As far as names go the word doctor actually means "teacher" in Latin and were often associated with gladiators. Surgeons were known as "medicus vulnerarius" which means "wound healer".
By no means. Ensures better booty brought back to Rome after the victory Even with those gladius puncture holes. Although might stink to be a prisoner, get confused with the sacrificial ox during the triumph and be axed to death instead of strangled @Caesar89 - Welcome dude! *dances at the fact that RVF is now biggest on board* hehe
Everyone knows that its the barbarians *cough* Gauls *cough* who drool and dress in furs to look like animals Seriously not that much to joining a faction. Just what Bobby said
W00T! Congrats and happy birthday Joshua!!! I wish my parents would take me on a shopping spree sometimes How big is the book? I'll have to get it through inter-library loan and check it out. What's the plan for tonight? Gonna go see a movie or something?
Welcome! I too am interested about your teacher's interest in WFG Another DarkBASIC-er! I dabbled with Classic but that interest petered out LOL What kind of games have you made?
To put it bluntly, yes Roma Victor Faction is simply a fun little nomen for those who adore the Roman civilization, although our ranks are somewhat thin But not as bad as the HLF
If you flip through the screenshots you'll see Celtic buildings. Concept art.....hard to say. Jason did most of that I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) so he might have known what he wanted to do and just went at it LOL Jason is our resident Celtic nut, counterbalances yours truely's Roman obsession
And the cool smilies still exist, I'm assuming you mean :P Beyond the fact that I might get banned for that little display LOL it is also true that these smilies can be accessed by clicking Show Smilies Pop-Up Window in Fast Reply.