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sarcoma last won the day on June 19 2023

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  1. this happens a lot when someone losses connection suddenly (power/internet outage, ddos, etc) the lobby keeps the player listed for a minute or so, if u join before that it gives you the nickname without rating, so u have to wait until it destroys the first conn and rejoin
  2. Can we have this mod for smaller displays? i couldnt use progui because it takes the whole screen and the summary doesnt even fit
  3. maybe after the lone ranger's indian sidekick
  4. We need more Yekaterinas in 0ad. Come play with us noobs, not with obnoxious nasty so called pros
  5. I play like this and cant go back to normal mode
  6. @rossenburg: many js errors, autologin not working, lobby broken, with or without other mods
  7. ty for your mods, @Yekaterina betterfauna is missing an '=' in mod.json attractivemines dependency 27 -> 26
  8. the economic buildings have a local bell to quickly hide women in nearby houses
  9. ty @Atrik is there a reason not to ignore incompatibility checks? i would like to use the mod regardless of whether or not others have it
  10. @Atrik Fresh 0ad install, progui only mod ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/pregame/mainmenu~boongui.js line 98 config is not defined @gui/pregame/mainmenu~boongui.js:98:5 messageBox/<@gui/common/functions_msgbox.js:14:23 setButtonCaptionsAndVisibitily/</button.onPress@gui/common/utilities.js:29:11
  11. @RangerK: can u use observers view most of the time? and player view only if needed. ty
  12. he even found a bug it was imba but in decgers favor, that hakuna smurf was pro too
  13. try /art/actors/structures/britons/kennel.xml
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