.5 sec Satyr Abilities: (Joy) cause nearby villagers to move faster +3% (does not stack) Nemean Lion Aura: (Iron Skin) causes nearby ranged units to have reduced attack -2% (does not stack) (Intense Hunger) This unit can consume another unit whole, regaining health in the process. Pegasus Ability: (flight) can fly over all obstacles. Colossus Ability: knockback units when attacking (Repair) This unit can be repaired by villagers, but it will cost resources to do so. Aura: (Mighty Crush) reduce eneny building HP by -4% (does not stack) Hydra Ability: (Several Heads) can attack multiple units at once, accordingly with it's current number of heads. Aura: (Massive) increase allies damage resistance by 3% (does not stack) Polyphemus (titan) Ability: Knockback several units at once, instantly killing them. Aura: (Hulking Monster) reduce enemies attack by 4% Greek heroes Hercules Ability: Knockback units (even small Myth units and Heroes) Aura: (Son of Zeus) increase attack damage of all units by 10% Jason Ability: (Legendary Leader) causes enemy units to fight slower for 15 secs (cooldown 40 seconds) Aura: (Inspirational Leader) increases allied armor by 10% Perseus Ability: (Flight) This unit can fly over obstacles. (Invisible cap) this unit can turn invisible for 20 seconds (40 second cooldown) Aura: (Monster Slayer) reduces Myth unit armor by 10%
  6. I forgot about that, perhaps on the back?
  7. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded changes made accordingly, Apollo had to have the hydra or it wouldn't be able to fit in the roster otherwise.
  8. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Greeks Major Gods: Poseidon Myth unit: trojan cetus (100 glory 200 food)(3 pop) Minotaur (75 glory and 150 food) (2 pop) Global Power (tech) increased fishing +10% or +10% armor and +5% damage for all combat ships (King of the oceans) (Fish Harvest) (100 glory) Hero: Hercules (50 glory) (club) Zeus Myth unit: Cyclops (75 glory 250 food) (2 pop) Global power (tech): increased armor for combat units +10% or increased damage +10% and armor for heroes +10% (Endurance)(Powerful blow) (100 glory) Hero: Jason (50 glory) (sword and shield) Hades Myth unit: cerberus (75 glory 150 food) (2 pop) Global power (tech): increased health for combat units +10% or increased mining rate +10% (Strength Training)(slave labor) (100 glory) Hero: Perseus (50 glory)(short sword) Minor Gods: Athena Myth unit: medusa (50 glory 125 iron)(2 pop) Global power (tech) : hoplite have faster attack speed +5% and slightly more health +10% (Goddess of war)(50 glory) Artemis Myth unit: Caledonian Boar (75 glory 150 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased ranged unit damage +5% (Master Archer)(50 glory) Demeter Myth unit: Dryad (65 glory 125 wood)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased farming rate +5% (Harvest of the gods)(50 glory) Dionysus Myth Unit: Satyr (65 glory, 125 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased trade income +5% (Wine Fit for a God)(50 glory) Hera Myth unit: Nemean Lion (100 glory, 200 food)(3 pop) Global power (tech): increased armor for cavalry +10% (Queen of Olympus)(50 glory) Ares Myth unit: Centaur (65 glory 125 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased attack rate +5% and movement speed for cavalry units +10% (March to War)(50 glory) Aphrodite Myth unit: Pegasus (65 glory 125 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased health +10% and slight movement speed increase for villagers +5% (Love Festival)(50 glory) Hephaestus Myth unit: Colossus (100 glory, 200 stone) (4 pop) Global power (tech): increased health for towers +10% but reduced attack rate -10% (Powerful builder)(50 glory) Apollo Myth unit: Hydra (100 glory 200 food) (3 pop) Global power (tech): increased movement speed for all infantry +10% (Speed of a God) (50 glory) Titan: Polyphemus (giant cyclops) (400 glory, 500 food, 500 wood, 500 iron and 500 stone.) (20 pop) Greeks God order: Poseidon, Artemis or Athena, Ares or Demeter, Hephaestus or Apollo. Zeus, Athena or Dionysus, Aphrodite or Ares, Hera or Hephaestus. Hades, Aphrodite or Dionysus , Ares or Artemis, Apollo or Hera. Norse Odin Myth unit: Nidhogg (100 glory 200 food)(3 pop) Global power (tech): Increased health for calvary units +10% or increased glory rate +10% (Mighty warriors)(Sovereign of Asgard) (100 glory) Hero: Bödvar Bjarki (50 glory) (big axe 2 handed) Thor Myth unit: Hildisvíni (battle boar) (75 glory 150 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased resource gather rate +5% or armor increase +10% for all units and damage increase for heroes +10% (Mighty Gatherers) (Master Smith) (100 glory) Hero: Sigurd (50 glory) (long sword) Loki Myth unit: Draugr (75 glory 150 food) (2 pop) Global power (tech): faster movement speed for all cavalry +10% or faster movement speed for trade caravans +10% (Forced march)(Speedy traders)(100 glory) Hero: Starkad (50 glory) (axe and shield) Minor Gods: Baldur Myth unit: Elves (65 glory 120 wood)(2 pop) Global power (tech): +5% armor increase for all units (Stout Defense) (50 glory) Freya Myth unit: Valkyries (75 glory 150 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased health for melee units +5% (Love of the Goddess)(50 glory) Frigg Myth unit: Fire giant (100 glory 200 iron)(3 pop) Global power (tech): increased line of sight for all buildings +10% and attack range for towers +10%(Foreknowledge of the Goddess)(50 glory) Ullr Myth unit: Troll (75 glory 150 stone)(2 pop) Global power (tech): increased damage for all ranged units +5% (50 glory)(Divine Archery) Tyr Myth unit: Fenrir (wolf) (50 glory 125 food)(2 pop) Global power (tech) : increased armor for melee units +5% and slight damage increase +5% (God of War)(50 glory) Heimdallr Myth unit: Einherjar (75 glory 150 iron)(2 pop) Global power (tech) : increased damage for towers +10%, but reduced armor -10% (The Watchman)(50 glory) Forseti Myth unit: Frost giant (100 glory 200 food)(3 pop) Global power (tech) : increased armor for all walls +10% (Defense is better than Offense)(50 glory) Njord Myth unit: Kraken (100 glory 200 food)(3 pop) Global power (tech) : increased health for combat ships +10% (God of the Sea)(50 glory) Vidar Myth unit : Giant (100 glory 200 food) (4 pop) Global power (tech) : (increased health for melee units) +5% (Strength of a God) (50 glory) Titan: Hrungnir (giant) (400 glory 500 food, 500 wood, 500 iron and 500 stone.)(20 pop) Odin, Baldur or Freya, Tyr or Ullr, Frigg or Njord Thor, Baldur or Tyr, Njord or Heimdallr, Vidar or Forseti Loki, Tyr or Ullr, Freya or Heimdallr, Frigg or Vidar
  9. Hi Alexander! First of all well done! 1. İn terms of behavior it would be a special combat unit, the special thing about it, would be a charge ability that would knock enemies back, so if possible, can a charge animation be made? 2. Forgive me if I am wrong, by props you mean their armor right? In that case, it would have a helmet like the one in your animations and light armor on its torso like an Archer or light calvary unit would have. 3. For the melee centaur, a spear and shield would be used, however if the shield looks awkward, then it can be left out. For the ranged centaur, it would use a bow (I contemplated a javelin but a bow fits better imo). 4. A light trot should work fine as a default walk. 5. İt would be a champion soldier (so no resource gathering). 6. İt would level up, start of poorly armored with a light helmet and breastplate but become increasingly heavily armored (within reason though), of course the melee centaurs would resemble hoplites slighty when fully promoted and the ranged ones would resemble greek archers when fully upgraded. 7. No, they would use a regular spear, shield and bow respectively, perhaps slighty larger due to their size (whatever looks fitting of course). Sorry for the late reply and long answer, I hope this answers your questions! Thank you very much!
  10. Quick update: The god selection system and the glory system are done. first two factions unit list and bonuses are more less decided. Will keep you updated on further developments. For latest information, check the discord.
  11. Updated unit list Greeks Major Gods: Poseidon Myth unit: trojan cetus (100 glory) Chimera (100 glory) Global Power (tech) increased fishing or armor and damage for all combat ships (King of the oceans) (Fish Harvest) (100 glory) Hero: Hercules (100 glory) (two hander) Zeus Myth unit: Cyclops (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased armor for combat units or increased damage (Endurance)(Powerful blow) (100 glory) Hero: Jason (100 glory) (sword and shield) Hades Myth unit: cerberus (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased health for combat units or increased mining rate (Strength Training)(slave labor) (100 glory) Hero: Perseus (100 glory)(short sword) Minor Gods: Athena Myth unit: medusa (100 glory) Global power (tech) : hoplite have faster attack speed and slightly more health (Goddess of war) Artemis Myth unit: Centaur (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased ranged unit damage (Master Archer) Demeter Myth unit: Scylla (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased farming rate (Harvest of the gods) Dionysus Myth Unit: Hydra (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased trade income (Wine Fit for a God) Hera Myth unit: Nemean Lion (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased armor for cavalry (Queen of Olympus) Ares Myth unit: Minotaur (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased attack rate and movement speed for cavalry units (March to War) Aphrodite Myth unit:Satyr (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased health and slight movement speed increase for villagers (Love Festival) Hephaestus Myth unit: Colossus (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased health for towers but reduced attack rate (Powerful builder) Apollo Myth unit: Pegasus (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased movement speed for all infantry (Speed of a God) Titan: Polyphemus (giant cyclops) Norse Odin Myth unit: Nidhogg (100 glory) Global power (tech): Increased health for ranged units or increased glory rate (mighty warriors)(Sovereign of Asgard) (100 glory) Hero: Bödvar Bjarki Thor Myth unit: Hildisvíni (battle boar) (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased mining rate or armor increase for all units (Mine Lord) (Master Smith) (100 glory) Hero: Sigurd Loki Myth unit: Jörmungandr (sea serpent) (100 glory) Global power (tech): faster movement speed for all cavalry or faster movement speed for trade caravans (Forced march)(Speedy traders)(100 glory) Hero: Starkad Minor Gods: Baldur Myth unit: Einherjar (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased damage for all melee units (Bravery) (100 glory) Freya Myth unit: Valkyries (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased health for melee units (Love of the Goddess)(100 glory) Frigg Myth unit: Fire giant (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased line of sight for all buildings and attack range for towers(Foreknowledge of the Goddess)(100 glory) Ullr Myth unit: Troll (100 glory) Global power (tech): increased damage for all ranged units (100 glory)(Divine Archery) Tyr Myth unit: Fenrir (wolf) (100 glory) Global power (tech) : increased armor for melee units and slight damage increase (God of War)(100 glory) Heimdallr Myth unit: Draugr (100 glory) Global power (tech) : increased damage for towers, but reduced armor (The Watchman)(100 glory) Forseti Myth unit: Frost giant (100 glory) Global power (tech) : increased armor for all walls (Defense is better than Offense)(100 glory) Njord Myth unit: Kraken (100 glory) Global power (tech) : increased health for combat ships (God of the Sea)(100 glory) Vidar Myth unit : Giant (100 glory) Global power (tech) : (increased health for melee units) (Strength of a God) (100 glory) Titan: Hrungnir (giant) Percentages, numbers and costs are still to be decided
  12. Ah yes I agree, I didn't think of Gaia units!
  13. Great! Can the centaur be ranged please?
  14. @oshron Hi, the council of modder and myself have started a mythology mod, we thought you would be interested in it.
  15. True, we will implement that and then make 9 minor gods!
  16. This is the plan if the minor god concept is possible in 0 ad. In this mod Major Gods give a choice between two unique techs and minor gods only give one unique tech. There might be 6 minor gods due to the 3 phases of 0 ad's civ center. 2 per a major god.
  17. Yeah I think that sounds good! Take a look at the discord faction section please, perhaps we can think of some appropriate powers, auras and units.
  18. @asterix @Angen @stanislas69 @(-_-) It seems like the Norse and Athenians are the two most popular factions for the first version! We just need to decide on apropiate gods, powers/auras and mythical units for them. Athenians gods : Athena, Poseidon and perhaps Dionysus ? Norse gods: Odin, Thor and Loki ? Anyone feel free to suggest other gods, God powers and mythical units.
  19. Hi! I appreciate your feedback! The mod will have a semi-historical focus, with probably an emphasis on fun and playibilty over a purely historical focus. Feel free to discuss with the Dev team on the ideas channel on discord concerning your ideas!
  20. Yes you're right. Harpocrates would fit well! Feel free to join the discord too.
  21. Thank you! I will ask you if I need some assistance!
  22. I have put a link to the mod's discord channel in the first post. All current information will be in that post.
  23. @wowgetoffyourcellphone could I use your favor resource from your mod? If yes, can it be attached to the temple instead of a statue?
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