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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. No, 0 A.D. already use other kind of restriction too, not just range. If Market to auto-generate income, I think it better to be a series of increase technologies. I have such a tech in Delenda Est ("Commerce Taxes") but it's just 1 tech. A series might be good.
  2. I try mod. Interesting stuff, but the current UI was definite not design to show this stuff. You should redesign entire UI before you add this stuff. The garrisoned bar looks especially ugly (why add garrison bar when you have a whole blank panel?). Health bars and stuff now look ugly. Keep thin. Also it would give you more space if you reduce number stance and formation. (eh hem)
  3. I don't know what is hard to understand 1 town = 1 market.
  4. Yes, ASAP. Work so far on new tree are very excellent. Best to do this comprehensively, IMHO. I am outsider, but I can see this straight. Let's not waste effort on making such an excellent selection of tree, then 1 year down the road decide to, oops, make them fall. keke
  5. Not a bad solution, but might be simpler to just go the Sheep route(tree falls over with death animation)? Plus ppl are already used to the AOK/AOE style fallen trees. The current trees are all being replaced anyway. If we come up with solution now, then the new tree can be retrofit easily. Only real problem is the footprint changi? But that problem shoudln't stop work on the actual feature.
  6. #131 not relevant, like at all. #1017 proposal totally different solution. Stannis, I bring this up now before too many new tree made.
  7. Before too many new tree made by Engrique I think team need decide if falling trees should be something they are going to add. Because the trees will need a break point and a 2-bone skeleton. Animation and sound FX would be very simple. If they do, I think it can be very similar to current way of killing and gather from a sheep. A sheep has hitpoints. Gatherer uses Attack.Slaughter animation to kill it. A tree can have hitpoints. Gatherer uses Attack.Tree animation to kill it (basicaly the chopping animation already in game) Gatherer units maybe need a new attack type in their template for trees. (opportunity for new techs) A sheep plays death animation and can then be harvested after death. Gatherer uses Gather.Meat animation. A tree plays death animation and can then be harvested after death. Gatherer uses Gather.Tree animation (a new one where they chop downward instead of sideway)
  8. With imagination I see something like this. Say player want to place defense tower. As player waves the defense tower around the map to decide placement, if it cross into a city with Stone Towers upgrade the ghost image shows th stone tower version. If wave over into, say, a settlement still at village phase then the defense tower ghost switches to wooden version.
  9. Fpund discussion: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18635&p=300053
  10. All of this, especially Wijitmacker's comment about applying changes only to that city, make me believe that the game should encourage actual cities instead of using large territory effects to block off huge portions of the map. The concept of strict frontier borders was alien to ancient civilization anyway. Territory line should then instead demarcate city limits, a firmer concept in the ancient age. See Delenda Est for a attempt to do this. What can happen then is that the phase upgrades only affect buildings in that civic's center's territory (city limit). These concept are making me a little excited if you guys agree with this direction. EDIT: See here, the player 1 has two Civic Center. Their city limits do not merge because each town/city's phase only affect structure in their city limit: I yhink in general the MinDistance between Civic Centers would be enough that city limits would not touch, except maybe until last phase or other research (or Hellenization effect or other effect expand territory range).
  11. Yes I like this. More notifications. I like see in AOK or AOM that it tell you enemy has reached an age before you. Like you say, it was kick in the pants and added a little bit of momentary drama to the game. And choices like you say can be Military: Offensive or Defensive Economic: Gathering or Trading/Bartering Team-Based: Yourself or your allies In my example I use 4 phase because with more phase you get more big choices, plus can differ the phases better. The standard meta would be like this: Phase I - Agrarian phase, hunting/gathering, setting up your economy and putting things in place for the rest of the match. Only infantry available, no cavalry. The only defenses are palisades. Very vulnerable at this phase. Phase II - Diversification. Diversified economy and military. Military: Cavalry become available. Blacksmith unlocked. Shipyard unlocked, Wooden Defense Towers unlocked, etc. Economy: Market unlocked and good number of new Farmstead and Storehouse techs. Phase III - Settlement is now very organized and strong. Heavy hitters become available: Stone Walls (every respected city should have walls, nay?), Stone Towers upgrade, Fortress, Heroes, Champions. These are all expensive, so hopefully you have robust economy. Building more Civic Centers becomes available now. Your population is growing so you need colonies (because number of houses are limited by Civic Centers!). Wonder unlock as well. Build Wonder to unlock next phase. Phase IV - The very strong meta technologies are become available. This can be the phase to help break stalemate. This can be the phase where you throw everything you got at he enmy. All hero and siege techs unlocked. Massive battles for territory control. So, choices can adjust this meta game up or down based on your strategy or the assumed strategy of your opponents. Maybe even at the start of match you get a choice screen right at the beginning for Village Phase. So, Village Phase choice could be between Hunting and Ranching boost (unlocks cavalry a phase early if you capture and corral a horse?) or Gathering boost (maybe unlock all Phase II gather techs ahead of time?). And then when you go to Town Phase there can be a choice between Defense (unlock Stone Walls and Stone Towers upgrade a phase ahead of time) or Expansion (unlock Civic Centers ahead of time). When you go to City Phase you can have another meta choice (Ally boost and trading vs. selfishness, lol, dunno). When you go to Empire Phase you can get another meta choic.
  12. Yeah, better names came be thought of. But the idea is still there. They can be base on the culture too. Add more culture to the game that way.
  13. When you say it is literally the worst way to do it, you're talking about minor gradation of bad. The current way is just a hark back to Age of Empires. It is not hat bad. It fulfills a gameplay role of the bottleneck and demarcating progression when the bottleneck is overcome or the goal is reached. it is very meta in that way. I think what the phases are missing are visual progression and gameplay differentiation and perhaps some choices when you Phase Up, like in Age of Mythology. Just quick idea off the top of my brain: Town Phase, choose either: A. Agrarianism B. Mercantilism City Phase, choose either: A. City-State B. Hegemony Empire Phase, choose either: A. Imperialism B. Alliance Building Each with different effects. And by the gods, make the choice visually appealing too, like in Age of Mythology. Put some effort into thing like that. The presentation is important. About technologies in general. I don't think the pairs in my mod are ideal. But they are more interesting that the vanilla game's supremely generic and uninspiring and weird tech tree ("Fertilizer"? eh hem). My ideal tech tree would be the tech web as discussed many months ago. You have pairs in that you can choose 2 different directions off each tech but you can always go back and get those tech you missed.
  14. Better solution would be that the units in your selection behave as they should when tasked to something. There should have been a sword cursor show up, so that's what the solution should have been.
  15. Phases themself as an idea are not boring. There have been no changes to how they work ever though. Instead of making phases and technology more interesting you gut the interesting tech pairs idea and made technology more boring and less interesting. Whatever you do, make it more interesting. But I don't think you have even consider ideas to make phases more interesting instead of just chopping them out. All new idea and "wouldn't it be cool if..." things like this are fine, if only they expand and complement the core vision. Can team even articulate the core vision of the game anymore? How does removing phases and replacing them with building-leveling affect the core vision? I think the core vision imagine a game that has players taking his settlement through phases of growth and that was the phase techs represent. I don't think building-leveling is bad, but it is not a subsitutute for one of the core tenet of the game vision, just an interesting add-on. Leveling up a barracks and making it prettier is not a good substitute for settlement phases. My advise (as if you want it) is to make the phase techs more interesting instead of giving in to the dark nature and chopping them. Or come up with a better way to integreate settlement growth into the game in a meaningful and impactful way as a substitute for phases. Because settlement growth, I believe, is part of the core vision of the game, in the same way that age advancement is part of the core vision of Age of Empires.
  16. Hi. Recent change to gentangents=true does not work right for me. The change make gentangents=true on by default when GLSL is turned on. AO maps are gone now. I think this what gentangents=true is supposed to enable? Maybe? But now they are disable. The trees do not sway and there are no normal maps. If I put gentangents=true back into local.cfg it still will not re-enable the AO maps like before the change. Without the AO maps the buildings look very flat. Can anyone confirm? EDIT: Alright, look like I have to manually toggle GLSL off and on in the in-game option menu. Then AO maps and normal maps and all that stuff show up. Maybe it has to reset the materialmgr.quality paramter or something. Still not good behavior. EDIT2: I recent install latest alpha and I have svn version too. Maybe installing latest alpha screw up a file in appdata or something?
  17. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/17344 Slowly adding Delenda Est feature to main game I see. Delenda Est version: { "pair": "pair_defensive_01", "genericName": "Murder Holes", "description": "Murder Holes allow defenders to fire or drop projectiles upon enemy units huddled along the base of the defenders' wall.", "cost": {"food": 0, "wood": 200, "stone": 100, "metal": 0}, "requirements": {"tech": "phase_city"}, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in City Phase.", "icon": "murder_holes.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "Towers and Fortresses no longer have a minimum attack range.", "modifications": [ {"value": "Attack/Ranged/MinRange", "replace": 0} ], "affects": ["Tower", "Fortress"], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml"} n Okay so I think Im make the Principate Romans have to build Temple of Vesta to unlock Town Phase instead of a Triumphal Arch. Right now they have to build 2 Triumphal arch, 1 for Town Phase and 1 for City Phase, but I think it would be more interesting to build two different things insteead. Any thoughts? I think Principates should stick to 1st and 2nd century. Dominates will be later.
  18. Hmmm, yes a 90 degree (spins fast then locks?) rotation would be good for this camera mode I think too.
  19. Could the iso view cfg reduce the fog by a percenateg (something we can determine with simple testing)?
  20. Those dead ones are nice! The acacia's problem is probably the leaf texture. Look smudgy, I like the twigs coming out tho.
  21. https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3ukyqe/0_ad_a_free_opensource_game_of_ancient_warfare/ Please upvote more!!
  22. Look like he get graphical lag now. lol But I still enjoy his commentary. Good to get insight from casual player.
  23. Wat? I mean the binaries folder which include the whole game.
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