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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Nice! I wish animals would switch to running when attack. (also, wish player units would not attack animals unless they first are attackd! When attacked, nearby units would help take down animal, but not until then).
  2. Actually, shadows work! But... I have to enable them every time. Enable shadows does not get saved. Have to enable every match for some reason. Also, the shadows are very faint. Make them darker and use ambient shadow color? Just some observaton and suggestion.
  3. When I zoom in and out I can see the parallax maps have weird bug, almost like LOD but not. They ripple as I zoom and look very bad. Sometimes if viewed from angle they warp over the model surface. Screenshot will not show this very well. I wonder if other have some problem. Start happening maybe a couple weeks ago?
  4. meh, don't like this. They are already slightly irregular. Of course can experiment though, so +1.
  5. Preview is definitely double-plus good. The more previews the better IMHO. Extension can be preview image for map too. Can load preview icon specified in the map.
  6. Hmmm, I think it could be like Docks. Docks cannot built on shoreline that is too tall. Bridge can use same placement code?. Have Bridge always be same height above water table, with ends that taper down like ramp (usually hidden by terrain but if terrain low the ramp will show, just like the back side of Greek dock). The span in middle gets "segments" added seamlessly like a wall that doesn't have towers. EDIT: With imagination I see this. Can click one end of the bridge at shoreline (has shoreline placement requirement like dock), then drag to the other side of river. If drag too far, bridge spirit goes red (have tooltip like walls that tells you how far bridge is and cost, it tell you if you go too far too). Click the end at the opposite shoreline, then units start building the bridge from starting end. If you have units on the opposite bank you can click them onto the end they can start building from their end to cut building time in half. Foundation before they start building looks like pylons in the water. Persian one can be wider and look like pontoon bridge (see: Xerxes; it can go longer, but is weaker; say most civs can go 5 segments long, but Persia can go 7). Roman one can have stone pylons but wooden span (they tend to make their bridges wooden so they can fire the bridge in case of enemy invasion). Red ends ramp downward. If bank slope upward then it just clip the ramp no problem. If the bank is too steep or cliff, it be like dock and cannot be built. Yellow spans are short, medium, long, just like walls and swap into place depending on need of length. Once build, any player can use it, but only owner can delete it (maybe it can be "capture" when captuiring implemente). Romans can upgrade their bridge to be full stone like this:
  7. Hmm, I don't see problem with the height thing, maybe clarify? Length--Just have min and max length. About boats, ancient bridge were not the big bridge of today. Only small watercraft would fit beneath them, certainly not warships! So, the bridge could block boat movement and be perfect realistic.
  8. Made a gaia object with an aura. Make it affect " Enemy." Since all player are enemy to Gaia, the aura affect all players. This of course a hack, but one that works very good. I will try similar hack to try to get Celts and Iberians to have battle bonus in forest. Object have this in code: <Auras> <Farmland> <Type>range</Type> <Radius>20</Radius> <Affects>Gatherer</Affects> <AffectedPlayers>Enemy</AffectedPlayers> <Modifications> <ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain> <Multiply>2</Multiply> </ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain> </Modifications> <AuraName>"Farmland" Aura</AuraName> <AuraDescription>Gatherers +100% Farm Gather Rate within 20 meters. This is a hack to create "Farmlands" in the game.</AuraDescription> </Farmland> </Auras>Object also invisible in the game with this code: <Selectable> <EditorOnly/> <Overlay> <Texture> <MainTexture>auras/test/1024x1024_aura.png</MainTexture> <MainTextureMask>auras/test/1024x1024_aura_mask.png</MainTextureMask> </Texture> </Overlay> </Selectable> <VisualActor> <SilhouetteDisplay>false</SilhouetteDisplay> <SilhouetteOccluder>true</SilhouetteOccluder> <Actor>props/special/common/aura_farmland_20.xml</Actor> <VisibleInAtlasOnly>true</VisibleInAtlasOnly> </VisualActor>
  9. Hi guys. Lion rendered new icon for tech portrait, "Sentries." I also implement big changes to gameplay. 1. Only Civic Center make territory now. Each phase upgrade makes territory grow +10%. Most buildings must be built in this territory around the CCs. 2. Storehouse, Farmstead, and Fields all can be built outside territory. In fact, with "farmland" bonuses now impkemented, it is very preferable for player to build his farming operations out in the countryside. 3. Fortress can be built outside territory too, but has 5 limit, so acts like forward base or chokepoint holdfast depending on need or strategy. 4. Civic Centers cannot be built within 360 meters of each other, mean for most of match there is "no-man's land" between CC territories. Only in Phase IV Imperial Phase do territory overlap. 5. Outpost and Docks remains same behavior. 6. Moved cavalry from Phase I to Phase II. I may give them buff. There is a tech for them at Corral. These changes make gameplay much different. Makes the player build cities, with strong cores, and then the countryside is weak and suffer to invasion and raiding. Let's players gather resources anywhere, but because cannot build defenses at these sites makes them tough to defend. Some more planned or hoped changes for the future of Delenda Est: 1. A tech to make unmanned wall towers shoot (like the Sentries tech for defense towers, looking for name suggestion here: "Town Watch"?). Since stone walls can only be built around CCs now, self-shooting towers no longer a exploit problem (player would sometimes make them at forward positions like tower pushing). 2. Continue to add garrison points for remaining forteesses. (See Carthage and Mauryan fortresses for good examples). Need to find a way to make only ranged infantry show up on battlement. Some fortresses will need redesign for model, some more than others. 3. Had corraling working, but SVN changes broke it. Hope to get that working again because it was really cool. The garrison points were bugged because sheep would try to wander around, but the food trickle worked as planned. 4. Find a way to make buildings spawn units when they are destroy, a "Citizen Militia" tech. 5. Needs some programming, but would like to add techs and aura for to alter other technologies and auras. I propose "class" system be implement for techs and aura for this purpose. Sound good? Another shot of LordGood's farm fields. Here you see that they are built on "farmland" and this farmland gives a farming bonus (right now, +100%). You can also see that they can be build outside territory. You also see defense tower does not affect territory anymore. You can upgrade the Phase I wood towers to stone towers in Phase II.
  10. btw - "Big" screenshot gives hard crash. "Out of space maybe get 64-bit OS to help". I am on 64-bit OS. lol
  11. They were committed... where do think I found them? I think part of problem is that LordGood's screenshots make them look ugly, while my screenshots make them look nice. His comp can't do high settings, while mine can, so they look better in my shot. Also, I tweak texture color slightly. There is variation in color but not too much. I think in that thread LordGoo was experimenting a lot and throwing a bunch of stuff in and it didn't look as good as it could have. I think the farms look good with minor variation in color, but not if go overboard. Player must know at quick glance that this piece of land is a farm and not wonder if it is a farm or an orchard or a bunch of wood trees or a bunch of useless eyecandy or what? I think good approach is to make more minor variations (trails, fences, piles of hay, carts, etc.) of the barley and wheat farms. Also experiment on how to make them look more luscious (is this good word?). Please, do not remove terrain conformity. It makes them look very nice on hills and terrain gradient. Imagination must be use to solve "biome" problem so that biome-specific variation can happen. Using a "biome" flag in map XML can open up door for many things (biome-specific props, texture, decals, etc. for buildings, farms, etcetera, and ambient soundscape too!).
  12. Should add it with a empty node in Blender where you want it. I think you can rename the empty node in Blender to prop-{custom_prop_name}. If you add it in dae by hand you will not know right coordinate. EDIT: See enrique's post,
  13. Name of prop point or empty (or dummy in max?) must be prop-something or prop_something (I look at existing dae and they are named like this). Iguess this is so the engine know that these are prop points. In the actor you don't need to use the pro- or prop_ it is assume. I see this in m_hero.dae <node id="prop-r_shoulder-node" name="prop-r_shoulder" sid="prop-r_shoulder-node" type="JOINT"> <translate>0.273733 -0.012879 -0.000475</translate> <rotate>0.000076 0.999993 -0.003773 -180.042</rotate> <scale>0.005807 0.005807 0.005807</scale> </node>
  14. Water does look great. You improve water a lot. One thing notice tho: Shadows on water does not work since water improvement. either very faint or cannot see at all.
  15. Some proposal for community: 1. "Deathmatch" in resource droplist change name to "Extremely High" resource (and 10,000 of each). Term "Deathmatch" should be reserve for the game mode. 2. At last, now we come to meat of proposal: Deathmatch is game mode. give 30,000 of each resource. All single techs for Village Phase are automaticaly research before beginning of match. All pair techs cost free and 0 research time. They still remain in the game so pplayer can choose which of the pair to research. 3. Have "Starting Phase" option. Player then can advance through subsequent phases. All single tech for a phase are auto-research when phase tech complete. Pairs for that phase unlock. Again pair techs cost no resource, just provide choice. Phases cost money but no time. 4. Fight. That's pretty much all.
  16. That is cool. Actually worked. So why not automate this process in Atlas?
  17. Hmm, so with culture attribute I imagine some possibility. Can List them in dropmenu by culture, like this: Random All Celts Britons Gauls Egyptians Ptolemies Hellenes Athenians Macedonians Spartans Iberians Iberians Indians Mauryans Italians Romans (Republicans) Persians Achaemenids Punics Carthaginians Successors Macedonians Ptolemies Seleucids Can choose from the list. Now imagine player can also have choice to choose "Hellenes" and that random the civ for that player only Athenian, Macks, or Spartans. Choose "Successor" from list to random Macks, Ptolemies, or Seleucid. As you can see, like s0600204 say, culture can be array in json to allow civ to be place in more than one culture. Later, with mod and sequels, more civs can be added in existing culure or more cultures added dynamic from json. My super awesome amazing imagination list 10 yrs from now (llmao):
  18. Probably not find previous because of ao map darken interior.
  19. Can keep lime heads for the Gaesatae. Give Advanced other unit the plain coolus.
  20. Of course I prefer something like AOM. That was very good. But if stay with droplist it would be better I think to group them like how I propose. wraitti: You saying then we could give a "culture" to the civs in the civ Jsons and then they could be group that way?
  21. In Photoshop™ use 3 layers for the subject (background layer is black). Bottom wolf layer is outer glow with noise (20% opacity, 25% noise). 2nd wolf layer has outer glow (20-25% opacit). top wolf layer have drop shadow to complete the effect. Sometimes if use "sharpen edges" it give a little cartoony look to subject for good portrait style. Looking at art depository Pureon uses separate layer for hand paint glow effects, while I just use layer style. For glow color use off white or creamy color.
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