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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. Venustas sounds good related to all the new art content.
  2. @Phalanx: that's what is done in Delenda Est mod if I remember correctly (an aura for nearby hoplites).
  3. I don't really understand what you mean. But for example, you have yet "aura formation". See for example Iphicrates aura wich give bonus (armor and speed) to all members of its formation.
  4. It has yet been reported. It should have been fixed one or two days ago. Don't forget to recompile.
  5. Could you emphasize the maps the most and the less related to our game / geographical area / historical period ? I would like (it's personal) focus on the first ones.
  6. Map: Mainland Players: fatherbushido vs kudriy Romans vs Iberians on small map. Citizen soldiers fight, swordmen, ... how will it ends ? 2016-12-21_0004.7z
  7. see the manual http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Settings#KeyboardShortcuts
  8. @fcxSanya: That sounds good (as the tech is costfull, it's an investment) and it will make house even more usefull in many point of view (not only build them in a repetitive way, can reward capture...). (perhaps submit the idea to @scythetwirler ?).
  9. One could also say the converse (for example swordmen can defeat easily a ram and not a spearmen)... So I guess everything is fine ;-)
  10. Or moving all those interesting idea to an economic mod.
  11. There were many ideas about that concept. Currently the meaning is a lower food cost and a higher metal cost.
  12. For information: there were yet many discussions about finite/infinite farms debate (see irc logs or forum search).
  13. Make previously unused Ptolemian bolt shooter available Fix bolt shooter precision tech which didn't work previously Armour: 1 40 1 -> 1 50 5 increasing their repeat rate by 25%. Capture points: 250 -> 500 Regeneration rate of capture points: 0 -> 20 Population cost: 5 -> 3 So perhaps have you some love for this units but I can affirm that there were many changes. One could say the contrary ? Moreover, some units have specific uses (like a boat is not used on ground). I don't know what that mean.
  14. @Hazellena: It is not mandatory to build 50 champions to win the game. You can look at the changelog to see the many changes, features, bugfixes and the aim of the different balance/gameplay changes : changelog
  15. Sure I meant It's 'only' an 'art' issue now.
  16. There are now capture animation for most of the units (Thanks to sanderd17 for that).
  17. It is disabled on some maps (by the map creator).
  18. @oshron: sure you can open a new thread about dinosaurs, perhaps in the mod section.
  19. Some people thought/think the only attack against buildings should be the capture attack. I wonder if it's not exactly the same concept as the one you described.
  20. In the current game, you can garrison 5 ships in the super dock and they will be repaired
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