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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Paal_101

  1. @ Caesar - Like Cory said Just sent you an e-mail. I second that Jason! Just let me look them over before you post them Cory
  2. LOL oh no Soggy, he just kicked the snot out of him then smoked Toby the rabbit He's an animal hitman LOL
  3. Oh there will be unit types/classes. The man use for randomization in 0 AD is for physical appearance.
  4. Trust me, all of these guys will be easily identifiable and will fight like crazy. Its all done with the use of props, which when combined with a library will make randomization a snap.
  5. Remember Save Toby? http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.p...4&hl=Save++Toby Well here is a strip from the online cartoon The Pet Professional http://www.petprofessional.net/index.php?date=2005-05-25 I love that cartoon, its great dark humor that's right up my alley
  6. Boy Vit you just expressed my views on the Romans perfectly That's exactly how I feel about them. I haven't studied much on Latin progeny though. Obviously the Goths mixing with the Italians would dilute the blood
  7. Who'da thunk it? I thought the majority were European myself, but that's based on the number of posts.
  8. Sure is Argy I can't wait to play some multiplayer either I'll be getting DSL in the fall when I go to uni, so I'll be ready to take on any comers
  9. Between you, Malte, and myself we'll have a Third Triumvirate
  10. So, which one will it be? Hellenes will be a major draw, as will the Celts. But will the novelty of the Persians give them an edge? Past polls show that the Celts and Hellenes are the runaway favorites for most of us, although I know at least two of us will give the Romans top billing
  11. I'm lucky, I live in a country were SATs do not exist We do take standardized tests, Provincial Exams which make up 40% of your final grade, but that is the closest it comes. Plus your provincial exam mark plays no major role in your university acceptance process, unless of course you badly bombed and lowered your overall grade.
  12. Mikael - hehe How so? What university are you attending Vit?
  13. Welcome dude! Another lover of legionnaires and cataphracts, just like me
  14. Gracias Ken Well put as always. Regarding Marian legionnaires, we felt that to make the Punic War realistic ingame it was important to make sure we had the right troop types in place. In addition the Marian-era featured highly standardized troops, at least by Punic standards. Unlike the Imperial era there were no "standardized" auxillaries and some of the more exotic troop types like archers and slingers would still have more in common with their native people then the more Romanized troops of the 1st/2nd century AD. In addition Marian legionnaires in Part I would be so stinking similar to Imperial troops in tactics and general appearance that it made sense to go for the more varied Camillans. But as far as Marians go, perhaps one of the first official 0 AD addons will bring the campaigns of Marius, Sulla, Pompey, and Caesar to life
  15. What up dude? Glad to have you aboard! Have to ask, what is your fave ancient civ? As you will find out there are various "factions" here at WFG
  16. Regarding dev articles, we've got at least two burning holes on our hard drives as we speak Been written for at least 6 months.
  17. What Jason said The Romans we will be portraying are from the Punic War era, so roughly from 250 to 150 BC, the time of great expansion and conquest. All soldiers were citizens called up for service on a need basis. You were not required to serve continuously but you were expected to fight some 15 battles in your lifetime if necessary. Normally at this time Roman fielded four standing legions made up of yearly lottery "winners" and volunteers who served continuously. In extreme cases these legions were reinforced by huge numbers of men forming new legions when necessary. Unlike later these men provided their own weapons and armor, their wealth and age determining their position in the battle line and their troop type. While later Roman armies were not the Gladiator/Ben Hur mass of clones either, Punic era armies were full of men with different armor types and were quite varied compared to their later counterparts (who had standardized equipment and were professional soldiers). For example in 0 AD the Romans will be using: two types of breast-and-backplates muscled cuirasses 4 types of chainmail hauberks 2 types of scale armor 5 types of helmets It also allows for us to portray the great battles of the Second Punic War and the Macedonian Wars in their historic equipment
  18. Should be, the site does have some American awards so it is an option, but yes it is for us Canucks I'm not aware of any American sites, for obvious reasons due to my location
  19. They recently found the Mycenaean port of Athens That's pretty cool, and an inscription left by Darius the Great at the base of a pilar in modern day Iran. Uhmmmmm.......I'm probably going to see Kingdom of Heaven on May 10th
  20. First thing is to go to http://studentawards.com/, its a free online scholarship search engine. It matches your majors/minors in post-secondary with available bursaries, grants, and scholarships. There is a surprising amount of money out there, you just need to look for it. Another thing is to get in contact with universities/colleges you are interested in and see if you can get a pre-enrollment consultation on costs, awards, scholarships etc, etc. Woe be it on me to ever suggest the military in a time like this (at least the American military ), but that is one way to get a "free" education, at least monetarily. EDIT: More importantly, being homeschooled do you have your Grade 12 rating from your state/province? Are you from North America or Europe? In Canada, unless you are granted a Grade 12 by the province you have not graduated. You would then have to complete a GED or retake grades 11 and 12. I fortunately got my diploma by doing correspondence through the Ministry of Education in BC for 4 years. Unless you take the provincial curriculum they will not recognize a homeschool Grade 12, leaving you with a GED.
  21. I'm reading "The Mycenaean World" by John Chadwick, very interesting look at the people involved in the creation of history's greatest myths and tales. I'm also mid-way through the Wheel of Time series. I've finished Book 8, ready to proceed with 9 at some point in the future. In addtion I recently finished reading Michael Chricton's Eaters of the Dead. Bad movie, great book.
  22. Welcome man! I enjoyed RA2, borrowed it from a friend, lots of fun I also worked on a mod with a dude who was a humungo C&C fan They are great games. Which of the two games drew you to WFG?
  23. Yup You walked straight into it LOL Know that we are very happy for you though!
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