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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. I suddenly feel like a snail in a snail race.
  2. Was it in the structure tree? Was it related to walls?
  3. It means that as your fortress is lower (it checks height in 8 direction iirc) than what is around, you have a range penalty. (You can have a bonus too). (keyword: parabola of safety)
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: Something like https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4126 (disclaimer: it's a draft)
  5. Got also it for the first time today, just at end of the loading screen (I was doing nothing).
  6. The best answer would be "when it will be ready". (which can be read in different ways ;-))
  7. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: you will notice "I don't really understand" and also "if they can train". Now I understand a bit more, "Spartiates" means "spartans champions".
  8. I don't really understand what was that team bonus. If a civ can train spearmen and it has yet that, it doesn't bring anything to it. Moreover if they can train other civ units, then we need to disable their Builder list, ....
  9. No. Not all team bonuses are implemented. Those descriptions in that civ menu are just ideas of what could be implemented.
  10. (edit: Done, that one line file is too big)
  11. Map: mainland Players: Two players Type: 1vs1 Civ: Seleucids vs Mauryans. Summary: A really tight (about 2h30) 1vs1 with many turnovers. Looking at such a game, I can't really say that there is one way to play. 2017-03-18_0001.zip
  12. Yes, but that should be done in the JS code (carefully :p).
  13. Yes currently, Class are used for changed limit. Techs are used as limit remover. In fact, using a tech as a limit changer could (perhaps) be replaced by enabling techs to modify entity limits perhaps. Currently it's not yet implemented iirc. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TechModifications (and also http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Technology_Templates and http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Aura_Templates)
  14. You need also to add a TrainingRestrictions / BuildRestrictions Category to the limited unit (The one you will use in EntityLimits). That http://svn.wildfiregames.com/entity-docs/ will help you. (not up to date).
  15. @soloooy0: You can look at the armor tooltip in the attached screenshot.
  16. Put the hero in a formation. And look the armor tooltip of the other members.
  17. @feneur: one should pin that answer as it's probably the most asked question ;-)
  18. There is the Sergenti 1 map in scenario, perhaps you can do something with that.
  19. Can you confirm: EDIT: checked, thanks for noticing (remaining specific values in templates).
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