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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Intriguing. What about a migrating turn length? Starts at 300ms and then gradually increases to 500+ over time? Possible (easier) solution (than dynamic turn lengths) or just dumb idea? lol
  2. I am the curious one. Has 400 ms been try? Is this enough for simulation and enough reduction to feel more natural for player?
  3. I think capture should be made more special and important in a sense. Remov capture for most individual building. Instead, make the Civic Center the focus of capture, like a "capture point" that is different for every match. What can change is this: Capture the Civic Center and you instantly get all the houses within its territory and all the women workers. YUUUUGE effect that can swing a match. Also, important to save your civic centers from capture. My thing is to reduce the grind and make DRAMATIC events a key components of this game. The right charge, the right battle, capturing a key civic center, major events to turn the tide. EDIT: As consequence, the Civic Center have more capture points of course,
  4. The new technology changes have make capturing more interesting. Thank to the team and contributor who got bug in the ear and inspired and wanted to make something happen quickly and efficiently. The next alpha reallly need to have some gameplay improvement and the tech change is a step in the right directions. In case some do not know, now you can research some of the techs from captured building. This is a cool development but will take some gameplay thinking and design to determine what should be allowed to be research and what not allowed. Right now, the tech trees of the civs are almost identical, but for mod like Delenda Est (and even the vanilla game if they code the civs to be more unique) it open a lot of possibility since the civs tech trees are so unique. It's a small, but exciting change that also makes Mercenary Camps nearly 100% feature complete (still a few minor bugs or changes need to).
  5. Yeah last part of my post ("notciv") is done. Need to have unavailable techs removed from GUI to complete feature I think.
  6. Vanilla game need to take my improved boat sounds too.
  7. For instance, does not seem rightly to have tech available that boosts slinger if the capturing civ does not access to slinger. The tech should just not show up. Same basically for merc camps, which I am most interested in having this feature for. The techs that show up in the merc camp for the capturing player should be different ford ifferent civ since the mercs for all the civ are different. So, if a Macedonian player capture the merc camp the techs that show up are unique to the Macedonians. Shouldn't capture the merc camp and see techs that affect Persian mercs and also the other way around. Persian player should not see techs in merc camp that belong to Roman mercenaries and on and on. Is this possible? haha I think if in the requirement it says {"civ": "athen"}, then the tech should only show up for the Athenians. This would make merc camps almost 100% complete feature. If it say {"civ": "rome"}, then tech should not show up for Athenian player at all. Right now, the tech is researchable with {"civ": "athen"} by the Athenian civ, which is great, but the Roman one still shows up, even if it is grayed out. For merc camps to work right and look riuht, the GUI can't have dozens of unresearchable grayed techs for all the other civs. They would not all fit even if it was desirable for them to remain (it is not). If it has no civ requirement, it shows for all civs and is researchable by all civs. (Currently works like this already) Then for capturing Temple and Civics Centers, Barracks, etc. we can use {"notciv": "brit"} to deny a tech to the Britons player (let's say, if its a hoplite tech or something like that culturally exclusive -- Britons don't have hoplites, but for sake of example all the other civs do, so we only need to deny it from the Britons). Again, it would not even show up in the UI. Does this sound like something good? I think the only major thing to complete feature is to have unavailable tech removed from UI.
  8. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18021 ^This is a great improvement on this area, but I think instead of denying the tech (which take a lot of effort -- most of tech should be denied),I think there should be tag for civ only. So, instead of for civ tag, for (this) civ only. Your thoughts? Maybe I think about this backward -- I haven't trying modding with this yet so the implications may be foreign to me yet. Thanks for any reply.
  9. I agree that preview does not always match finishe product.
  10. Make sure they (the walls, tall turret, etc.) have AO maps and the rest! The Seleucids are your showcase, LordGood. Do us proud, brother from a foreign mother.
  11. Han is a great civ. I thinnk "official" download of the game should include it as an official mod option as modding proof of concept. (Maybe some day Delenda Est can reach this level).
  12. You shoudl grab my update to the new autumn oaks too. The red and yellow variations add a lot of color and pizzaz. LOL, if I would "piece out" all the changes I have made there would be about 20 mods worth of stuff. I would have used some of the "autumn" terrains but many do not have normal map.
  13. Hmmm, I think player should have access if the techs requirements are like this: "requirements": {"all": [{"tech": "phase_town"}, {"civ": "athen"}]} But yeah I think sanderd will tell me it is impossible.
  14. Haha no, I didn't forget that. <ProductionQueue> <BatchTimeModifier>0.8</BatchTimeModifier> <Entities datatype="tokens"> units/{civ}_merc_infantry_1 units/{civ}_merc_infantry_2 units/{civ}_merc_infantry_3 units/{civ}_merc_cavalry_1 units/{civ}_merc_cavalry_2 units/{civ}_merc_cavalry_3 </Entities> <Technologies datatype="tokens"> mercenaries/test_romans mercenaries/test_athen </Technologies> </ProductionQueue>
  15. Hi guys. In my mod I make mercenary camps work. They are indestructible (a few bugs but that's different story), can be capture by all players, the right mercenary are available to the right player. So far so good.Everything wprk BEAUTIFULLY. Now, I would like to have some mercenary camp technologies, some unique to different civs who capture them. I tried out two test technology. I put them in the merc camp building and capture the building. { "genericName": "Test Romans", "specificName": "Teste Romani", "description": "Test tech for merc camps.", "cost": {"food": , "wood": , "stone": , "metal": 250}, "requirements": {"all": [{"tech": "phase_town"}, {"civ": "rome"}]}, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "sibylline_books.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "All units +20% vision range.", "modifications": [{"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25}], "affects": ["Unit"], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } { "genericName": "Test Athenians", "specificName": "Teste Graeci", "description": "Test tech for merc camps.", "cost": {"food": , "wood": , "stone": , "metal": 250}, "requirements": {"all": [{"tech": "phase_town"}, {"civ": "athen"}]}, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "helmet_corinthian_crest_2.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "All units +20% vision range.", "modifications": [{"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25}], "affects": ["Unit"], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } You can see one are to show up if the ROME civ or the ATHEN civ capture the mercenary camp, but they don't show up when captured by either player. Is something I to do to make this work? Thanks.
  16. 5. Is theere Champions planned? 7. Sandbox scenario are not needed, but all other civ have one. Plus, they make good demo for each civ.
  17. Took a few day to fix all auras. Will commit now.
  18. Trying Han now. I really like the building textures. I find some problem, tho some are just opinion: 1. Liu Bang's portrait is messed up. Has a transparency. I think this was experiment at one time for you and you forgot to give him opaque portrait? 2. Opinion: Blacksmith way too big, by about 30% I think. Might need a redesign. Also, the wall textures are stretched a lot on it. 3. Opinion: Storehouse need stone blocks prop too, to emphasize. 4. Opinion: Market looks a little unfinished, but I know everything is work in progrewss. 5. Opinion: You should consider moving Crossbowman and Mounted Crossbowman to the Fortress and make them champions (Fortress model is "da bom" tho, some texture stretching but not bad, I like it). 6. Bridge need portrait. 7. I suggest make a sandbox scenario. Maybe I can help.
  19. It didn't seem to work for some reason. Works as aura for Shipyard tho.
  20. HAHA nope. Errors a lot. ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation error: special/player_athen:1: Element Auras failed to validate content ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed for '(null)' ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'special/player_athen' ERROR: JavaScript error: uncaught exception: Player.js: Error creating player entity 1 Then a thousand more errors. EDIT: Sanderd is right.
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