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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. If you mean a linear splash damage, it is yet implemented (but not set for any unit).
  2. You can play with "Conquest Units" victory condition enabled.
  3. @oshron: I yet thought to a dinosaur realitstic mod. Artist could do really realistic models and animations based on existing dinosaur skull (for Iguanadon for example, there are many interesting stuff at Brussels museum). Map maper could enjoy also to try to do some reallistic map.
  4. It s the sample effect. For pikemen it s more homogeneous. Look at big armies and big battles.
  5. About those 3 'new' mercenaries, 2 of them were at first for macedonians. As macedonians had yet good champs, the stoa was finally given to spart and athen. As athen has yet swordmen marines champ, one of them was removed for them. Macedonians can also produce those mercenaries if they capture a spartan or athen stoa (a bonus rewarding the capture of a stoa). Those 3 units are mercenaries and have a different use at normal champs (regarding to the cost) and will be used in some particular situations.
  6. ;-) Imo, it's not the same as the pikemen can hold a long time (armour + health) and so give the same amount of damage.
  7. @SeleucidKing: It's given by damage dealt (the proportion of the loot you get is the proportion of health you take). (Else indeed there would be a problem due to differents attack repeat time).
  8. By the way, our game lobby is one of the more family safe I know.
  9. I would add to feneur's post that in a21, most of the (infantry) units have a capture animation (thanks to sanderd17 for this).
  10. You can try to use minimal graphics stuff in settings.
  11. You can also use the conquest structure victory condition.
  12. I guess some mods like delenda est use those units. Else you can make you own mod by adding them to the production queue of a building.
  13. yes the gallic fields map iirc. there are also gaia units in the new random map caledonian meadows.
  14. You can use the "spread" entry in templates (see Attack documentation).
  15. You can have a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21 You will notice that all that has been adressed. We hope you'll enjoy the next alpha.
  16. a bit off topic but that is a partial answer: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/grafx and mockups/world_of_0ad.jpg
  17. It sounds good . +0.5 is ok as it's rounded. We can do that as population bonus and not pop cap. But have you some historic stuff or a good name for that ? Else we can also split the TechCostMultiplier and the Cost part ?
  18. I don't know. As there was Ashoka in the name, I wondered. Then what is the Ashoka's aura ?
  19. You'll find the stats in the xml files in the folder you cited above. The (not update) doc is here: http://svn.wildfiregames.com/entity-docs/
  20. We did this one as ashoka's aura in the main game, did you do that as player's aura or ashoka's aura ?
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