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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. Very interesting mod, I played here with alpha 26 and apparently everything works, is there a possibility to add it to the main game? This would be a good game mode for anyone who wants something different.
  2. My reading may be wrong but he seems to complain about the lack of "Health" in "structures/west/guild_house"
  3. I believe this disables the foundation actor, however I'm without the pc to test. <VisualActor> <Actor>structures/western/stone_low_curtain_wall_long.xml</Actor> <FoundationActor disable=""/> </VisualActor>
  4. Don't forget to add props to the models later, I believe the Gallic props would match well, just edit the positions a bit.
  5. Great start congratulations! This reminds me of the @Mr.lie templates, does it make them available?
  6. It would be nice to have some limiting mechanics, preventing the training of large ships where the depth does not allow their navigation. Another cool thing would be that on the deck of the ship the infantry could be positioned.
  7. A suggestion: put water as a resource, and food and water consumables by the units. This can emulate this important part in ancient sieges. Put the project on Github (Modo 0ad) I will help with specific things.
  8. Export them again from Blender, only leaving the place where you want the height of the earth to be at the same height as the axes. Tip: after that click on Ctrl + a and select the option "All Transforms".
  9. Use https://www.academia.edu/search?q=mochicas este sitio para buscar fuentes históricas, la mayoría de los mochicas están en español.
  10. Quizá fuera del preclásico/protoclásico. En ese período había muchas máscaras de estuco. Creo que encajaría bien y había muchos muy complejos.
  11. @wraitii I see that there are many python files to help in the development of the mod, but I don't know how to take advantage of them in automation, where can I find out what each one does? I plan to make new campaign maps in the future.
  12. @Stan`, do you have any idea how to scale down an already animated 3d model without destroying all the animations (this is still inside the .blender file)? Whenever I do this the animations get "crazy" LOL.
  13. Camarada, dos comentarios importantes sobre los animales. 1 => Ya tenemos una textura base en el mod y un jaguar usando el tigre como pase podemos usarlo como base para mejorar la textura. 2 => Aunque crees un nuevo modelo 3d para jaguar y puma lo más probable es que no podamos animarlo, mira es un trabajo tremendamente difícil, aunque sea correcto, y difícilmente podremos encontrar a alguien con el tiempo y el conocimiento para ayudarnos en esta tarea, puedo intentar modificar pequeñas cosas en la licuadora del tigre que harían las cosas más fáciles.
  14. Interesting art, but this representation distorts a little of everything I've seen about the Jomons, their appearance and clothing are much more similar to the people of Oceania in my view.
  15. I will add these beautiful animals to the protoclassic maya mod. The cobra and the parrot were on the forum but still in .blender files I exported them and the animations created are working fine (create a simple snake version from the cobra). I will make available the animals already implemented so that other moders who want to use it will be easier to do. Does anyone know if it is possible to decrease the size of units directly in the game? Example: the snakes were the size of a large snake, but many snakes were no more than 1.50m.
  16. One of the coolest things about games is that you can play a reality that you want, I believe that playing with civs in a given location and historical period is more suited to scenario maps / or some campaign.
  17. This turned out really good!!! If you can and if you feel like it, we need a good texture for the women and the priestess.
  18. I really imagined it would be something more "modern" lol. This makes it much easier in the construction part, I believe that in this case it would not exist. What would the imagined gameplay be?
  19. This is a good idea! I believe the entire base already exists here, some new 3d models. If you need help getting started with coding, I can help with tips.
  20. Hi @wowgetoffyourcellphone, I think the translator made me miss some of the improvement tips, could you point me more precisely where these improvement points are.
  21. I remember a similar error in a mod I created to play with some ideas, I believe this error is solved by editing some value in a file in the gui. But I forgot what it was, if I find it I'll come back here to tell you what it was.
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