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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Dust storms and clouds disappear and reappear when zoom out. I liked clouds in old alpha, it make the game world feel alive and give a nice visual mood, but is broke for 1 or 2 alphas.
  2. The community who has gotten 1000s of hours of entertainment from the franchise could pay the 20 dollar and stay unfragmented.
  3. 20 bucks is not a lot of money for an adult to pay to support the deveopment of a game that they have spent probably 1000s of hours playing. If you already have the game, then don't buy it. Some people didn;'t have the game, so they buy it.
  4. Do you have legit copy or did you pirate AOE2? For most people aoe2 was unavailable with legal means. aoe2 hd brought aoe2 back to a new generation of player. Steam support was also nice addition. "fragmenting" an online "community" of software pirates is not within Valve's concern.
  5. Who are you? lol. My point is, there are many conflicting opinion on this board (and a lot of suggestion are downright bad). Hopefully designer can parse and make a balanced game once all the features are done.
  6. No, please no. Do not listen to this. The solution is to fix the movement behavior. Instead of endless fixing balance of an unfinished game the team should be fixing and tweak behavior like unit and group movement and adding all the promised missing feature. The instinct is to throw out the difficuult things, instead of making them great. This game have too much greatness in its potential for small vision.
  7. wratti I try something like this with modding.
  8. I think AOEO followed that "painterly" style, but the design work was too cartoony. I can see the AOEO engine being retrofit with the art styleof your link and would work well.
  9. I am sorry Loki, but urban design upon grid pattern was pioneer by Greeks in Hellenistic time, then taken further by Romans as seen here: There are many examples. Even Piraeus in Athens of 5th and 4th century BC was laid in grid pattern. Miletus of Ionia is other example.
  10. I agree that there are mamny separate cases that must be judiciously decided upon. And then all bets can be off when a hotkey (Tab is my choice) is pressed. Tab can be the one-stop-shopping that gives the player as much UI-related informations as possible. In Battle for Middle Earth 2, the humans can only build walls within a distance from the castle (0 A.D.'s CC). When you select to build walls, the ring shows up around the castle to show you this range. I think this would be good for 0 A.D.
  11. Yeah, it because selection are rendered with quads instead of with decals. For units this make sense, but with large things like building selection or aura or other things is make more sense to use more vertice like decal.
  12. I would think that visualization would be for important things, like hero (you can only have 1) and static building (there are only a few of these). The female aura is quite inconsequential.
  13. 1. Auras are relatively rare. 2. modern graphics cards can handle thousands of instance of alpha blending. The game will not run very well on integrated graphics anyway. If a couple of more alpha blends are a problem for a rig the game can have option to tyrn them off (default: on, of course).
  14. I thinbk firing range is unnecessary, but showing splash damage range or smething like this might be good.
  15. I think it better to have a very deep foundation and make it not hug the ground like normal farms, so then these farms will stick out of the side of a hill unlike other farm field. But when placed on flat ground it would be flat like other field.
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