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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4688
  2. Hint: Encouraging people to make war and to kill opponents (all - if you want the conquest victory) is not something which should be encouraged at the start of 21st century, isn't it?
  3. (while at helmets: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2524#comment:49)
  4. @LordGood: it will be time to decrease it when decreasing unit moving speed and reducing vision (and and and and and...) ;-)
  5. (I forget: we have currently some amount of code about formation and it seems a waste if we don't reuse it. So we have to be tricky to complete formations feature with reusing that part of code.) When talking to pathfinding for formations you point out what is imo the more decisive thing, as what we call formation has different meaning. One of my favorite design was perhaps the first one nicely summed up by @Wijitmaker
  6. @av93 Matter of consensus, of doing thing in the better way, of choices, of global picture... and also of time and work. (the unit motion proposal is mainly a nuke of formation ) For example, what do you mean by formation?
  7. (Those things disappeared with the simulation rewrite.)
  8. Not so much. If you really want to play with charge, you can also revert, it was implemented many years ago
  9. Yes, that's different in a22 and in a21. Would you expect the converse?
  10. (By the way, - in technologies json files, we have description (currently it's mainly a global description of the tech) and tooltip (which describe effect). - in auras json files, we only have auraDescription which at first only contained effect (as information about the related/source entity could be in the xml), but also in some cases (for example for catafalques) some history description. While at it, one can perhaps fix/precise the design of those things - mainly from the gui point of view.)
  11. If ever you need the patch for deleting them (r19943). history_delete.diff And a rough backup (ack output) history_dump.txt
  12. It seems you used formation, isn't it?
  13. (Until Itms fix, 0 A.D. entity XML documentation.html)
  14. That can be done with removing them from the EjectOnDestroy list, isn't it?
  15. @Grugnas: don't mislead (structure / mechanical) capture and animal conversion (TBD).
  16. There is indeed something which need to be clarified. In https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Technology_Templates we have the non bracket syntax for specific affects. We have it in the code doc. (so we need to write some tests for that part of the code). EDIT: I checked, indeed the bracket syntax is not handle in specific affects. In that case, you can just use strings (where 'spaces' are 'and'). If you want an 'or' in a specific affects, you can't neither use "+" in the string. I guess the only solution is to split it like that: {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 0.1, "affects": ["Storehouse", "Farmstead"]} should become {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 0.1, "affects": "Storehouse"}, {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 0.1, "affects": "Farmstead"} EDIT: Though I am not sure we could have the same key :/
  17. See the attachement 0 A.D. entity XML documentation.html
  18. It is. (Notice that it takes into account the intrisic elevation bonus of those structures, not only the terrain one).
  19. I got that error also in some tech in the imperial court and also that one
  20. Yes, I just checked. Here are all the errors I get in the structure tree There is something wrong as the chin cc doesn't appear on phase 1 in the struct tree.
  21. And there is no issue with your phase_town_roma?
  22. Perhaps because you have `"autoResearch": true` in the chin phase town tech?
  23. Try perhaps to move the techs from https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/simulation/templates/structures/chin_civil_centre.xml in https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml
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