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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Look good. Hmm, but they are not wooden... I think that is require for a wooden tower? I hate the two defense tower mechanic any rate (that's not your fault though).Why have wooden tower and stone tower be different entity when you can use upgrade to make the wooden towers to stone? Either tech or upgrade mechanics would work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I love Library and Colony though!! #rockarolla I think the columns are too fat and stubby, but that's a problem I have with the whole set (cartoon), but at least it's consistency.
  2. There was a patch by @s0600204 that used to work for this, but it is now deprecate and throw lots of bad errors. I wish it would be added to the game. Very frustrating when lots of good patches and work don't get added and then the code is broken over time.
  3. The Punic Wars Roman swordsman would be wear a pectroal (bronze chest piece), a bronze montefortino helm, and maybe 1 bronze greave on his left leg. That is the first line of Roman army. They are called Hastatus and use a Gladius Hispaniensis sword. The 2nd line of Roman army are the Principes and they wear the same helms, have same shields, greave, etc, but may wear lorica hamata, the chain hauberk for body armor instead of the small nearly useless pectoral. 3rd line is the veterans who are the Triarii. They have the best equipment and primary use a long hoplite spear called Hasta. The shield have round top because that was the shape of the Roman shields in the Republic era. Round top scutum can still be found into the Imperial era, mix with square top scutum.
  4. I would like pushing mechanic in the game. I think what can be done is give a <mass> component to units and then all some formations to multiply them. Some unit, like War Elephants would have a high <mass> number regardless of in formation or not. Walking to enemy would give the standard mass and charging could maybe multiply mass by some fixed number or some variable allowed in the template. What <mass> does is allow pushing and possibly add a multiplier to the trample and charge effects. The greater mass fdifference add more pushing (of course). Anyway, interesting idea for you. Imagine Phalanx have "Othismos" bonus: 2x multiplier to the hoplite's mass effects.
  5. Ths show you how it looks in the UI. Also, I show some new game settings.
  6. It's like they are tokens you can add to your collection. Same with the civ emblems.
  7. New map preview images. All skirmish maps have them now I work on random map and scenarios.
  8. Hmm, not surre about that. My research claim classical phalanx 8 ranks deep and syntagma 16 ranks deep. The reaon pike armies have wider frontage is because Hellenistic armies were 3-4 times larger than a classical army. In the city-states, a "large" army could be between 5000 and 8000 men, where that is a rounding error* in Hellenistic army. There are exception of course. I list a few. (remember, exception are interesting because they are not the normal) Syntagma: I think at Issus Alexander had his men "lock shields" and go 8 deep by bringing the back 8 ranks forward between the files. Syntagma: Ptolemy Jerkface put his pikes 32 deep at Raphia I think (because he wasn't confident in their stength and loyalty), while Antiochus the Glorious True King of All Asia and Africa had quite a lot fewer pikes so only put his men 12 deep to match Ptolemy Whatshisname's frontage. Phalanx: Thebans used a phalanx 40 deep at Leuktra, but only on one extreme flank (to smash the Spartan royal guard and route the rest of the army). The rest were standard depth (8) and were put in "refuse" formation (something Alexander copied at Gaugamela). So imagine a big hammer. Phalanx: At Marathon, 2 regiments commanded by Aristides and Themistocles at center of Athenai phalanx line fight only 4 deep. Other 8 regiments on flanks fight 8 deep to smash both Persian wing and commit deouble envolopement. *I exagerrate slight, but you understand.
  9. I use God Power as a reference or as they say a metaphor, like in Age of Mythology. In 0 A.D. it would not be a "God Power" but something more secular. Indeed though it would still have the same role as a God Power and it would be strategic choice when to use it.
  10. Game should implement ability like God Powers. That way something like Pax Romana can be a God Power casted by the player that makes a 5 minute ceasefire. They could use some of the aura code maybe (not sure), and then add a timer function to the schema. Just idea (and some feature creep, lol).
  11. New map for you Britishers out there! White Cliffs of Dover (5 players) It's nomad-style, where players 2-5 start the match with their units garrisoned in warships off the coast. Player 1 starts the match as the native Britons, with two widely-spaced Civic Centers. Map preview: Screenshots: @niektb, this would work for MAD too.
  12. The Late Roman Republic, marked by civil war and military innovation (the "Marian Reforms"). Just jotting down of the ideas. Heroes: Civ bonus is "Triumvirs" -- The Triumvirate Romans can have up to 3 heroes alive at a time. As a consequence, their auras are somewhat weaker than other heroes. Gaius Marius Cornelius Sulla Julius Caesar Pompey the Great Mark Antony Gaius Octavian Wonder: Basilica Aemelia Some tech ideas: Proscription - Hero attack Land Grants - Either Legionnaire training or something else Grain Imports - Boost trading of Food resource Army composition: Mostly reliant on just the Marian Legionaries for main line infantry man. Though, by this time the Romans had access to many auxiliaries, allied troops, and mercenaries. Naval fleet has smaller ships than before (Agrippa defeat Antony and Cleopatra's fleet of much larger ships at Actium with a fleet of smaller ships). Economy: Have mining camp, and lumber camp as 2 building that allow building of state-owned slaves. Farmstead has upgrade to Villa in Town Phase that allow the training of agricultural slaves. I think trading should be nerf because of the disruption of the civil wars, but maybe have "Grain Imports" tech that boost the trading of Food resource (possible? dunno). Anyway, guy, those are some ideas.
  13. Cannot change stats with formations. Only thing the formation schema allow is for speed change.
  14. Such attack penalty can make sense, but right now cav are underpower because of lack of charging and running features. But, in DE try to hack around this 2 ways: I give cav (and eles) a trample "aura" and I mod the Wedge formation for faster speed. So now cav have a "run" formation they can use that infantry cannot use.
  15. This is achieved in 0 A.D. Delenda Est with Forest Groves. I had feeling that give each and every tree a aura would be a little too much so I came up with grove of tree which is 1 object that is a collection of 25 or 30 trees and 5000 wood instead of 1 tree for 200 wood. So, the map would have dozens of groves insead of hundreds of trees. Inside the grove any unit wth class "guerilla" gets +10% attack. I was think of making siege get -50% speed inside the grove too. Tree and Grove are both passable. Helps pathfinder and doesn't look bad at all. Work pretty good. Another idea is to allow buildings to be built on some object, like trees. This help the player and AI so they can ignore individual trees that aggravate builkding placement. Have flag in entities something like <CanBeBuiltOn/> or <BuildOver>true</BuildOver> in straggler tree and in some eyecandy objects like fences. This way we can have this flag for individual tree but turn the flag off for groves. In-game, the tree (or other BuildOver objcect) would turn red when you wave the building placement over it to let you know it will be destroy when you place building there. Maybe help when AI finally be able to build walls? btw -- actor-only thing like little bushes and grass need to disappear too when place building. This is missing feature too I notice when I play other game like Age of Mythologie.
  16. The sarissa is only good in mass combat*. I would make wager the Macedonian hoplite-armed SS would win handily in a 1-1 duel in real life. *This give me idea of Pikeman having a short distance aura that gives other pikemen a boost.
  17. Oh you are right. I didn't see it with the other sub forums.
  18. Look at it this way: Spear Infantry 100 health 2 armor 10 attack 2x bonus vs. Cavalry* Sword Infantry 100 health 10 attack 2 armor 1.5x bonus vs. Infantry* *These are the only thing you really need to balance. You also have to balance less armor and attack tech effects.
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