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Rolf Dew

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Everything posted by Rolf Dew

  1. @niektb sorry about quoting such a long post.
  2. I was waiting for this amazing release and it is here! I've been waiting for a accurate Byzantine faction in a rts ever since Rome Total War: Babarian invasion! Now it is finally here!
  3. Yeah exactly, each mod has to be reviewed for the safety of the 0 AD community, as Stanislas has said, it is too unsafe to allow this.
  4. No the individual deleted the post, I am not referring to the minetest post, someone named downloadapps encouraged other users to visit their site. I am referring to this user @downloadapps
  5. Ah okay I see, my bad. Yeah I agree with the with the sidearm mechanic not appropriate
  6. @stanislas69 @elexis would the above account be considered an advertising account and thus violate the rules? (correct me if I am wrong)
  7. We must remember that certain cultures had armies that were superior in almost every way, in the Roman period their legions defeated the phalanx formation and even the barbarian infantry. What unit for example in the mauryan faction would be able to counter a roman legionarie with javelins? Remember as it is, swordsman are good against most infantry and with javelins they could hold their own against skirmishers and maybe even against archers. I am for variety in strategies and units, but how do we balance it?
  8. Yes it is true that spearman of different cultures deployed different tactics, I'm wondering how we would incorporate these features and maintain balance. For example roman swordsmen threw javelins before they charged, if we add javelins to a sword unit, then what stops it from becoming basically a javelin unit with better stats? Why would someone use the current javelin unit if the the sword unit with javelins is better in every way. Maybe we could have limited javelins for such units, like as a special ability with a cool down time. Rise of nations made the persian spear units into both spearman and skirmishers and it effectively made javelin units obselete in my opinion. What do you guys think?
  9. If I may put my humble opinion here, I believe that despite the vast diffirence of appearance in the units of each faction, they each serve a similiar purpose. For example, a spearman regardless of it's faction\culture still retains the role of being a slower infantry unit suited for calvary defense and when in force and formation an effective anti infantry unit. 0 AD is a historical rts, so I would assume a fair amount of it's units attempt to reflect their historical role in a realistic gameplay manner.
  10. Hi I would like to report some bugs. The minuteman/militia unit for the kokirI does not have an animation for mining rupees. Also was it intended for the gohma to not have the shared allied vision tech?
  11. I like these ideas! Second, I didn't know you had a son 6 years younger than me lol.
  12. @Lion.Kanzen https://www.wired.com/story/europes-new-privacy-law-will-change-the-web-and-more/ I think it has to do with this
  13. @Lion.Kanzen I believe that some new privacy laws were signed recently in the EU
  14. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Why don't you just make non champion units cheaper and faster to produce, so that they become those cheap trash units like in aoe 2? Maybe you could tweak their stats so that they would not be op.
  15. I had no idea this existed wow!
  16. Maybe even just to train basic soldiers into Champions, therefore increasing the time and cost of training champions. So that the game could reflect reality that Champions were a time consuming and expensive unit to train and that would increase their value and maybe make other units an easier alternative at times
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