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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. This helmet is historical acurate or just hollywood dreams?
  2. 19 & 17 was already committed by stan if i'm not wrong, so i guess i can make the 20.
  3. Leonidas hero unit have a black helmet icon, should i bake a black helmet too ?
  4. i was thinking this was an spartan helmet because the one called phalangist in the head folders but it is in the greek references @Lion.Kanzen posted, in any case is already done.
  5. Will try to, btw i was thinking this was the phalangite helmet the one in the head folder (old helmets folders) so i've made it but now i realize isn't for spart faction but in any case there it is This is a basic plane camera render of the chest i've made time ago copied and pasted into the spart E texture whitout fixing proportions neither doing back side so can be seen how it can be done, i could use the texture as guide and adjust it to match the body properly.
  6. The snake metal should be same as the helmet or just steel ?
  7. @Lion.Kanzen i see, then most of the changes are just the crest and ornaments, btw that serpent looks great.
  8. Used a tutorial of youtube for make a bronze material:
  9. Been trying to get the bronze game look, didn't have luck yet maybe stanislas have a material saved somewhere in a blend file of the others helmets he committed.
  10. Just made a corinthian helmet or at least something similar to give some love for the old 2010 helmets of the spartan units:
  11. That reminds me the drakthar i've made long time ago with visible units, i hope to see that working in a future.
  12. Will make 2 winged version, i have 2 references one says later 5th century, but stills looks good and offers a good range of vision for reference the other i can see just a side and how it is inside but this does fit with the cavalry champion pers.
  13. Now are synced: Horse_new_armor_used.7z, The chariots actors (the charioth mesh itself) tells the horses to play death 1 all or death 2 all animations, the seleucid was working perfect so i applied the same for the others chariots.
  14. Yes i left some time because had a work here after the last kushites update, i'll keep doing more for the heroes left. About chariots i used before only 1 of 2 animations because i didn't wanted to make it overlap one horse above other, but i had to change that in order to sync like the persian chariots. Duplication is because they are using the same root prop point, so when they start running the dust particle delete everything in the root attach point and place overthem leaving the horses whitout armors or blankets. That will be only on this horses as i added a root bone on the other armature i'm working on and added a decal prop point attached to it, so as soon everything is exported from the armature update the duplicate props can be deleted too. Screenshot of the root bone and prop point: The winged could reach the alpha 23 and reduce a lot the tris, but i may ask wich unit will use it ? i was thinking it was going to keep saved like the cataphract.
  15. @stanislas69 heres with the last screenshots posted. Horse_new_armor_used.7z
  16. Btw, theres a lot of things that needs to be learned before reach here, it gets complicated but once its learned is just a tedious copy and paste tedious work.
  17. they are going for alpha 24 or 23? if its for alpha 24 i'll keep cleaning the horse before i forgot what i am doing . (happens offten with the more almost 1k blend files i have specially if they are rigged)
  18. Actually i followed one, the thing is how to look for them in youtube if you look for physics or collision you get basic meshes destroying bricks, but just recently founded one called Ragdoll and i remember Ragdoll is a word in skyrim used too for the collisions of the dead body. this is the best far i founded for work in sync with 0 AD because the animations can be recorded into the skeleton.
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