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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by borg-

  1. The vision opened a second later and worked normally for the rest of the map, seems delay. I may be talking nonsense but it seems to be something with the hill.
  2. Hello everybody. I was testing my patch with some changes for athens and when sending the unit around the map, the unit went into the fog of war. The map opened shortly after. @Stan` @Freagarach
  3. We are having some problems in the lobby. @Dunedan @Stan`
  4. I can on most Saturdays, but in the afternoon, in the morning I work. Sunday is very difficult. So my answer is to have games during the week. -3gmt borg- Rating: 2243 Thank you for organizing this and moving the competitive scene.
  5. Thanks for clarifying. It's better to postpone than a bad release.
  6. How about a smurf championship with a prize pool of $50? Each would create a smurf account in the game (with @Stan` permission). A person, in this case you @DerekO, is responsible through private messages about nicknames of the players, only you would know who each nick belongs to. Players wouldn't know who they're playing against and specs must guess who's who based on style and skills.
  7. https://0ad.fandom.com/wiki/Cheats
  8. That would simply destroy multiplayer games. Such a huge vision boost would destroy any kind of early rush. The CC view was higher in previous alphas, we lowered it precisely for this reason. We also wanted to encourage greater use of outposts.
  9. Maybe we can help him with that.
  10. I don't see how the game can benefit from this, and also the team is too small for such "perks".
  11. I don't know if it's a known bug or already fixed. The same happened with the agricultural building built next door.
  12. It's getting off topic, open a topic about dimensions of things and let the topic continue with its proposal.
  13. Yes, but I want to say that we must have some differences between civilizations. Historically, we can give all units to all factions, but I don't think that's the goal here.
  14. I don't mind changing either, but I need a good reason. I don't see it as a big deal right now.
  15. This is actually not a problem. All societies used all types of weapons throughout the history. The bow isn't important enough in Rome to be in the game, though that doesn't mean it was never used.
  16. We had changes from that from a24 to a25. I don't remember for sure the reasons for the changes, but it had to do with better economic balance.
  17. Just add a blacklist, where you can't be paired against anyone on your list. This has been around for at least 15 years in other games.
  18. For differencing civs, you have to put balance to one side for a moment. Try not to think about how this can affect the balance, but the gameplay.
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