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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by borg-

  1. Why we did not invest in something smarter, a new upgrade, "flamming arrows", deals extra damage vs sieges and perhaps also against buildings, this would make battering rams much more vulnerable, archers would become an interesting and important unit, and encourage players play with archers civ (little used at the moment).
  2. Eaelexis why i get ban again?? Make a decision, or let me play in borg-, or Ive set up a new account, I can not both.

  3. EAE!!! Round 2, borg- (2) vs fpre (0). High panic level game Round 2 borg- vs fpre.rar
  4. borg- vs Kuba386 1 - Mainland, borg-(persian) vs Kuba386(pto) - borg- won 2 - Lake, borg-(pto) vs Kuba386(rome) - borg- won borg- vs Kuba386 games.rar
  5. EAE, high level game!!! borg-, Americas timezone GMT -3
  6. The purpose of this topic is to show in a simple and basic way how to improve your skills in 0a.d with 20 simple tips. 1- SHIFT button. Extremely important, mainly for order of buildings and micro. for example when picking up some wood collectors to build a house, hold the SHIFT button and right click on the house and then again on the wood, so immediately after finishing the house, they will automatically collect wood again. Your enemy is dancing in front of you, and your units missing shots, then select your units, hold SHIFT button, and select the stopped units you want to hit, so after killing the first selected enemy unit, they will fire in the next, avoiding that you shoot the dancer. You have selected 40 units, and you need to select more, keep SHIFT Button press, and select the 15 units, so you have 55 units selected. If you have enough wood and want to build 10 houses, keep SHIFT pressed, select the house and click 10 times in map. SHIFT greatly facilitates the construction of walls (make a test). 2- CTRL button: mainly required to select units. Let's imagine that you have 10 archers, 10 lancers and 10 women, you select them all, then in their interface show 3 small squares in the center with 10 archers, 10 lancers and 10 women. If you hold CTRL Buttom and click on the square of the 10 women, then you take the 10 women out of the selection, stay only 10 archers and 10 lancers, its is very important especially when suffering from harassment. CTRL button is also a shortcut key for storing units in buildings. Select the units, keep CTRL button press, and right click on the building. 3- U buttom. Shortcut button so that the units exit from within the buildings. 4- Two left mouse click. Press two left-clicks on mouse on archers for example, then all archers in your sight will be selected. 5- H button. Your units attacked the nearest unit. 6- Dance: the units automatically attack the nearest units, then select a unit and send it to the front, then click with it from side to side, you can use the SHIFT for this. 7- Storage. Must be made as close just to wood, fruit and hunting as possible. Metal and stone must have a distance that fits the units between the metal/stone to the storage. Doing too close will make your units have to walk a unnecessary distance. If necessary, make two or three. As your wood is cut make new Storages. When there is enough space for a new storage. 8- Outpost: Vision wins game, simple as that. Have vision so you will not have any more surprises. 9- keep some women close to the men, so that the collect gain 10%. 10- Tips for using with CTRL and U. I'll use an example that I only use at the moment (I did not see anyone else use until then). you are playing with iberians, and you are collecting outside the walls, so your enemy attacks you with some horses, you have no way to defend, and the gates are too far for you to run, what do you do? Select your units, press CTRL and click for units to enter the tower of the walls, then quickly click the U button several times so that the units exit quickly (Do not forget to select for the tower to unload the units inside the city). The same can be done with several types of constructions, in several occasions, use your imagination. 11- manipulation of animals: some animals can be manipulated in your favor. If the animal is too far from its storage or CC, hit him, and continues to walk behind it (no more hits), this will take the animal to the desired location. Walruses are aggressive animals, so if you hit a shot at him, they will go after you. then it is important that you select a unit and walk on the map giving a one hit on each,(preference ranges unit) and then send your unit back to your city, all walruses will follow. 12- Buildings within the radius of attack of the CC. An important tip especially for the beginning of the game, keep your houses and other possible constructions within reach of your CC, if your enemy rush you, he probably could not convert his constructions (If this happens, you probably lost the game). 13- Avoid fighting within range of towers and castles. Just fight if it's in your favor, if that does not happen, fight in another region, or make small attacks in multiple places at once. This is a regular mistake among beginners. 14- Whenever possible, make economic upgrades. Serious error between beginners and good players too, and plsssss, baskets upgrade are very, very important, basically you reduce 50% of walking time (first upgrade). 15- In fights whenever possible have melee/tank units on the front. Has already been proven in several tests that melee + ranged can win fights vs only ranged (Of course this depends on several factors). 16- Use constructs like houses/barracks to reach some resources beyond the edge. 17- keep in mind some basic things about factions / units. You are playing on Mauryans and your enemy is Romans, you do not know what strategy he used, but you should avoid some. Example, If he is a smart player it is likely that he will use spear horses against you for the simple fact that archers can not stop them, so what should you do? Make some lancers instead of archers, this will block it. 18- Preferably to armor upgrades rather than attack. Armor upgrades are cheaper, and reach more soldiers than attack upgrades. 1350 for +1 armor for melee and ranges units or 1500 for 20% attack only ranges units? 19- Balance eco. This is the most mistake among all players. Try to keep your economy always balanced and in progress. If you are collecting fruits, and they are running out, do not expect them to end up for making some farms, make before. If you are going to attack/defense, do not use all your units of a particular resource, only in special harassment and specific strategies. This will cause your economy to stop, you will have to switch resources, and this will see a snowball. 20 -keep an eye on the time. Minutes are important so you knew how well or how bad it is going. For me, for example, I know that if I'm in the minute 14 and I'm still in phase 2 in a game without major problems, I'm late, If I am playing against a good player, I can be in serious trouble. Maybe I even have a larger population, but if it has some rams or elephants, this can complicate me. I memorized some schedules, this facilitates my games, I know when to attack, pass phase, and i also know when the enemy probably attacked me in a probable rush. Well there are several other tips, but I hope that in a simple way I can help raise the level of the gameplay. Tips from other players are very welcome.
  7. In my experience, hard counter work better.
  8. Exactly, i defend the sycounter system for a long time, it is necessary for any rts.
  9. I did not say that can not be better, I said that in the current moment (alpha), it is a cowardice. Well, i agree with you on most of the issues you see in 0a.d. 1- I would like to see towers and forts that can be built in neutral territory; 2- I wish units could destroy enemy buildings more easily; 3- CC should not train combat units, just women, you should be forced to have a barrack for this. these are some things I would like to have, the gameplay would improve, but they are just my points
  10. Compare 0 a.d to aok is cowardice, you are comparing with one of the best games ever created.
  11. The only change that I would make in relation to the rams, would be to reduce a little your shield against ranged units, you need lots of shots to be able to cause a small damage. Another alternative is a tech I proposed some time ago, "flaming arrows", where archers get significant damage against contructions and siege units. We could also do a similar tech for defensive constructions, where they could also cause extra damage against siege units.
  12. There is no problem with rams, there are several ways to stop.
  13. I agree that the design limits us a lot. Not being able to build in neutral territory / enemy is a great waste for me, I think that constructions like towers, castles and barracks should be allowed, at least in neutral territory, I remember to have talked about this some time ago. Another important point is the lack of balance, I think that improved it, would open up some more possibilities. The lack of counter system, this really limits a lot. And lastly, players have to start playing other maps, not just continent. This limits us to equal games at all times, but for this we need an amount of (competitive) maps that have a good balance.
  14. Sure, but what's the point here? Does lack of strategies exist because of lack of balance, or is lack of balance due to lack of strategies?
  15. You are confusing build order with strategies. as I said, in any game you will see build order specific to each strategy, this is more logical if you need 10 vills for a given function because it will make 11? You'd be losing money / time. This occurs in sc2 as well.
  16. In team games, I've seen a team win prizes rush by one of the players. That was really very interesting to see. Age of Empires has always had a lot of strategy variety, maybe not as sc2 but is also present. Unfortunately, this does not happen in aoe1, its balance is bad, and because of that, among other things, it was not even 10% of its successor's success.
  17. This build order (22 > feudal) it's standard, but it all depends on what strategy you're going to do. Does not work on water map for example. Also probably will not work in a rush of towers, or militia rush. For each of these strategys, there is a specific order build that best fits. .
  18. Any rts game you will find a build order, this is logical, players will polish their strategies until you create one that is the fastest / most functional. There are several different strategies and openings depending basically on the map and civilization (bonus). does not exist luck in RTS games, just if have bugs. lategame has nothing definite, in age of empires you can not only spam a only unit, regardless of the power it has, you will lose. The bonuses are influential, but do not lead you to victory alone. Map control is essential in age of empires, and this is a point in common with 0 a.d. But there is a difference between the two. In 0 a.d you probably can not turn a game where your enemy is with the whole map, just because the balance is horrible, the towers can kill lots of soldiers alone, and this does not happen in age of empires. You always have a way out, or at least most of the time.
  19. Yes, age of empires tournament, where did you see the 2?
  20. Where did I say that I am an age of empires 2 professional?
  21. This confirms what I have said, many opinions and few decisions.
  22. It's important because what keeps a game "alive" is its multiplayer and loyal players who play every day, even with a horrible balance. I think it's fair to give them at least a playable balance, regardless of whether they're ready or not.
  23. I have already put me in total disposition to do the balance of the game, respecting the gamedesign of game, that is to say, with or without counters system. I'm sure i would do a great job. Probably the most experienced player of 0 a.d, with the most games, besides being the best player. Not only that, I am now 28 years old, and I have played rts games since my 8 years, most of the time competitively, a practical example is to be in the semi finals of an age of empires championship in this moment. I must be the one who understands the most here in the balancing part. The real problem I see is that with each small change, you should by voting and asking the opinion of many people, who most of the time do not even play the game, at least not multplayer. It makes no sense to me. The team should be small, with a maximum of 3 guys taking care of it.
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